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StarDrive (4X space game released 26 April)

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11 years ago
Apr 27, 2013, 5:22:57 AM
How do I have more posts than you soverign? O_O Oh, your posts are probably like 20x longer.

Err back to what I was going to say, if you think it's good as well, maybe I'll get it too... and we'll have a FFA :P
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11 years ago
Apr 27, 2013, 2:41:25 AM
after much research and videos i think i will give it a try too
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11 years ago
Apr 26, 2013, 10:14:28 PM
It's solid, a direct MOO2 descendant without the late game micromanagement.

But there are parts of it that had been inherited from MOO I don't like, but that's just me.

It uses a semi-turn system where turns are automatically played out in real-time, using the turn counter system to increment when stuff does things, allowing you to use it as a real-time time system.

I like the ship combat and system, but it'll take some learning to get used to, but fortunately you can automate transportation of goods, exploration, colonisation and the construction of projectors that help act like interstellar highways, and the planet manager system means you can really take a hands-off approach to the empire system to focus on the more strategic level with little to no loss of efficiency.

I like it, but things inherited from MOO like planetary invasions (I actually thinks stardrive is worse currently), troop management, spy's and a bunch of bugs, graphical and such and not to mention some races not have a full compliment of ships yet leaves me a little frustrated.

Overall? Worth more then the cider I buy, so it is a good purchase.
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