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EA- At it again. RE: SimCity DRM

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12 years ago
Feb 17, 2013, 9:42:10 PM
Go to the smaller ones.

The problem with Meta Critic is that it is really more like giving upvotes and down votes, and the overwhelming nee-jerk majority domonates the voting.

Really it's the same as sites like IGN, where anything that should be around a 8 or lower gets downvoted to hell.

For my reviews I use a number of youtube commentators literally try the game first to see if it is really worth it, if you are a guy who likes to watch LPs you can eaisly find hundreads on any games that are reliced in the last few day (Bandwagoning).

3rd party reviews and genunine playthoughs of the game are you best bet for finding good games.
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12 years ago
Feb 9, 2013, 2:25:23 PM
Igncom1 wrote:

Edit: I also love the guy on that facebook link who says he is going to metacritic for his reviews of this game, F****** classic.

What's wrong with MC for user written reviews?? ES received a good score there! I find it a good overall benchmark--What site do you go to?
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12 years ago
Feb 28, 2013, 4:45:51 PM
Tredecim wrote:
as long as your internet connection is fine, Diablo3 isn't a problem...

I agree, now it isn't a problem, but the first few days hardly anybody could get on.
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12 years ago
Feb 7, 2013, 3:28:47 PM
I don't like the way the game does its reagional thing, I like to be the one who builds the country and plan out the entire thing.

While there are a lot of improvments in the game, I feel like it is becoming to 'small' and frankly too easy.

Sim City 4 was hard as hell at first, but once your foot was in the door it was extreammly rewarding.

While I have nothing against it being on origin, or by EA (Dispite their attitude towards games) the game of the new Sim City doesnt really catch me.

Edit: I also love the guy on that facebook link who says he is going to metacritic for his reviews of this game, F****** classic.
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12 years ago
Feb 4, 2013, 8:35:47 PM
Dementophobic wrote:
IMO the content of the game matters far more, I'm willing to tolerate online verification and all that if the game is a good one. Of course I'd prefer to be able to play whenever and wherever, but I won't want to play at all if it's not a good game. DRM so far has not improved the quality of any game I've played so I do have a slight negative view towards it since I'm sure they need to put resources into developing something that doesn't stop pirates.

I'd agree! But the game has to be outstanding smiley: biggrin
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12 years ago
Feb 4, 2013, 7:13:30 PM
Tredecim wrote:
Meh, DRM used to be a good idea, but sometimes it's just over-used. It's ok for me to have the game activated via code or via internet or both. BUT it's not OK for me when I have to be online all the time during the game. I often play my games when I'm somewhere without internet.

IMO the content of the game matters far more, I'm willing to tolerate online verification and all that if the game is a good one. Of course I'd prefer to be able to play whenever and wherever, but I won't want to play at all if it's not a good game. DRM so far has not improved the quality of any game I've played so I do have a slight negative view towards it since I'm sure they need to put resources into developing something that doesn't stop pirates.
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12 years ago
Feb 4, 2013, 7:04:06 PM
Meh, DRM used to be a good idea, but sometimes it's just over-used. It's ok for me to have the game activated via code or via internet or both. BUT it's not OK for me when I have to be online all the time during the game. I often play my games when I'm somewhere without internet.
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12 years ago
Feb 4, 2013, 6:56:38 PM
Honestly I don't care much about DRM usually (unless it wrongs me somehow, but that has never happened). The reason why I never buy EA Games is because any game with that logo has terrible support and turns out buggy, rushed, or badly designed (usually all 3). They've destroyed the C&C series and plenty others too, why would I want to support them.
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12 years ago
Feb 4, 2013, 2:13:15 AM
I think it looks like an awesome game too. Maxis dev team is fantastically talented! It's too bad conglomos like EA absorb and wreck such wonderful franchises. Most fans want true single player or even an option for offline play. Stealth DRM aside- It's about this new mantra about a company ignoring the desires of their customers. If you buy something, it should be yours to do with as you please (short of illegal pirating) If I buy a book to prop up a corner of my couch, that is my business. The book's publisher doesn't care because I paid for it. These jerks take your money and the property is still theirs to do with as THEY please. It is not right. What happens 5 years from now if they decide to discontinue server support? Then you are left with a 60$ MEMORY of a game you USED TO play. And a big FU from EA. Buyer beware! See link for clarification.

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12 years ago
Feb 4, 2013, 1:30:33 AM
The new SimCity game seems like it's going to be pretty awesome based on the Beta, and the concept of the series reboot is all about the multiplayer aspect. I feel like it would be losing a lot without the online play like that. I'm very hopeful that this game will feel a lot more lively and fresh than SimCity 4 does.
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12 years ago
Feb 28, 2013, 5:49:35 PM
papercup wrote:
I agree, now it isn't a problem, but the first few days hardly anybody could get on.

That's why I bought it half a year later smiley: biggrin
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12 years ago
Feb 28, 2013, 6:06:50 PM
Out of all of the negatives, the fact that it is only available on Origin is enough to make me never buy the new SimCity. I don't have Origin, and feel too invested in Steam. I don't want to have to download a brand new client just to play a purchased game. I'm sure many would agree that Origin-exclusive titles will be EA's downfall. Steam is just too established and will inevitably dominate the PC gaming market in the future. IMO only services like Amazon will survive because they aren't exclusive.
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12 years ago
Feb 28, 2013, 6:10:59 PM
murph wrote:
Out of all of the negatives, the fact that it is only available on Origin is enough to make me never buy the new SimCity. I don't have Origin, and feel too invested in Steam. I don't want to have to download a brand new client just to play a purchased game. I'm sure many would agree that Origin-exclusive titles will be EA's downfall. Steam is just too established and will inevitably dominate the PC gaming market in the future. IMO only services like Amazon will survive because they aren't exclusive.

I must agree - this case is (most) likely the one going to be happening. (in my opinion)
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12 years ago
Feb 28, 2013, 8:27:36 PM
murph wrote:
Out of all of the negatives, the fact that it is only available on Origin is enough to make me never buy the new SimCity. I don't have Origin, and feel too invested in Steam. I don't want to have to download a brand new client just to play a purchased game. I'm sure many would agree that Origin-exclusive titles will be EA's downfall. Steam is just too established and will inevitably dominate the PC gaming market in the future. IMO only services like Amazon will survive because they aren't exclusive.
True. I don't really understand why they made that decision.. - sure valve gets a percentage of the profit for steam-released games, but does this outweighs the potential loss of costumers?
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12 years ago
Feb 28, 2013, 10:36:48 PM
adder wrote:
True. I don't really understand why they made that decision.. - sure valve gets a percentage of the profit for steam-released games, but does this outweighs the potential loss of costumers?

I guess Valve/Steam wins there because of the all-in-one platform - they are already well know, have millions player per day online, etc.
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12 years ago
Mar 1, 2013, 2:56:23 PM
Tredecim wrote:
I guess Valve/Steam wins there because of the all-in-one platform - they are already well know, have millions player per day online, etc.

I might have not been clear about what I meant.

What I was trying to say is that I don't see EA's logic to make it an origin-only game. There are no real downsides to releasing on other "stores", even if they are owned by a "rival" (steam -> valve)
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12 years ago
Mar 1, 2013, 9:09:41 PM
adder wrote:
I might have not been clear about what I meant.

What I was trying to say is that I don't see EA's logic to make it an origin-only game. There are no real downsides to releasing on other "stores", even if they are owned by a "rival" (steam -> valve)

Ahh ok, I'm sorry smiley: biggrin

Yeah, Origin only is kinda stupid, I must agree.
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12 years ago
Mar 2, 2013, 12:50:34 AM
I caved and ended up preordering the collectors edition (I have a thing for physical boxes on my shelf :sweatsmiley: smile. My biggest fears so far have been the very small city maps (to which we have been promised they are working on enlarging as they optimize the engine) and simplification (which isn't as bad as initially thought - once the city grows it becomes less simple)

My biggest worry/dealbreaker is Maxis/EA's track record with excessive amounts of tiny, overpriced content and expansions that feel underwhelming at "whelming" prices. But unlike my girlfriend (Who has spent a small fortune on store items in Sims 3 :rollbluesmiley: smile I am stubborn enough not to open my wallet and pay for every little thing... I hope smiley: redface
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12 years ago
Mar 2, 2013, 2:27:59 AM
I don't get the stigma against origin, it's exactly the same thing as steam and does all of the same crap that valve does to you.

The problem I have is that these services are only renting you games, and we are no-longer buying products any more.

GOG is my favourite game provider, being a service that allows you to buy games and download them to your machine with no DRM included, because I now own that game and I believe others should not have the right to decide what I do with the stuff I spend my money on.
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