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5 years ago
May 10, 2020, 9:10:45 PM

Всем привет! У меня есть вопросы:

1) Why youre games have only one english language,if  other studios do games with multi-6?

2) Why in youre "Endless games" only 8 opponents in 10-12 races? It will be cool fight with all of them 

3) Necrophages race got "born in battle" warriors after fight,but they dont have a customization.

4) Вуд вам нравится идея создания в Бесконечных мирах новых рас?

5) Chane the recruit army:
Clicking in the combat unit selection window, buying not one unit, but a detachment of 6-12 soldiers. 
Making regular fights more epic (with animation of movements and status effects) 

Updated 7 days ago.
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5 years ago
Jun 11, 2020, 11:25:50 AM

I share these thoughts. In any way it would be nice to have an opportunity to contribute, especially with providing the possible localizations for users abroad.

Дополнения и исправления это вечная тема. Всё со временем ;)

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