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[OFF TOPIC] Are you a Space boy or a Space girl?

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Space Girl
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12 years ago
May 24, 2012, 3:52:30 AM
chaz420 wrote:
What if I can reproduce asexually??

You're a hermaphrodite?
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12 years ago
May 24, 2012, 5:36:29 AM
Oliolli wrote:
You're a hermaphrodite?

That would still be sexual reproduction. I think he/she's talking about the ability of some insects to lay eggs that don't need to be fertilized in order to become new females.
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12 years ago
May 24, 2012, 12:11:35 PM
Nosferatiel wrote:
That would still be sexual reproduction. I think he/she's talking about the ability of some insects to lay eggs that don't need to be fertilized in order to become new females.

Or then it can simply divide, kinda like single cell organisms.
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12 years ago
May 26, 2012, 9:28:00 AM
Corbus wrote:
i hope also that women be cloned here, this is unbalanced

I'm not sure why, but when it comes to grand strategy games, females seem to be an especially small minority. They have an increasing presence in a number of other genres, but 4x titles still appear to be mostly the province of men for whatever reason. smiley: confused
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12 years ago
May 26, 2012, 11:15:54 AM
Yeah I admit this is my first 4x game and the only reason this attracted me was some vague connection to my fondness to spore: space stage.

RPGs, Simulators, and interactives are obvious preferences. But I know plenty of girls, as well as myself, like puzzle games. Strategy games need a little... warming up. You have to learn the controls before learning how to win. This can take a few days, at least for me.
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12 years ago
May 26, 2012, 7:07:06 PM
repbunny wrote:
Strategy games need a little... warming up. You have to learn the controls before learning how to win. This can take a few days, at least for me.

And then there is Paradox and their Grand Strategy games. Spend a week learning how to play, spend the rest of the time you play learning how to win.
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12 years ago
May 26, 2012, 7:27:14 PM
repbunny wrote:
Yeah I admit this is my first 4x game and the only reason this attracted me was some vague connection to my fondness to spore: space stage.

RPGs, Simulators, and interactives are obvious preferences. But I know plenty of girls, as well as myself, like puzzle games. Strategy games need a little... warming up. You have to learn the controls before learning how to win. This can take a few days, at least for me.

You have exactly detailed both part of the appeal of ES for me, as well as my feelings about gaming genres.

I keep finding myself comparing this to Spore's space stage and it's making me really nostalgic...as well as deeply regretful that I can't find my CD.

While I've played 4X games before, and while I've enjoyed them, I have a very slow learning process. It absolutely does not come naturally to me and it can take weeks to discover new features of the game. Although, while it can be frustrating, I suppose that also extends the surprise and joy of the game. Maybe. smiley: wink
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12 years ago
May 26, 2012, 7:31:40 PM
Martok wrote:
I'm not sure why, but when it comes to grand strategy games, females seem to be an especially small minority. They have an increasing presence in a number of other genres, but 4x titles still appear to be mostly the province of men for whatever reason. smiley: confused

Well in my limited experience of girls who actually play games and don't just think that they're a waste of time, space games are always said as being too nerdy for them.

I have a couple of friends who shoot down the idea of space games because they're too nerdy, it makes little sense when they spend half their lives on WoW...
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12 years ago
May 26, 2012, 11:00:18 PM
InFlamesWeTrust wrote:
Well in my limited experience of girls who actually play games and don't just think that they're a waste of time, space games are always said as being too nerdy for them.

I have a couple of friends who shoot down the idea of space games because they're too nerdy, it makes little sense when they spend half their lives on WoW...

Well space games for some people sounds like science. And science has alot of words. You don't sit with someone and explain to them why it works mathematically. (I can't explain, it's all space magic to me)

And then there is fantasy, where everything ends in conclusion of: Magic did it.
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12 years ago
May 26, 2012, 11:16:17 PM
This might be bullshit to you but... While even if men and women had the same income, women's expenses are more spread out. There may be a reason why there is a saying about girls love shopping.

Habits vary from person to person but I'll let you know on one thing, cosmetics are freaking expensive. AM I RIGHT LADIES? any ladies here?*sigh* just me then.
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12 years ago
May 27, 2012, 12:57:38 AM
repbunny wrote:
RPGs, Simulators, and interactives are obvious preferences. But I know plenty of girls, as well as myself, like puzzle games.

Yep, those were the genres I was thinking of (including MMO's like World of Warcrack). Those, plus shooters -- women seem to have gotten more into FPS titles the last several years as well.

repbunny wrote:
Strategy games need a little... warming up. You have to learn the controls before learning how to win. This can take a few days, at least for me.

Surely, though, that can't be the reason why strategy games have fewer girls playing them. That would imply men are "better" at learning how to play them (and/or have more patience to learn them), which I can't believe is the case.

There must be some aspect(s) of the grand strategy (sub)genre itself that appeals more to guys than to gals. That, and/or InFlamesWeTrust is onto something in that perhaps grand strategy games -- especially those set in fantasy & sci-fi worlds -- are too "nerdy" for most females. Historical strategy games (such as Paradox and Total War titles) seem to have a somewhat broader appeal, gender-wise, so perhaps there's something to what he says.

repbunny wrote:
Habits vary from person to person but I'll let you know on one thing, cosmetics are freaking expensive. AM I RIGHT LADIES? any ladies here?*sigh* just me then.

I'll never understand why women bother with lipstick, make-up, etc. Most guys I know agree your gender is generally much more attractive without them -- not that that you ever believe us, of course... :rolleyes:
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12 years ago
May 27, 2012, 1:01:58 AM
It is not girls who say the games are too nerdy for them. The main driving factor why many girls don't play games is the fact that they are continually portrayed as sex items or something that some kid would fap to. I have 2 friends (girls) that play games. They tend to stray from games that fit the "sex" sterotype. Just my two cents on the matter.

Ok, with the "sex portrayal" over with. Now to Space Gamers, there are plenty of girls who play space games. Some are even Star Wars or Star Trek fan-girls. It is the diversity of the girls that seperates themselves. I talk to girls alot, and not my sister or family relatives. I am talking about the ones that you see everyday (Not Homo because I talk to them alot, I just like to listen to them and hear their wacky adventures or events).

The thing is, I will put this in simple terms. They are just as similar as the desert and a jungle. Rarely will you find two that are similar. Some may like this certain something, others may not. Some women think about playing space games but think it will make them an outcast, they just need a good friend and some coaxing. If she enjoys it, HEY she enjoys it. If she hates it, HEY she hates it.

I hope this helps explain the whole situation. Now can we put this aside and stay on topic?

I am not a space boy, I am a spaceman!
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12 years ago
May 27, 2012, 1:52:51 AM

Opps. yah you are right. It depends on what kind of strategy game it is. Anything constructive is more popular. I have no idea those terms are but civ series and simcity were fun.

You definitely need to basics of foundation and primer to have that natural beauty. But lets go with real beauty! just past the facial scars without the recovery assistance of cocao butter, the smell, enlarged pores, uneven skin tone. She's gorgeous! Hah, I know what you mean but cosmetics is a broad term. I have a feeling you are referring something on the level of 'raccoon eyes' . Also its the other girls you have to watch out for for judgement day.

@Ortizboy: YAY SPACE
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12 years ago
May 28, 2012, 5:01:20 AM
/me would rather be Sophon than Horatio.

Horatio may be physically perfect, but the Sophons are smart. Physical perfection doesn't really matter when the other guy has a laser cannon.
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12 years ago
May 28, 2012, 7:22:20 AM
Oliolli wrote:
/me would rather be Sophon than Horatio.

Horatio may be physically perfect, but the Sophons are smart. Physical perfection doesn't really matter when the other guy has a laser cannon.

Sure they can! With a larger number of physically perfect clones! smiley: biggrin
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12 years ago
May 29, 2012, 10:45:50 AM
A laser cannon with high enough rate of fire (or a constant beam) and enough energy to power it for quite some time can hold off an army of Horatios for quite some time. Long enough to create an impassable barrier of Horatio-corpses.
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