Hi there, I was wondering if there is any way to somehow add a "defense stat" to Outposts and Garrisons depending on the surrounding tiles. I think it would add an extra level of strategy and also make it more clear to players who want to set up a "defensive outpost". For example the defensive stats of a garrison/outpost in the middle of a pasture with no rivers around to slow attackers would probably have a horrendous defensive stat. But a garrison/outpost on highground, with a river surrounding the garrison/outpost would probably have a huge defensive stat.  I'm not asking to add more defense to the garrisons or outposts, just more clear as to where they would be most effective in a defensive manner, within the territory. Basically I want the damage statistics that are shown when fighting an enemy, i.e. whether you're attacking from high/lowground, rivers, forests defense for missiles--but on garrisons/outposts. Maybe even a line of sight indicator, as in where is the outpost vulnerable from. Last thing, a fog of war preview, as in, the player can see how much fog of war will be revealed by their placement of districts. I am asking for this is because I believe the current mechanic "outpost relocation" is pretty unused. Well at least in my games its pretty unused. I believe this would give players a reason to set up a defensive outpost when they're at war with an enemy, and after the war concludes, the outpost relocation mechanic would be helpful in getting your cities better yielding outposts. Have a good one.