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3 years ago Jul 13,2021, 18:04:40 PM

Relic Announces Company of Heroes 3 - Powered by G2G

7 193 Views

Hello everybody, 

We have exciting news to share today, Relic Entertainment, our sister studio at SEGA, is launching a new community website powered by Games2Gether for their new game, Company of Heroes 3 

When we joined SEGA back in 2016, we were delighted to be joining a publisher that shared and supported our values of working together with the community to create great games. We were also excited by the prospect of working together with SEGA’s other strategy studios, and exchanging knowledge and experience with them has been an invaluable asset over these past 5 years. Many of us are fans of Relic’s games, so we were thrilled that they were interested in our G2G philosophy and technology. 

The team at Relic are amazing people, they were very curious about how we have been co-creating games with you. We have tried to share with them all our experiences these last couple of years, and we are sure they will make great use of our platform for community co-creation. We may be even more excited about the big project they decided to use Games2Gether for: Company of Heroes 3 !

In fact, if you are excited about the new title in this series as well, you can already try it and give them your feedback through their very own platform.

So please, go check out the COH3 Pre-Alpha Preview, from our friends and colleagues at Relic, available now!   

- Romain de Waubert 

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3 years ago
Jul 13, 2021, 7:22:20 PM
Sublustris wrote:

How about you remove Denuvo from Humankind first?

Devs that make COH are the same devs that made Humankind? lol 

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3 years ago
Jul 13, 2021, 8:23:21 PM
mproulx86 wrote:
Sublustris wrote:

How about you remove Denuvo from Humankind first?

Devs that make COH are the same devs that made Humankind? lol 

I think what he meant was instead of sending resources to other companies, that Amplitude should focus on the stability of their own games first.

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3 years ago
Jul 13, 2021, 9:36:26 PM

No, I mean if Romain ignores pleads of his player-base since ES2, why should we pay attention to what he says.

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3 years ago
Jul 13, 2021, 9:39:30 PM
DragonGaming wrote:
mproulx86 wrote:
Sublustris wrote:

How about you remove Denuvo from Humankind first?

Devs that make COH are the same devs that made Humankind? lol 

I think what he meant was instead of sending resources to other companies, that Amplitude should focus on the stability of their own games first.

I mean that's not what they said. The want them to remove denuvo which isn't going to happen.

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3 years ago
Jul 13, 2021, 9:40:23 PM
It's great to see G2G expanding our to other studios. Do you think we'll ever see studios outside of SEGA?
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3 years ago
Jul 13, 2021, 10:00:17 PM

Neat! Happy to see that your platform is getting more use.

However, it seems that it requires the registration of a new account? Bit of a bummer. If you're all under the same publisher, wouldn't it make more sense to have a single Game2Gether account for all studios/franchises. I think SEGA's marketing guys would like it, if you explained it to them:

  1. It gives a big headstart to any new game launched if you can let all the pre=existing Games2Gether users in;
  2. It introduces more users to different games = more sales.
  3. More cross-franchise activity = more interest = more popularity = more social media attention.
  4. More user loyalty = harder to walk out on your Games2Gether account if all your favourite games are tied to the same account.

Last but perhaps most importantly, saves me the bother of making yet another account ;P

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3 years ago
Jul 13, 2021, 11:56:51 PM

Definitely confused on the need for separate accounts, curious how many "G2G" profiles I'll have a few years from now.

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3 years ago
Jul 14, 2021, 12:11:08 AM

I'm here to congratulate you, Amplitude Studios, for the magnificent Games2Gether platform, but also to support the thesis of previous users who stressed discomfort, and possible not exploited advantages, of having to have two separate accounts for games belonging to two studies that are of the same group and they are collaborating.

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3 years ago
Jul 14, 2021, 8:13:41 PM

It does seem a little odd for me to need to create a duplicate G2G account for COH, but I assume it's intended to be used as seperate platforms specific to each developer's catalogue by design rather than as an oversight. If SEGA were adopting G2G wholesale for its partner companies to use for their titles I'd expect it would have made more sense for them to maintain a singular account, but as SEGA doesn't appear to have made that move (yet?) I assume it is purely voluntary and left to the individual companies to decide whether or not to integrate.

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3 years ago
Jul 15, 2021, 1:23:55 AM

Having to make an additional account for COH3 is weird. Is there any way to link them?

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3 years ago
Jul 15, 2021, 7:14:34 AM
Cursor420 wrote:

Having to make an additional account for COH3 is weird. Is there any way to link them?

agreed should be able to link my relic account with make games together account, its weird it looks like it makes a new games together with my relic details?

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3 years ago
Jul 15, 2021, 7:24:28 AM

like i get why you might want the points to be different but like.. i go to the coh website, enter my relic details in the relic login.. which then logs me into a games2gether account with my relic details??? this is badly designed by both relic and games2gether,    tho not as badly designed as relics site which.. if you go to relics site (not coh just relic) you cant log in at all, nothing happens lol

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3 years ago
Jul 15, 2021, 8:21:19 AM

Hey all,

In full transparency, we (Amplitude and Relic) discussed the different approaches: should we have 1 portal to rules them all, or different platforms for each studio?

As Amplitude, it made sense to have everyone under the same flag with unified accounts. But Relic has an historic userbase and a strong branding that they wanted to preserve.

We wanted to provide them with a custom solution that allows them to engage with their community and profit from our platform, but also fits their needs in term of userbase ownership and strong branding -- so we ended up with this solution. Maybe one day, in the future, those things will change, but for now we're excited to see that Relic is getting a lot of success with their users on this solution and has already a very lively community on their platform.

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3 years ago
Jul 15, 2021, 10:14:16 AM
Sobert wrote:

Hey all,

In full transparency, we (Amplitude and Relic) discussed the different approaches: should we have 1 portal to rules them all, or different platforms for each studio?

As Amplitude, it made sense to have everyone under the same flag with unified accounts. But Relic has an historic userbase and a strong branding that they wanted to preserve.

We wanted to provide them with a custom solution that allows them to engage with their community and profit from our platform, but also fits their needs in term of userbase ownership and strong branding -- so we ended up with this solution. Maybe one day, in the future, those things will change, but for now we're excited to see that Relic is getting a lot of success with their users on this solution and has already a very lively community on their platform.

fair and makes sense if thats what they want, tho like a button somewhere on the games2gether site to go to the company of heroes site / version of games2gether or something would be nice, rather then having to go to google and search it 

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3 years ago
Jul 15, 2021, 11:13:36 AM

Well, CoH is not my cup of tea, so hoping I'll jump in with next Dawn of War or something. Wish them luck!

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