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Humankind: Consider a Civ Tree Instead of Free-Choice


3 years ago
Dec 21, 2021, 11:22:50 PM

I want to preface this by saying this isn't my own original idea and I'm not even sure it's compatible with the developer's vision, but I thought it had some merit and figured it wouldn't hurt to ask.

dr_boom wrote:

FYI I love this game and the era civ selection is part of why. However, there was a disconnect between the free-choice nature of the civs and my mental model that cultures are somehow related, e.g. Franks to French works, but Huns to French doesn't. 

would we consider making a civ tree? That doesn't necessarily limit choice (every branch can have similar civ profiles) and the trees can connect to each other (for instance, Spain -> Mexico OR Aztec -> Mexico). 

I'm sure there's a lot more to think through here, but I do feel like the civ selection process could better reflect the connectedness of cultures and make early choices more consequential to the late game. 

My opinion on all this is I feel that adding a "culture tree" like this could add replayability, and solve the problem that some people seem to be having of their empires always turning out the same way because they pick the same cultures every time. I'm not sure however if something like this is very plausible because I feel like it would go against the wishes and perhaps alienate a sizable majority of the fanbase.

Updated 7 days ago.
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Out of Vision

The OUT OF VISION status is given by the dev team to ideas that are not compatible with their vision of the game or technically not feasible.


DEV Daarkarrow

status updated 3 years ago

Hi FullScreenLurking,

First of all we wanted to thank you for bringing this suggestion from the forums but this part of the forum is meant to ideas to improve the website,G2G, that is the reason of being tagged as "Out of vision". 

If you like the idea you can write a comment on the thread and "upvote" it.

For the moment we decided not to open this idea section for Humankind as we are addressing some of the main feedback from the community.


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3 years ago
Jan 26, 2022, 11:09:45 PM

Interesting, idea. It's something I've seen in another civilization game before. When I first played it's what I expected, but I've come to enjoy the freedom of choice.  I will say though that when I started playing Humankind your opponents the had the ability to make choices before you and while that was occasionally annoying it's a challenge I personally miss. I will be curios to see to see if that returns for online play or if the teams allows for multiple players to chose the same civilization. I had luanch day copy so it's likely I've seen a few things that changed when compared to new players.

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Out of Vision

The OUT OF VISION status is given by the dev team to ideas that are not compatible with their vision of the game or technically not feasible.


DEV Daarkarrow

status updated 3 years ago

Hi FullScreenLurking,

First of all we wanted to thank you for bringing this suggestion from the forums but this part of the forum is meant to ideas to improve the website,G2G, that is the reason of being tagged as "Out of vision". 

If you like the idea you can write a comment on the thread and "upvote" it.

For the moment we decided not to open this idea section for Humankind as we are addressing some of the main feedback from the community.

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