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8 years ago Jul 07,2016, 10:56:00 AM

Amplitude joins the SEGA family!

13 881 Views

Dear Endless Players,


Starting today, at 9 am, Amplitude will be writing a new chapter of its history. Since the beginning and our first success with Endless Space (which became a million-seller!), the market has become increasingly crowded. Even some of the biggest publishers want to make their own 4X games, and in an intense market like this, a small studio like Amplitude can get steamrolled.


What we want to do is to focus on making games; that is why we created Amplitude. But with the pressure on sales and marketing we found that more and more time was dedicated to everything else – everything that we didn’t have the size and scale to deal with. So we decided to look for the best partner we could to protect us from these distractions so that game development did not become a chore, but remained a passion. 


Therefore, we have decided to join forces with SEGA – yes, that SEGA! We want the only question that keeps us up at night to be, “How do I make better games?” Partnering with SEGA will bring us to a whole new level.


Of course you could wonder, “Why Sega?” If you were to ask just Mathieu and I, we could easily answer with the words “Creative Assembly and Relic!” because we are HUGE fans of their games. The opportunity to join them is incredible for us, a real dream come true.


But the bigger reason why we wanted to join SEGA was how they treat their internal studios. Often, studios are controlled by a central department that dictates what games they should do, and how and when. But SEGA is a company that offers its support to the creators, positioning itself as a service provider, helping studios to reach their goals with only one objective in mind: Quality!


We announced the news a few days ago to the Amplitude staff, and we were amazed to see how well they received it. You know why? Because it was SEGA, and we all have a good reason to love them.


Today we will answer all your questions on our brand new Games2Gether forums. To ask us anything, about Amplitude, our games, and our decision to join SEGA, just press "Comment this blog" below that post!


Thank you so much for all your continued support. Let’s make sure, together, that the next chapter is the best one of the book!


Spacetroll and AmpliMath

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8 years ago
Aug 12, 2016, 9:00:26 PM
Mmmm, very good news being taken in by a big publisher, which in turn will lead to more exposure in the future. However, if SEGA starts getting in the way of one of my favourite game studios being my favourite game studio; I'll get rather annoyed. 

Now we all have publisher horror stories we have heard in the past, but as it stands right now, I wish Amplitude all the best and hope our relationship with Amplitude doesn't drastically change or certain liberties we enjoyed are stripped because of SEGA could "sour diplomatic relations" with loyal customers up until this point.

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8 years ago
Aug 20, 2016, 12:10:04 PM

Are those Mavros who are helping the Sophons build that robot? I wonder if major factions will start off with minor ones already incorporated into them.

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8 years ago
Oct 3, 2016, 1:54:36 PM
Saerphantos wrote:

I have a question. Why SEGA, if we're expierenced with conflict of "Alien: Colonial Marines"?

SEGA didn't develope Aliens: Colonial Marines. SEGA were conned by GearBox Software, they took their money and continued to push back the release date and miss deadlines. Little did SEGA know Randy Pichford had given the development to another developer and was using SEGA's money to fund his own projects. (This was revealled when someone at SEGA leaked his emails.

SEGA went on to develope Alien: Isolation in-house, (Creative Assembly) And it was the best thing that has happen to the Alien franchiese since then early 90's.

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8 years ago
Oct 3, 2016, 2:06:47 PM
uqcu wrote:


"All the negitivity here is based on nothing more than hearsay, speculation and rumours."

Does it really? Maybe you should first read the comments here and think about making such bold statements before you post them.

I did read the comments, the biggest concern is that SEGA will impose a 'DLC Policy' upon Amplitude, except there isn't such thing as an imposed DLC policy from SEGA. Most of SEGA's games do not have DLC at all. Many others like Yakuza, Valkyria Chronicles, Project Diva and Persona have had the DLC either free, free for a time or packed in with the Western release as if it's part of the Vanilla game. (free)

This mixed with what SEGA and their developers have said in interview, including Amplitude themselves, shows that SEGA don't actually have a uniform, across the board policy for DLC and infact it is the individual developers that set their own policy. (As has been said by the companies themselves.)

The reason Relic and CA are both doing a lot of DLC? It's simply a sign of the times, this is a good way for RTS games to make extra money. Adding new factions, new heroes lends itself perfectly to the genre and nobody wants to leave money on the table.

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8 years ago
Oct 9, 2016, 1:09:07 PM
SpaceTroll wrote:

You know to keep raising the quality of our games, we would have had to focus on other things than development, in order to survive. Now we have a big brother to help us take care of that, so we can focus on what we love  and are good at :)

Totally agree on this. More artistic and stylished games. We love your work and if SEGA can contribute to it even more then iam happy customer. ;)

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8 years ago
Oct 11, 2016, 1:26:24 PM

as long as amplitude pump out quality games, and expansions, you have my blessing and my backing. I look forward to your future endeavours 

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8 years ago
Nov 15, 2016, 9:29:36 AM

I'm glad SEGA accepted you guys under the context of not forcing you to push out games at registered dates. I'm all good with a big publisher the only fear is when they start dictating your own game schedule. They aren't the dev so they shouldn't be telling you when it needs to release. I only hope they allow you to set your own dates and manage the development by yourselves. Less hands in the honey pot as they say.

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