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Humankind: Combat Modifier/Naval Combat Suggestions


3 years ago
Sep 22, 2021, 4:36:11 AM

I just had a few thoughts on how to improve combat by changing the way some of the modifiers work. My main goals are to make terrain slightly more relevant to ranged and mounted combat and improve the general competence of the AI by weakening mechanics it's bad at using.

  1. Give an additional +1 strength per tile elevation difference when defending against a ranged attacker who in in lower ground.
  2. Change building cover/tree cover from a strength bonus to a 0.5x damage multiplier, significantly reducing damage of ranged units to units in cover.
  3. Eliminate mounted charge damage bonus when attacking a unit in building/tree cover.
  4. Add +1 strength bonus per allied unit adjacent to target for melee attacks (increases benefit of outnumbering opponent; benefits AI as AI tends to line up).
  5. Remove +1 strength bonus per adjacent ally for ranged attacks (keep the bonus if a ranged unit is defending against a melee attack though; benefits AI as AI doesn't know how to use this bonus on its ranged units anyway).
  6. Allow cavalry to exert zone of control against enemy cavalry.

I also have some ideas to fix naval combat:

  1. Substantially increase size of combat arena for naval engagements, and place spawn points for each navy far apart instead of adjacent as in land battles. This will reduce the current overwhelming benefit of going first and make positioning and maneuver far more important (as they were in real life naval engagements).

  2. Make fog hide ships from non-adjacent units and give +2 combat strength when defending against ranged attacks.
  3. +4 combat strength when in reefs defending against boarding vessel ships instead of penalty (keep attack penalty).
  4. -3 combat strength penalty for ships on turbulent water tiles (you can have the AI treat them like rivers so it won't need to learn brand new mechanics).
Updated 15 hours ago.
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Out of Vision

The OUT OF VISION status is given by the dev team to ideas that are not compatible with their vision of the game or technically not feasible.


ADMIN raspberly

status updated 3 years ago


This section is made for Games2Gether ideas and the section Ideas is not opened for Humankind. But feel free to create a thread to talk about it with other users :)


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Out of Vision

The OUT OF VISION status is given by the dev team to ideas that are not compatible with their vision of the game or technically not feasible.


ADMIN raspberly

status updated 3 years ago


This section is made for Games2Gether ideas and the section Ideas is not opened for Humankind. But feel free to create a thread to talk about it with other users :)

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