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A climate change DLC for Humankind


6 years ago
Sep 25, 2019, 12:37:16 PM

It would be nice to have a secret DLC about climate change in Humankind. When the players reach a certain level in their game the mode appears and they have to face to climate change climate change challenge.

Managing ressources balance, 

Face new climate threats

Search for new technologies to reduce impact or face the new threats

Watch our civilizations suffer if nothing is done....

This features needs to be developped and adapt on différents ways of play and strategies.

The game can be promotted then by the ONU program http://playing4theplanet.org/ 

because it will fit the subjet

Updated 11 days ago.
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5 years ago
Feb 4, 2020, 1:16:07 PM

I like this idea, SMAC and Civ 6 had climate change mechanics.  SMAC, with proper terrain height like Humankind, had quite cataclysmic consequences. But the gameplay mechanics have to be fun or at least fitting and not just a massive annoyance.  It's also the most obvious and topical example of a cooperative goal, if Amplitude were to port those from EL.  Could also incorporate diplomacy mechanics between civs.

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3 years ago
Jan 26, 2022, 11:59:16 PM

I think there definitely is going to be a global warming DLC and a religion one as well. With the way their respective mechanics are now, it's like Amplitude is  advertising for those DLCs already. I think for sure the first two DLCs are going to be global warming followed by religion, since the pollution mechanic seems to be a more serious problem that needs to be dealt with sooner. There will probably be more DLCs after that, but I think they'll be less obvious and harder to figure out.

Updated 3 years ago.
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