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12 years ago
May 1, 2012, 12:09:29 PM
Justice wrote:
Politics and religion are great subjects for discussion so long as you just keep a civil and respectful tone. I mean, no religion would for instance mean that we couldn't worship Alderbranch on this forum and no politics would result in us not being able to plot about how to conquer the world!

Well the Church of Alderbranch is the offiical forum religion but, unless moderated very strictly, religious threads can quickly get out of hand.
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12 years ago
Apr 28, 2012, 11:33:11 PM

Here are some quotes from different people from different countries on their opinion on Americans:

An Aussie here and yes I have family in the U.S. who have been there for 150 years and they agree with most of what I have to say about Yanks.

1:..up your selves like no other

2:.. if it ain't American its f*cked

3:.. thick as a lump of 4x2 timber

4:.. ignorant of anything out side your state boarders let alone out side the U.S.A.'s boarders

5:.. we are the best ..we make the best..we discovered everything.. we invented everything

6:.. we have the best education... we have the best medical/hospitals .. the best...the best.

These are just a few of the negative things that is front and centre that the rest of the world see's about Americans and it seems that its been the same for quite a long long while .

Uk. It's hard to generalise about an entire country - most Americans I know are very nice people, friendly, hard-working types.

A lot of them are a bit overweight, it's true, and many have some underlying assumptions that America is the greatest country on earth which leads them to be unconsciously arrogant in some ways. And the political system tends to colour perception of the whole country, see also Bowling for Columbine, Inside Job, etc. Plus there seem to be some very one-sided treaties between the uk and us. And the US media sucks - CNN, Fox News, Verizon, Comcast, how is it that they are allowed to survive and completely dominate the entertainment and news landscapes? But you have some beautiful nature, like yellowstone and the grand canyon.

But anyway, nice people, lovely country, shame about the government, the media, and the overly-competitive corporate thought-scape.

can't give an opinion that will cover every citizen of USA. However it seems from what I've read from americans themselves that a lot of them understand very little of anything, while others understand quite a lot. The former give the US a bad name.

The best to stay quite far away from all of them and keeping clear distance to them.

Americans better stay for their own and it is nothing but a risk talking to one of them.

Like most Germans I just go the other way as soon as I see turn up an American.

I have nothing against them but it is better to keep them on a very wide distance and to avoid contacts to them.

Politically we could see that America is used to nuke and bomb all those who dare to have a different opinion.

Well as a American and reading these answers all I can say is that not one here has any idea what goes on here. People from overseas have a tendency to put to much credence into the media and how it wishes to shape the American people. Although we do have our faults and plenty of it, this in no way should shape a opinion of the Americans as a whole. Every country has it's nationalistic attitude but remember most countries don't have 361 million people living in it and those people most of them are from countries that most of you on this website are from. To basically to criticize America you are in a sense criticizing your own country. Just remember one thing this country we call home doesn't have walls to keep people in.


Well, North Korea have walls to keep people in, I think, and ... ehhh.

Can you tell me another nation in the world that have walls to keep people in ?
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12 years ago
Apr 29, 2012, 12:43:52 AM
Shadow179 wrote:
To basically to criticize America you are in a sense criticizing your own country.

Just speaking for the germans. We're taught from scratch to critisize our own country nonstop. It is very alien to us to have anything like patriotism. If you do, you're almost instantly considered to be a nationalist. Therefore our criticism of the USA is often along the lines: "How can anyone be so noncritical?"

Shadow179 wrote:
Can you tell me another nation in the world that have walls to keep people in ?

Until 1989 eastern europe. Iron curtain, remember? Especially eastern germany.

Otherwise the north korean northern border is not even a korean idea, as far as I know, but rather a chinese express wish, since they don't want to spend that much money on border patrols...

See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_Korea#Foreign_relations first paragraph.
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12 years ago
Apr 29, 2012, 4:56:59 AM
America is a hard one to just classify in one go indeed.

And lately people are getting more and more annoyed by America.


It is more then true that most of the world is highly annoyed by American meddling policy.

And above all, they are annoyed with American political irrational-ism.


World trade centre gets bombed by terrorists.

Rightfully so, everybody is angry, logical.

Irrational is, that Bush states: If you are not with us, you are against us.

Wait a minute, what does that mean?! If I am not prepared to bomb country X, I am against you...

Now in figures:

Deaths by terrorism on American soil: 3245 in total (measured over 40 year period till 2008)

Deaths by murder same period: 801961

So that shows that jumping the gun on terrorist being the most evil of all, and deserve an alienation from the rest of the world by the fore mentioning statement, is highly irrational.


Deaths by terrorism on American soil: 3245 in total (measured over 40 year period till 2008)

Deaths caused by the war on terror: 236000 (added to that can be 6280 U.S. serviceman and woman, measured from 2001 to 2008)

So again that is a perfect show of political irrational-ism.

And it is those kind of policies that alienates the rest of the world from America and even drives some to going as far as to hate America.


What annoys me is, American denial of being an empire.

From the Oxford dictionary:



1 an extensive group of states or countries ruled over by a single monarch, an oligarchy, or a sovereign state:

[innames]: the Roman Empire

[massnoun] supreme political power over several countries when exercised by a single authority:

he encouraged the Greeks in their dream of empire in Asia Minor

2 an extensive sphere of activity controlled by one person or group:

the kitchen had once been the school dinner ladies' empire

a large commercial organization owned or controlled by one person or group:

her business empire grew

It is exactly that non-critical attitude mention before.

It baffles me and many others how a people can be so non-critical.

And is also a very very scary attitude to adopt.

It gives rulers of state, a virtual cart-blanc on setting policy and course of government.

After WW1, America was de facto the super power of the world, but the Brits kept the mentality of Empire, and the "delusion" of super power.

Therefore, America kept to the back ground and focussed internally.

[sidenote] And came up with silly policies like prohibition. Imagine that, drinking illegal... and that right after the period known as "the great binge"! Maybe an example of political irrationality?

After WW2, they were the hero democracy. And loved throughout the world. And rightly so!

Ran afoul with Russia, Cold War.

And after all that, finds itself in the same position as the British empire after WW1...

Really? I think so yes.

In many many area's China has surpassed the U.S. by a large margin, large enough to say that China is the leading super power in some sense

And certainly the one with more influence. Just think of the amount of American national debt China owns!

So we are in that same kind of transitional period between WW1 and WW2 in a way.

So it is not entirely unimaginable why America is so harsh in it it's meddling and campaigning throughout the world.

The politics will keep on becoming more irrational and paranoid.

Simply because of the fear of being number two.

From being almighty to number two is hard! Very hard.

Probably even harder then just being conquered outright. This process is slow and, in some areas, only noticeable after the point of no return.

So for now, just bear with it. And if and where possible, try and slow them down in their rhetoric.

Now this is not meant as a flamming post of America.

Just a very short and quick outline of the why people can't get along with America any more.

Sorry for keeping it too short, at least in my opinion it is short, simply because the problem is so very complex and has many many more facets to it.
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12 years ago
Apr 29, 2012, 7:57:18 AM
Me see a need for an "Off-Topic" section for the forums.

Or just forbid whatever could be political.

Cause that kind of discussion always end bad. Always.
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12 years ago
Apr 29, 2012, 9:13:29 AM
You're right, sorry for that one.

It is an impossible discussion, apart from having nothing to do with the game, and always ends with a Nazi post and all falls silent.

Lets keep to spamming pictures of where we live and maybe want to live.
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12 years ago
Apr 30, 2012, 3:15:53 AM
What's with all the America bashing?

As a melting pot of every other species on the planet it brings all the good and bad together in one place. This is their greatest strength. The differing ideas which it has been founded on and which continue to embroil it in the rest of world's affairs are somewhat of a strength/weakness.

nowhere is perfect.

Can we get just back into space?
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12 years ago
Apr 30, 2012, 7:34:02 AM
Actually, if wie could have a rule about leaving politics and Religion outside of These Forums, it would be a Great idea and avoid Lots of headaches. smiley: smile
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12 years ago
Apr 30, 2012, 8:00:25 AM
Diplomacy didn't make it into the first edition for a reason...

... it's bloody hard
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12 years ago
Apr 30, 2012, 9:19:23 AM
Politics and religion are great subjects for discussion so long as you just keep a civil and respectful tone. I mean, no religion would for instance mean that we couldn't worship Alderbranch on this forum and no politics would result in us not being able to plot about how to conquer the world!

Buuuuut as far as I know this particular subject is more about how people view their own country, rather than how they view other people's country. Would for instance be quite interesting to see how folks from the different states and territories in the US view the US, but it might be a bit of wishful thinking for me to hope we'll get that many replies here :-)
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12 years ago
May 1, 2012, 9:15:43 PM
Quite depends on how reasonable the folks participating are - and a forum with predominantly sci-fi fans should be quite reasonable :-)

But! On topic again. Found this time lapse video of the Faroe Islands today. Quite miss the bad weather in it since that is what I like the most, but even I as a native find this to be quite beautiful. If you get bored, then the most beautiful part is from 3:30, at which point the music also switches over to the more traditional form of the ancient ballad which is being sung.

Here: http://vimeo.com/41357512
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12 years ago
Jun 6, 2012, 7:57:34 PM
Lovely Faroe Islands, seem a "must" to travel. Im from Catalonia, currently living in Barcelona

In Catalonia we have...

the coast with beautiful beaches...

the Pyrenees mountains...

And the inner plains full of fruit trees...

Proud to be catalan, but more proud to be a traveler... and hoping to be a space traveler!!!
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12 years ago
Jun 8, 2012, 7:47:18 AM
Was born here (Scotland)

Moved here @ 25

Landed here @ 31

Love Scotland but the economy/job market is in the toilet, London is a fun place to stay but I couldn't love there. Zurich is just plain awesome.
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12 years ago
Jun 8, 2012, 8:49:24 PM
That was easy - Portugal! And according to this you are from Porto.

This one will be more difficult. This is the city i've spent my last 5 years:

Anyone? smiley: smile
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12 years ago
Jun 9, 2012, 1:53:50 PM
Yes i am from Portugal smiley: smile

From your pictures i could say it is Portugal also,Lisbon perhaps but no lolol

From the architecture i maybe wrong but some country in east europe
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12 years ago
Jun 10, 2012, 6:07:18 PM
Well...I'm an American. That's my hometown, Denver. I love my country, and one day I hope to be in it's Air Force.

I could see the United States being the first to colonize another planet...after all, after 43 years, we are still the only country to put a man on the moon.

Even so, it seems to me that we are cutting back on our space program. For example, the recent retirement of the space shuttle.

Anyway, the Faroe Islands look pretty legit, and I would love to visit there sometime.
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12 years ago
Jun 13, 2012, 11:10:34 AM
Alderbranch wrote:
Please guys, for this topic please stay on topic. Its nice when ppl present their home country.

Here is sweden in a nutshell

So true!

I laughed very much smiley: biggrinDDDD
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