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Add number of people that voted next to G2G points


7 years ago
May 4, 2018, 5:00:25 PM

With points, some posts can get tens of thousands of them with only a few people voting because they got badges.
Not that big of a problem now but when the platform gets bigger some people could have 100k+ points next to which new user would have no voting power. Could be handy to see the true number

Updated 3 days ago.
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4 years ago
Apr 29, 2021, 3:59:08 PM

I know I'm pretty late to this post, but I just saw it on trending.

My understanding of the points system is to reward people who have shown that they enjoy, and are willing to purchase, Amplitude's products, and would further like their experiences to be enhanced (as they constitute the main player-base) by giving them more influence in development. Seeing the voting percent would be interesting, but I'm certain would create "The majority wanted otherwise!" arguments when the "majority" in this case would likely stop playing in short time, thus reducing the pleasure gained by going with "majority" choice. It also helps that G2G points can be gained from achievements which show that the player has a good understanding of the game's mechanics, and is likely not posting half-baked reactions.

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4 years ago
May 3, 2021, 4:41:32 AM
AdeimantusCaird wrote:

I know I'm pretty late to this post, but I just saw it on trending.

My understanding of the points system is to reward people who have shown that they enjoy, and are willing to purchase, Amplitude's products, and would further like their experiences to be enhanced (as they constitute the main player-base) by giving them more influence in development. Seeing the voting percent would be interesting, but I'm certain would create "The majority wanted otherwise!" arguments when the "majority" in this case would likely stop playing in short time, thus reducing the pleasure gained by going with "majority" choice. It also helps that G2G points can be gained from achievements which show that the player has a good understanding of the game's mechanics, and is likely not posting half-baked reactions.

Well I'm new, and have been playing amplitude games for a while, just cause I don't go here often doesn't mean I don't care about the game. If the votes are really controlled by the game team then what is there to vote on? Over half the people on the latest vote as of now voted for one option, but the "Majority holders" Voted against it when they realized the community wanted differently  :( . I feel Like Amplitude is starting to drift, ahem, slower. I really support this community but with all the delays, empty promises, and silences of the community over the "Majority" I just don't really feel welcome. This is just my opinion, and it probably is biased on my views of this, but I just feel we should have more voting power.

Updated 4 years ago.
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