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bug report tools


5 years ago
Oct 23, 2019, 11:07:02 AM

Since the most frequent requirement of a bug reports are:

  1. savegame file
  2. autosave of the turn prior to producing the bug is probably also nice or can be relevant
  3. diagnostic files
  4. version info and whatever else.

One might think it would have been nicer to implement a bug report button to a game of choice, which would automatically collect related data, that are repeatedly requested.

It might even go as far to skip the "submit a forum post, wait, get it read and resubmitted into a ticket" step.

Updated 22 days ago.
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5 years ago
Jan 25, 2020, 6:51:06 AM

I was going to write pretty much the same but regarding typing errors, I know that exist threads to post them but depending on the error it could be difficult to describe it correctly.


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