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Guessing the Early Access release day

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8 years ago
Sep 9, 2016, 7:10:04 PM

Didnt someone under the vodyani post spoil it? its the 16th appearently. Which is two days after my birthday

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8 years ago
Sep 9, 2016, 3:34:56 PM

I'm gonna say 26 because my birthday and that gonna be a great gift (if they send me the game free :3) and because I don't really know but I'm sure end of the month 

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8 years ago
Sep 9, 2016, 10:51:38 AM

I agree with BG.  It'll be in the second half of the month but not necessarily at the end.

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8 years ago
Sep 9, 2016, 9:46:59 AM

I think it'll be a bit before the end of September. Say, round about the 16-24.

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