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Steam Games... How many do you have in your library?

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10 years ago
May 23, 2014, 1:34:26 PM

[TD="class:span2"]Games owned[/TD]


[TD="class:span2"]Games not played[/TD] 4 (16%)

[TD="class:span2"]Games not in store[/TD]


[TD="class:span2"]Hours spent[/TD]


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10 years ago
Jun 2, 2014, 5:46:26 AM
Well, looking at that games not played section... I realize that I got a helluva lot more of those $1-$2 bundles for one game than I thought I did smiley: smile

Games owned 291

Games not played 54 (19%)

Games not in store 10

Hours spent 814.3h
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