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Tournament and events on G2G


5 years ago
Oct 4, 2019, 1:02:00 PM

Good day!

In advance I'd say, that with the right shaping thought I have there is problems, so – in advance errori. I also understand that exceptions can be, but those often only prove the rule. And naturally, my opinion is subjective and based on my experience.
And also, my apologies to the English language, because I was too lazy to translate about 2.5 pages of text manually, and so I used a translator. The original of the on Russian language I leave (original: Tournirs_RUlang.docx.) 

1. Background, goals, and other graphomania, which just could somehow be compressed to an acceptable scale.

The idea came (to me) about the various cooperative activities such as: tournament, event. So, the background to it:
*One of the social properties of a person – the desire to compete, to show themselves in the best light (if not to overdo it, it is a great property, as it is very well motivated).
• We have a series of games Endless, with a good multiplayer mode, but his problem: it is almost impossible to find a free party (or even find at least some), which will play together (adapt) and will play for a long time and/or be able to agree on the game at another time.
• We have, I would even say, a close-knit community of players. Some of which (perhaps) would not mind playing with other players (because emotions from playing with real players are much higher than from AI (usually)), but can not always quickly agree (since there is no single centralized and specially sharpened system for co-op).
• And also there is a great site on which this community is present.

And to on this site and not do convenient system for cooperation and joint game?! I asked myself. And indeed, and the community is better-they would then get the most convenient tool, and the games of the series better, as they would get the players (and therefore themselves promoted), and the site is better – it would get better and the audience often comes to him to check whether someone collects party? As a result-a vicious circle, where everyone is happy. Is this not utopia.

2. As I see implementation of this idea.

Let's begin. First, you can place the “Tournaments and events " tab in the relevant sections of the games on G2G. Already in it, you can create and join existing parties. As usual discussion branches, only with advanced functionality. Already inside they can be edited:
* Time (need to promoted, as a clear (for example: 8 March in 23: 49), so and more vague (for example: on weekdays, with 18 hours)).
* Number of people already registered for the tournament.
* Maximum number of people in the party.
• Closeness/openness of the party (well, for example, gathered a group of friends, and others to let you do not want to).
• Description.
* Rules (on semblance of: Las without cheat codes or, for example the link through Discord).
* Awards and other “tinsel”.
How to register.
Just go to the branch of the tournament, look at all the conditions. Maybe discuss it with other people. And, if everything fits, press the “Register”button.
How do I display the results?
Let's start with the fact that the results of the tournament can be made public or made available only to players.
Ideally, you need to integrate this functionality into the game. For example, the ability to create a tournament game, lead it out of the game (the game collects statistics, and in the end can summarize it and send it to the site). But, this, modicum and achievable, but would still – ideal.
In reality, who the party was created – though the results of transfers (or someone responsible). Yes, let other players will be able to somehow fix the results (perhaps with the help of functionality).

As a” cake " for motivation to play tournaments, you can add purely symbolic rewards, for example:
* Promotion of the corresponding badges.
• The opening of the avatars, signatures (titles).
• Any items (I assume you can and for Steam).
* It's arrogance, but I still offer: DLC for games. But only in the case of an official tournament organized by the developer.

The formats of the tournaments:

By relevance:
* Amateur (for example: friends gathered play). They are easy to create, organize and hold. But have restrictions in awards on the website and the promotion.
* Semi-official (for example: the whole group has declared a General meeting).
* Official (tournament held by the developer). This is serious. And organization, and holding, and reward (haha, far perishing without them, motivation must same be more high).

In shape:
* Regular party (gathered, played in the usual multiplayer, had fun).
• Competitive events (the party, but only the players aim to win).
* Passage of the script.
* Tournament (more serious version of competitive mode).

* Speedrun (as a race)

3. Conclusion.
In conclusion, I want to say that this is not a promising, untilled field. Yes, it is Very Difficult to implement, but plowing it-you can get a big harvest. Plus, there are some prospects for development. And I hope this idea will get support. Thank you!

P.S. Not necessarily to call this functionality, as " Tournaments”, after all in it not only tournaments, but and the joint game, and (I hope) iventy.
P.P.S. Again, this is how I see everything, of course, there are options to correct something/fix/change/remove/redo, etc.

Updated 18 days ago.
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5 years ago
Jan 7, 2020, 2:41:17 AM

I like this idea quite a bit. If we added dedicated support for cooperative games on the site as well (human team vs AI), that would be amazing (and might even be the "casual" mode of the speedrun competition type). In fact, I know you mentioned Discord: Is there an official Games2Gether Discord server? If not, that would be a good way to get some of this started for at least casual play.

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