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Board games

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8 years ago
May 23, 2016, 8:25:47 AM
I loved the video game too, so yes, I'm really looking forward to it! :D
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8 years ago
Apr 25, 2016, 12:23:36 PM
Frogsquadron wrote:
I gotta check it out. The problem is convincing my colleagues to stay at the studio after hours to sit down for hours at a time in my company. It's harder when they're not on company time. smiley: stickouttongue

Although 2 hours... sounds more reasonable.


I played it under 2h with total noobs like me last summer at "Paris est ludique". They even say 1h30 if the players know the rules. Explanation of rules takes 45 minutes I think though, so the very first game may need around 2h45. If you need players, well I work at Porte d'Italie smiley: smile

About Asynchron's "4X" games, last 2 years somebody made a print'n play GoT version of Fief named "Trône de Fief".

But this one, as FFG's GoT, need a lot of time. That rethematization fits the theme perfectly, since Fief is basically a great game for ploting & betraying. Asynchron's boss said official answer from HBO was "for the moment, FFG owns the rigths for boardgames" with some "..." and a smiley in his comment smiley: smile


Asynchron is also making a LARP version of Fief this summer : each player plays a Lord or Lady...

Anyway lately I played "Fourberies" (will be named Histrio in english) from Bruno Cathala. It's a quick (I'd say 1h), easy to play and fun "bluff / betray" game. I think you could like it too. smiley: smile I think for this one the ideal number of players is 3-4, not 5 and maybe not 2.
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8 years ago
Apr 25, 2016, 8:04:59 PM
I'm currently looking forward to this : https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/roxley/santorini-learn-it-in-30-seconds-play-it-for-life , but I can't make up my mind if I really want it or not ^^

Then there's this : https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/steamforged/dark-soulstm-the-board-game which also grabbed my attention (probably due to the whole Dark Souls franchise), but I already own CMON's B-Sieged and Zombicide:BP and I didn't get the chance to play them even once ... so I think I'll pass.

Finally, I'm really sad that I let this one slip away : https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1957487380/swords-and-bagpipes-freedom-treachery-power . I was very angry at the shipping costs, but IMO the game is really, really nice.

Hope to see it some day at retail ...
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8 years ago
Apr 26, 2016, 12:13:51 PM
Amazon had some pretty substantial discounts going on in their US store on board games (up to 40%), but unfortunately with shipping these were almost negated entirely. And now the promo is over. :c
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8 years ago
Apr 27, 2016, 7:59:57 AM
Frogsquadron wrote:
Amazon had some pretty substantial discounts going on in their US store on board games (up to 40%), but unfortunately with shipping these were almost negated entirely. And now the promo is over. :c

Ludikbazar in France does this smiley: wink

(or your favorite shop if you've got their card)
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8 years ago
May 19, 2016, 1:15:26 PM
None of these have a board game version though, do they? :)

This thread is for board games such as the old classics Risk, Monopoly and new (and much cooler) ones. :)
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8 years ago
May 19, 2016, 3:39:45 PM
What games do you have in your collection ?

I have a pretty decent collection but I try to resist the temptation to buy too much!

What are your favorite games ?

Eclipse : New Dawn For the Galaxy is my absolute favorite. I'm lucky enough to be able to play it regularly.

- Which ones would you recommend to a newcomer ?

Ticket to Ride - It's fun, short to play, easy rules and has a theme everyone likes.

How often do you play ?

I play with a more "hardcore" group once a month that always plays a game of Eclipse. I also play more oftern with casual groups that play stuff like Settlers of Catan, Ticket to Ride and party games. I also play a bit with my children.

How big is your gaming group?

About 20 folks but in different groups

Do you play board games online ?

I do but it doesn't compare to playing in person.

What's the next game you plan to purchase ?

There's nothing on my radar at the moment but GenCon is coming up so that may change.

What's your biggest board game disappointment?

I really disliked Dominion and Pandemic, which are pretty popular. I find Dominion pretty bland. Pandemic feels more like a puzzle and with the wrong people, it's usually one guy telling the other what to do.
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8 years ago
May 20, 2016, 9:41:32 AM
Propbuddha wrote:

I really disliked Dominion and Pandemic, which are pretty popular. I find Dominion pretty bland. Pandemic feels more like a puzzle and with the wrong people, it's usually one guy telling the other what to do.

Just bought Pandemic with its expansions (ItL, OtB, SoE), but our group has no experience with it at all.

I'm really keen on playing something cooperative for a change (e.g. also Samurai Spirit, B-Sieged, Z:BP) ...
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8 years ago
May 20, 2016, 1:15:11 PM
Tomorrow we'll be playing a pretty big game of Eclipse with willbefast, Jhell, Lt Miles, Kratorg and a few other new arrivals, for an expected total of 8 players.

I'm almost giddy. :D

I have placed an order for the game and all its expansions (we're usually using AmpliMath's copy), along with Star Wars Rebellion, which looks fantastic.
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8 years ago
May 21, 2016, 1:24:54 PM
Frogsquadron wrote:
I have placed an order for the game and all its expansions (we're usually using AmpliMath's copy), along with Star Wars Rebellion, which looks fantastic.

I have Rebellion and got to play it for the first time last weekend. It was an amazing experience! Your really going to enjoy it.
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8 years ago
Apr 25, 2016, 8:21:27 AM
I gotta check it out. The problem is convincing my colleagues to stay at the studio after hours to sit down for hours at a time in my company. It's harder when they're not on company time. smiley: stickouttongue

Although 2 hours... sounds more reasonable.
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8 years ago
May 23, 2016, 8:34:54 AM
Played some 5 games of Tokaido and Expedition Northwest Passage each :

- Tokaido dissapointed me a bit; although the artwork is great and the minis are cool, I still find it a bit too shallow and repetitive; there's a degree of calculating how much you can gain on your turn vs. how much your playmates could win on theirs, and then decide whether you want to play "constructive" (each player with their own path) or "destructive" (prevent others from winning), but not much more than that; the extra characters in the Matsuri expansion definitely help with "replay-ability"

- Expedition NWP impressed me way more than I would have thought; matches are very different from another, sometimes ending with all players reaching the Passage and returning to Greenland, sometimes with none on us making it back; the immersion is absolutely great, so I'd give it a solid 9/10 (bigger tokens, wood instead of cardboard, etc. are always welcome ^^)
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8 years ago
May 23, 2016, 2:59:09 PM
What kind of game is that last one? Never heard of it. :)
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8 years ago
Aug 10, 2016, 4:32:10 PM

Yey! I found this thread here, and I'd like to say that playing EL isnpired me to create a boardgame! As soon I keep creating content, I can update things here...

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8 years ago
Aug 10, 2016, 6:53:54 PM
sdsbarbosa wrote:

Yey! I found this thread here, and I'd like to say that playing EL isnpired me to create a boardgame! As soon I keep creating content, I can update things here...

Maybe kickstart it ? (https://www.kickstarter.com/) ^^

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8 years ago
Aug 22, 2016, 12:06:01 PM

Nice thread!

- What games do you have in your collection ? 

Many Munchkin sets.

Portal: The Uncooperative Cake Acquisition Game


Warhammer 40,000

Magic: the gathering

Fate Core (RPG)

- What are your favourite games ? 

Agricola, Warhammer 40,000

- Which ones would you recommend to a newcomer?


- How often do you play?

At least once a month.

- How big is your gaming group? 

Depends very much on the game and on where I play it.

- Do you play board games online? 

Fate Core over Skype sometimes but board games are supposed to be played offline. Screaming into peoples faces and beeing screamed at back. That's the experience!

- What's the next game you plan to purchase? 

Maybe this one: Betrayal at House on the Hill

It's quick to learn and very much fun :)

- What's your biggest board game disappointment ? 

I really don't like Settlers of Catan. It's a mostly luck based game that doesn't do much to make you believe it isn't. I only play it when I want to spend time with those who like playing it.

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8 years ago
Aug 22, 2016, 12:16:36 PM
Metalynx wrote:
- What's your biggest board game disappointment ?

I think it was getting into board games playing games like Settlers of Catan and Munchkin, only to quickly realize that those games mostly end in kingmaking or rotating cards until pure random chance decides the result ^^ Needless to say I don't really play those games anymore, though I would not mind playing Settlers to introduce someone to boardgames.

I totally agree on Settlers of Catan.

Munchkin however has more to it. It is interactive. I don't really care if I win or not. What I enjoy about the game is those situations when you are able to interact with another player to create an interesting situation.

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8 years ago
Aug 22, 2016, 1:49:16 PM

I suggest that we also share some "one-liners" about games we played recently, what do you think ? ^^

I've recently played these :

- Love Letter : 3 and 4 players; works well, plays quickly, but is a bit boring IMHO. We don't play it "competitively" but rather "for fun" (e.g. I'm always asking my friend whether he's a Prince, and he does the same); overall a 7/10

- Russian Railroads : 3 players; has quite the perfect amount of depth for our group (not too much strategy, but still involves some planning ahead); we love how there are several ways to pursue victory (e.g. not always building the Vladivostok line to the end); a solid 9/10

- Citadels : 3 players; at first we were a but puzzled because the rules weren't that well translated for our localized edition, but we ended up liking it more than Love Letter; so perhaps a 7.5/10

- Settlers of Catan (no expansions) : 3 players; it's definitely not a perfect game, and rolling 7s quite a lot can get you pretty frustrated quite quickly; but in the end, we could rate it a 6/10

- St. Petersburg : 3 players; played it 3 or 4 times, and every time, one of us kind-of "snowballed" to victory; we weren't quite able to identify several paths to victory (other than buy into Workers and Politicians, then finally switch to Buildings and # of Unique Politicians); overall a 7.5/10

- Istanbul : 3 players; was quite a revelation, plays quickly and sometimes unexpectedly; one player won a game w/ 5 points while the others had only 2 points, but then lost the next two or three games quite badly; overall an 8/10

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