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What made you a 'gamer'?

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12 years ago
Sep 21, 2012, 5:32:33 PM
Steph'nie wrote:
I think I started years ago with a super old version of Prince of Persia when I was in elementary school! Then throughout the years, I casually played on PC, games likes Tomb Raider (with the butler in the freezer and the dinosaur at one point!! smiley: biggrin), and on some friends' consoles (Sonic and Streets of Rage on SEGA, Resident Evil 4 & some James Bond game on GameCube, some Street Fighter, a bit of Playstation here and there). That was so long ago, I cannot remember how old I was! smiley: biggrin

In 2008, I got Half Life, on Steam and that's when I became some kind of nerd. smiley: smile

I was just thinking of reinstalling that Tomb Raider -- that's the one I played. I don't think I ever got far into it...I just made that sad old butler's quality of life very poor. smiley: sarcastic

Have you continued with the rest of the Half-Life series, I hope?

Heard of it, not sure if I'll ever use it. I already have Steam games piling up that I need to play. Although, there is one game that if they have, I'll almost definitely get it: Do they have Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds? (The RTS game). Another great game lost to the passage of time, I'm afraid.

No, I don't think so, sadly. I'm certain that they have some other classic SW games, like TIE fighter, but I don't think I've seen any Star Wars RTS on there.
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12 years ago
Sep 17, 2012, 11:55:17 PM
Astra wrote:
That's awesome. I suppose you didn't have much of a choice in your destiny, did you? smiley: stickouttongue Did you get to hear anything about your parents' impressions of the current games they were playtesting?

Let's put it this way: my first "real" word was 'wererat' in response to a description given by the DM to my mom's party...so ya I was kinda immersed smiley: smile
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12 years ago
Sep 17, 2012, 11:59:58 PM
My cousin had an Amstrad CPC6128. Was around 6-7 when i first saw Wonderboy. Probably the first game i ever played.
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12 years ago
Sep 18, 2012, 3:22:09 AM
Dune 2 on Sega Genesis and Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness.
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12 years ago
Sep 18, 2012, 6:15:42 AM
Total Annihilation for the PC was the first one I can remember playing, after that it was mostly Sega Genesis. Second that for Dune 2.
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12 years ago
Sep 18, 2012, 12:50:43 PM
Pokemon. I got red version and a gameboy for my eighth birthday and played the crap out of it(Back when I didnt know how to switch pokemon so my squirtle was level 30 with all water type moves and the rest of my pokemon were level 3-5).

I remember my sister teaching me the cinnabar island trick to get infinite rare candies and master balls. To this day, red version is the only game where I got 101% (I got a hacked mew at summer camp).

That got me started but what really got my going as a gamer was high school. All the computers had Warcraft III, Halo Custom Edition, and Quake II on them so we would have MASSIVE lan fests during lunch and after school. Actually Halo Custom was the game that got me into programming as well because I learned how to use 3DS Max and do some modeling/programming. So naturally I created a custom map where EVERYTHING SHOT ROCKETS!!!
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12 years ago
Sep 18, 2012, 1:06:36 PM
chromodynamics wrote:
It was that old version of prince of persia for me too, amazing game smiley: smile Although it strange to play now unfortunately, very trial and error gameplay, Ive been spoiled :/

Heh, it's like movies I saw when I was little: I did not understand them, and now, I do and it's like I'm seeing an entirely different movie!

LordShotGun wrote:
Pokemon. I got red version and a gameboy for my eighth birthday and played the crap out of it(Back when I didnt know how to switch pokemon so my squirtle was level 30 with all water type moves and the rest of my pokemon were level 3-5).

Haha, I forgot I got a gameboy color around that age too! I got the blue version though. I kind of begged for days (weeks?), but my parents said it was for boys. Then my father ended up buying me one ("old" picture I found on my HDD). smiley: biggrin
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12 years ago
Sep 18, 2012, 4:14:31 PM
The first game i ever played was "Pong" on Atari.. but the Games that got me hooked were Syndicate and Command and Conquer 1
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12 years ago
Sep 21, 2012, 4:47:13 PM
Actually it was my father who amde me play Civilization 3 and megadrive, atari and supernitendo classics on emulators...

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12 years ago
Sep 17, 2012, 9:42:23 PM
It was to kill the boredom of living in the middle of nowhere when I was about 8 that I made my parents get me a GBA for my Birthday. I loved that thing and I still play some of the games on my DS Lite as they will forever be full of joyful memories of long winter days spent playing Pokemon and Golden Sun.
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12 years ago
Sep 21, 2012, 5:35:28 PM
raccoon_tof wrote:
Let's put it this way: my first "real" word was 'wererat' in response to a description given by the DM to my mom's party...so ya I was kinda immersed smiley: smile

Aaaha, that's a great story. My first word was 'flower' -- I like 'wererat' better, I've got to say. They must have been proud. lol
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12 years ago
Sep 24, 2012, 9:35:34 AM
My dad got me hooked when he bought us all an Atari-like games console with pin pong type tennis and basketball on it, and other games that all pretty much looked the same.

Then he got me a ZX81 for Christmas and I played games and started writing programs copied out of magazines around the age of 15. By the time we got a Spectrum a couple of years later I was pretty much hooked on games like Lords of Midnight/Doomdark's Revenge and started writing my own software/games.

It wasn't until after I came back from Polytechnic and got an Amiga 600 that I really got addicted to gaming, by then I was around 26. Even then I used to look at the lovely PC games boxes like X-Wing on the shelves of the Virgin Megastore in Newcastle with awe, and had to get a 486 PC a few years later. Actually though, by then, IMO computer games were already starting to go off. So I consider my main computer gaming 'Golden Era' was when I had my Amiga 600 around 1992-95 when games were great and very addictive, I had the money to buy them, and the time to play them. I then was playing some great games such as Syndicate, Elite Frontier, Civ, Simcity, F-117 Stealth Fighter and Gunship 2000.

I had the odd favourite on PC such as First Encounters, EF2000 and Falcon 4 but the good games were really few and far between after the mid 90s. These days I hardly buy anything new - usually Total War games, a few Paradox like strategy games and the odd impulse buy like Endless Space. The only game I am looking forward to getting in the immediate the future is XCOM.
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12 years ago
Sep 24, 2012, 4:23:09 PM
Astra wrote:
I was just thinking of reinstalling that Tomb Raider -- that's the one I played. I don't think I ever got far into it...I just made that sad old butler's quality of life very poor. smiley: sarcastic

Have you continued with the rest of the Half-Life series, I hope?

That poor butler. I think everybody who's played the game actually locked him inside the freezer! But yeah, the Half Life series, I finished it. I did not get to play the "Black Mesa" mod recently though.
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12 years ago
Sep 24, 2012, 5:00:16 PM
Steph'nie wrote:
That poor butler. I think everybody who's played the game actually locked him inside the freezer! But yeah, the Half Life series, I finished it. I did not get to play the "Black Mesa" mod recently though.

Absolutely. Everyone I've met who have played that game only confirm it. We're really awful people, aren't we? smiley: stickouttongue

I haven't even heard of that mod. What's the base game for it?
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12 years ago
Sep 24, 2012, 7:27:48 PM
Astra wrote:
I haven't even heard of that mod. What's the base game for it?

It's made with the Source engine, so I think any Source game will do. It's a complete remake of the original game, the way it 'should' have been (in true HD, using the full features of the Source engine).

It was greenlit on Steam not too long ago, meaning if it gets approved you'll be able to install it from Steam. It'll be completely free, of course. You can also play it now by downloading it from the devs - I think the entire game minus Xen is finished.
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12 years ago
Sep 26, 2012, 6:15:48 AM
Fenrakk101 wrote:
It's made with the Source engine, so I think any Source game will do. It's a complete remake of the original game, the way it 'should' have been (in true HD, using the full features of the Source engine).

It was greenlit on Steam not too long ago, meaning if it gets approved you'll be able to install it from Steam. It'll be completely free, of course. You can also play it now by downloading it from the devs - I think the entire game minus Xen is finished.

Aha, that's fantastic, thanks! I'm really excited about this now. Time to reinstall everything! :P I appreciate the information.
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12 years ago
Sep 26, 2012, 6:24:40 AM
I don't know what exactly made me a gamer but i know that it started in the age of (about) six as i got my first game boy and played thinks like supermario land 1&2, pokemon red & blue and later i got a snes where i played kirby for hours. Then we got a PC where i loved to play all different kind of games (from strategic games to simulations to shooters).

And since that time i play games smiley: smile
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12 years ago
Sep 16, 2012, 10:48:28 PM
Just curious to hear. We've probably all got stories. That one NES or DOS game, playing with your friends, seeing something in a store...what hooked you?
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12 years ago
Sep 17, 2012, 8:59:55 PM
Steph'nie wrote:
I think I started years ago with a super old version of Prince of Persia when I was in elementary school!

It was that old version of prince of persia for me too, amazing game smiley: smile Although it strange to play now unfortunately, very trial and error gameplay, Ive been spoiled :/
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12 years ago
Sep 17, 2012, 6:07:25 PM
Astra wrote:
Oh man, that's evil. I would've been so upset. At least you've got something on the 360 Arcade. They've got quite a few that I love, like Dig Dug and Contra. Have you heard of Gog.com?

Heard of it, not sure if I'll ever use it. I already have Steam games piling up that I need to play. Although, there is one game that if they have, I'll almost definitely get it: Do they have Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds? (The RTS game). Another great game lost to the passage of time, I'm afraid.
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12 years ago
Sep 17, 2012, 3:22:41 PM
I think I started years ago with a super old version of Prince of Persia when I was in elementary school! Then throughout the years, I casually played on PC, games likes Tomb Raider (with the butler in the freezer and the dinosaur at one point!! smiley: biggrin), and on some friends' consoles (Sonic and Streets of Rage on SEGA, Resident Evil 4 & some James Bond game on GameCube, some Street Fighter, a bit of Playstation here and there). That was so long ago, I cannot remember how old I was! smiley: biggrin

In 2008, I got Half Life, on Steam and that's when I became some kind of nerd. smiley: smile
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12 years ago
Sep 17, 2012, 4:01:19 AM
Fenrakk101 wrote:
Parents threw it out while I was still too young to protest.

I managed to get my Banjo Tooie cartridge, though. I bought the game (and its prequel) again over the Xbox 360 Arcade, but I still have my N64 version, basically as a souvenir of my childhood.

Oh man, that's evil. I would've been so upset. At least you've got something on the 360 Arcade. They've got quite a few that I love, like Dig Dug and Contra. Have you heard of Gog.com?

I guess the only answer I can give to this is "being born". My mom and dad were both playtesters for Chainmail and the original Dungeons and Dragons pen-and-paper games, and my dad was a senior software engineer for DEC. Put the two together, and I was kinda destined to become a computer gamer...

That's awesome. I suppose you didn't have much of a choice in your destiny, did you? smiley: stickouttongue Did you get to hear anything about your parents' impressions of the current games they were playtesting?
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12 years ago
Sep 17, 2012, 3:21:04 AM
I guess the only answer I can give to this is "being born". My mom and dad were both playtesters for Chainmail and the original Dungeons and Dragons pen-and-paper games, and my dad was a senior software engineer for DEC. Put the two together, and I was kinda destined to become a computer gamer...
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12 years ago
Sep 17, 2012, 2:14:45 AM
Astra wrote:
Do you still have your N64? Everyone I know that owned one as a kid still have them -- and even still use them from time to time.

Parents threw it out while I was still too young to protest.

I managed to get my Banjo Tooie cartridge, though. I bought the game (and its prequel) again over the Xbox 360 Arcade, but I still have my N64 version, basically as a souvenir of my childhood.
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12 years ago
Sep 17, 2012, 2:06:01 AM
Bionic commando Elites forces for the GBC was my first game ever. Played it ti'll the batteries died everytime, ever since then it's been all about games man.
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12 years ago
Sep 17, 2012, 1:39:57 AM
Do you still have your N64? Everyone I know that owned one as a kid still have them -- and even still use them from time to time.
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12 years ago
Sep 17, 2012, 12:54:02 AM
Command and Conquer. I started with Generals. There went my childhood.

I also played Banjo Tooie on the N64. Game of the year, all years.
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