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Consistency of presentation for all games


3 years ago
Oct 12, 2021, 7:26:35 AM

The Endless Space 2 section is the only one to have a formal  ideas, tutorials, and so on, sections.

However, the website and some of it's rewards is customized around the fact that such section are in place for all games.

The rewards also show this very clearly.

This lead to confusion as many people propose ideas for Humankind, for example, the lastest release, on the idea page of the Game2gether website itself.

All games should have the array and "website mechanics" that Endless 2 has. It should be considered standard and baseline. Especialy for the newest release. Less confusion for the players, and for the devs, as ideas that are formalised and ready to be proposed could then have their own place for people to vote, for example.

Standard and baseline do not mean that all games cannot have differencies. The Humankind personas are a good example.

Also, I doubt that putting the full array of section is a good idea before the game release in some way, aka, enter in an open beta stage.

Updated 9 days ago.
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3 years ago
Oct 19, 2021, 5:28:19 PM

Here is one example (amongst other, but a vivid one) of an idea that deserve to be in an idea section. Because it's good, well thought out, brillant even, and the kind soul how offer us all of this deserve (in my humble opinion) to be benefiting from the "gamification" aspect of the website, and have more point when it come down to votes.


They also deserve their weight in cookies (or candy of it's choosing), but I have to admit I have no idea how to fund that kind of reward.

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Oct 30, 2021, 7:22:28 AM

By the way, this issue is more and more "upsetting" to me. I am not angry, but more and more frustrated that... well, everybody talk about systems, as they should, but not about the systems that would help them to streamline the idea picking process. It's ludicrous. See my rant at the end.

Each day, their is more and more ideas that could be filled and classified with the existing system. Players could be rewared with the systems that already exist. Without the devs having to do that much talk, players could fell they are been listened to, when an idea is made into "nice to have", must have, and so on.

In the post from one dev, he notes that :

DrunkenChoko wrote:
Some things that you note are already in our pipes !

How many come from the forums ? How many threads could have been in the idea section and tagged, in a way that is elegant, and logical, to say to the community : we are here, we here you, we read you. Humankind problem is, in my opinion, also a problem of community management.

See the following :



I am not angry or anything, but I geniunly do not understand why the devs, that seem to have a great tool to handle the situation :

  1. did NOT used it for their supposed Magnum opus, and at launch ?
  2. Why they did not set it up, after launch when they were asking for... bug reports.= ? And feedback ?

I am really confused. What is going on ? Is my (supposed (but extremely probable at this point) and not yet comprehensivly diagnosed) ASD that bad that I live in a world of parralel logics and ideas ?

Too bad I do not drink alcohol, because I probably need many Endless cocktails right now. o...o
Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Oct 30, 2021, 11:58:37 AM

Agree 100%

Despite being a player of Amplitude games since ES launched, I only glanced at the games2gether platform fleetingly as the Endless series grew. Humankind has pulled me to the online platform meaningfully for the first time. I think its because HMK has more potential to grow and improve than any previous Amplitude release, and I want to see and be involved in that as much as i can. But I agree with Aeram. Some streamlining and perhaps consolidating, cutting or merging would seem in order to me. Pruning a tree correctly will help it grow better the following season..

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3 years ago
Oct 30, 2021, 4:16:56 PM

Hi. I don't hunt badges, so this doesn't matter for me. But about the differences of sections, it's right. I think Humankind forum should have a "idea" section, like Endless Space 2. It's more easy to track what everybody propose here. I posted a lot of ideas on ES2. 

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3 years ago
Nov 2, 2021, 5:00:08 PM
Hey @Aeram ,
Sorry for not responding sooner. As you noted yourself in your "rant," we are quite busy. But let me try to answer why we are not currently using the ideas section:

1. While the ideas section in principle is a great tool, over the course of ES2's development we noticed several improvements that had to be made both to create a better user experience and create a smoother pipeline for managing the idea on our end. Our amazing web team has been hard at work on these improvements for a while, and we should soon be ready to open the ideas section for Humankind.
2. We have been largely focused on fixes and crucial improvements for Humankind so far, but we are starting to shift towards "additional features and content" considerations.

So, we plan to use the ideas section for Humankind in the future, and hopefully soon. But until then, we are relying on the Game Design forums, partly because we are still looking for balancing feedback that is more at home in a discussion thread than an idea comments section. We look forward to seeing all the new features, cultures, and other content people will suggest once the new ideas section goes live, though.
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3 years ago
Nov 2, 2021, 6:18:27 PM
The-Cat-o-Nine-Tales wrote:
Hey @Aeram,
Sorry for not responding sooner. As you noted yourself in your "rant," we are quite busy. But let me try to answer why we are not currently using the ideas section:

1. While the ideas section in principle is a great tool, over the course of ES2's development we noticed several improvements that had to be made both to create a better user experience and create a smoother pipeline for managing the idea on our end. Our amazing web team has been hard at work on these improvements for a while, and we should soon be ready to open the ideas section for Humankind.
2. We have been largely focused on fixes and crucial improvements for Humankind so far, but we are starting to shift towards "additional features and content" considerations.

So, we plan to use the ideas section for Humankind in the future, and hopefully soon. But until then, we are relying on the Game Design forums, partly because we are still looking for balancing feedback that is more at home in a discussion thread than an idea comments section. We look forward to seeing all the new features, cultures, and other content people will suggest once the new ideas section goes live, though.

Good evening.

Nice to read. I am curious to see to what the new idea will look like. I am sorry for the frustration and apologise, but I prefer to be honnest, earnest. Important to be Ernest.

I would have prefered to see all of this explained before hand. Anyway. Keep all a good heart. :)

Bon courage. Je n'envie vraiment pas la situation dans laquelle vous êtes. J'espère que les choses tourneront pour le mieux.

Updated 3 years ago.
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