I would like to see the ability to share directly from the game to the G2G forums.  The intent is for bugs, but I'm sure someone could come up with other uses.

With our G2G accounts integrated into the game, I would like to be able to click a button and have it open a browser window to create a new bug report with the following items already attached.  


  • Current Screenshot
  • Current save 
  • Previous 2 autosaves
  • Most recent diagnostic and log files



This would make it more likely the devs will have the data they need to address the bug and make the process a lot easier for the player, which should improve the chances of players actually filling out bug reports.


After clicking the button, the player will only need to write a brief description(ideally this could be done with an interface in the game, but that would be a lot more work to make).  It would also be nice if it could prompt to give step by step guide to reproduce.