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Top reasons why Diablo 3 suck

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12 years ago
Jun 17, 2012, 7:07:23 AM
I like brainy gaming, hence why I have put twice the amount of hours into Endless Space than Diablo 3... also I maxed out my monk at 60 in two weeks of not so solid gaming. Too short.
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12 years ago
Jul 8, 2012, 6:47:34 AM
i was waiting on it for so long got it nd i was bored within a week i was like really waste of good game series there just keep come out with like 2 or 3 s*** expansions trying to make money of the fail of a game
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12 years ago
Jul 8, 2012, 1:28:46 AM
I so *want* D3 to be a great game when it is only mediocre. The story is crap, the game itself is short, the difficulties are a joke. In D2, Nightmare was HARD. And the more I talk about D2 vs D3 the more I must conclude D2 was superior in almost all points.

Just look at the Quest rewards:

D2: Socket Item, Inscribe Item, Skill Points, Attrib Points, +HP, Enchant Item etc.

D3: 860 gold.

When have games started to go dumb? What happened? smiley: frown
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12 years ago
Jun 26, 2012, 12:33:23 PM
This thread is relevant to my interests.

I believe I can honestly say no game has EVER let me down more than Diablo 3 has.
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12 years ago
Jun 25, 2012, 1:13:05 AM
Mivo wrote:
It isn't "pay to win", though. because it's not a competitive game, and there is nothing you can buy that you can't also find yourself. Though my issue is (or was, since I'm pretty much done with D3 for now) that drops were designed with the AH's availability in mind, so drop chances are extra low, no wortwhile boss runs, etc.


That's what happen when companies only think about making money.

With the RMAH (Real Money Auction House) in place, and Blizzy make dollars out of each transaction, their interest is to have the maximun number of transactions possible.

If you were able to drop things simply playing the game by yourself you wouldn't bother buy things on the AH and Blizzy won't make money. So they screwd up the drops and force you to relay on the RMAH.

Ah, where are those times when games were actually hard? Anyone rember pausing Mario on the NES for hours because you had to go to school and weren't able to save and you had ONLY 3 lives to finish the game?

It's me getting older (oldschooler?) or this new generations games are most of times just dumb, shallow, and for the casual masses (not to mentions the greedy companies?)

I think I'll check more often for indy products. Endless space is an example of what a small company can achieve.
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12 years ago
Jun 19, 2012, 3:13:50 AM
Diablo III was awful. Sure is was great for normal diffuculty (when you were naive), but then you realized the game continues to get worse. The auction house dominates everything, the community is non-existant, the skill system makes rerolling as the same class pointless, the graphics don't fit the theme, items are generic and boring, and there is no endgame or goal to work toward (because the loot is so awful).

I loved Diablo 1 + 2 and was looking forward to Diablo 3 for years, what a disappointment...
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12 years ago
Jun 18, 2012, 10:56:05 PM
VieuxChat wrote:
Please. Outside the international forums you have to write in english.

Agreed. I translated it, for once. I won't do that again. Next time my mouse is on the deletion-button. smiley: stickouttongue
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12 years ago
Jun 18, 2012, 6:01:43 PM
Ich finde D2 besser.D3 ist mir zu schnell zu eintönig geworden.es hat nahezu unveränderte level egal wie oft man sie betritt und mir fehlt etwas der skillbaum.wobei d3 somit anfängerfreundlich ist.aber das ponylevel ist nice smiley: biggrin

Translation by Nos (only once, I don't do this twice): I like D2 better. D3 became too monotonous, too fast. The levels were all very similar, no matter how often you entered them and I miss the skill tree. At least D3 is beginner friendly. But the pony level is nice. smiley: biggrin
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12 years ago
Jun 18, 2012, 9:17:44 AM
Leonoux wrote:
Ask yourself, seriously: is this game as bad as I've ranted or am I trying to relive a previous part of my life?

I'd say both. More for wanting something to be as awesome as something previously and when our expectations are crushed because the audience that wants it 'just as hard as before' is the minority. What makes it just as bad as the rant was that Blizzard dropped the ball on the massive fan base that could have been used to improve the game. They took away offline and LAN play as well as, using the auction house, made Diablo 3 an MMO without being an MMO that you have to pay for every month. Plus the auction house in just an extremely large encouragement for the hacking and duping as well as 'Pay to Win' mentality. It isn't a competitive game YET because there is no ladder, but once the ladder is brought in if it ever is... the game will go to the dogs.

I played for almost two weeks straight, I have a level 60 monk for normal play at Inferno I got there without ever using the auction house. And a level 60 hardcore monk in the same situation, I'd say I got my moneys worth out of it all. IMHO the auction house was a good idea, but they shouldn't have such a 'plausible deniabillity' air about the entire piracy matter and have active admins policing it all. They didn't have it in Diablo, nor in Diablo 2, so in Diablo 3 why not have no admin again, not even for gold spammers which still exist only is a legitimized business now because of the auction house... which pisses me off even more...

I'm going to stop talking before I set my laptop on fire from the intense rage of Blizzard and EA... and all the other AAA industry failures in the last two years because my expectations were too high and the industry has fallen to new lows.
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12 years ago
Jun 17, 2012, 11:53:13 PM
I also got to say we have a few more years on us than when we played d2 for the first time...things are well easier for us now lol. The amount of effort and nostalgia we can force into something is funny. Is stat selection really that important when inevitably you are going to put most of your stats in your primary (which yes all classes benefit more from a specific stat than others) and try and distribute the rest amongst defensive bonuses after that? Is clicking that little cross that important? Is farming/grinding really that rewarding for you that you want to have what powers you can choose directly proportional to how much time you spent in whimsyshire? Is putting 5 points in freezing cold instead of frostbite, to get +10% damage instead of +7% really that exciting to you? I find myself playing with different combinations of abilities and when I find one that works I use it till I get inevitably face rolled and figuring out a new combination.

I enjoyed it. It was fun. Did it hurt my wallet excessively, yes. Is using the auction house an excuse to kill all offline functionality reasonable, no. Simplified doesn't mean less choice, it means (hopefully) less bullshit. The tech tree of ES did it right. Each node I invest in gives me something directly related to the game and is significant.

Ask yourself, seriously: is this game as bad as I've ranted or am I trying to relive a previous part of my life?
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12 years ago
Jun 17, 2012, 11:06:48 AM
It isn't "pay to win", though. because it's not a competitive game, and there is nothing you can buy that you can't also find yourself. Though my issue is (or was, since I'm pretty much done with D3 for now) that drops were designed with the AH's availability in mind, so drop chances are extra low, no wortwhile boss runs, etc.
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12 years ago
Jun 17, 2012, 10:36:49 AM
I had hoped that D3 would be a game I would end up playing "for years". Basically, a D2 with modern graphics (just higher resolutions would already have made me happy). Sadly, this didn't work out the way I had expected, and after three weeks I was pretty much "done" with the game. Realistically, though, I certainly got my money's worth out of it, in terms of hours that I played.

Reasons? Two, really: Inferno mode was not difficult in the sense that player-skill mattered, but frustrating in the lottery kind of way. And secondly, the blandness of the item drops, paired with the focus on the auction house. I had originally thought the AH would add an interesting twist, but it wasn't just flavour or subtle spice, it suffocated the rest of the game (kind of like taking a handful of salt and putting in a small pot of stew).

The number of exploits, hacks and dupes, coupled with Blizzard's flat denial that they exist, did the rest. But yes, I got a better return than from most games I play, and in a way I'm quite happy it didn't turn into something I'd play for years again. After all, it's why I ended up getting into ES, and I don't regret that one bit. smiley: smile
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12 years ago
May 17, 2012, 8:09:56 PM
-Dumbing it down. In detail; less gem types, no stat allocation, less skills/abilities (sorry, skill runes doesn't "enrich" since it is the same thing all over again), just having 6 skills at a time (thankfully, there is an option which allows me to use whatever I want on each slot, deep in the options menu... it should be default on...)

-Bad itemization. Detail; heavy emphasis on the primary stats make more than 99% of the items junk. If an item doesn't have your primary stat and a bit of vitality on it, that basicly means they have a "sell me" / "salvage me" tags on them.

-Addition to above, less gems, no runes, no customization. Sorry, dyes doesn't count :P

-Cliché, expected story. If I can guess who is who, or what is going to happen right from the first minutes of a game/film/book, that generally means it is poor quality.

-No Horadric cube (typo?) That little cube where you could make "special rare" weapons and such... Nope, nothing. Instead, you get jewelcrafter & weaponsmith, good luck finding what you were going to make in that list.

-No offline single-player, no LAN, forced bnet DRM.

Oh, but I'm playing it. Not alone though. I can't stand it alone; as long as I have a friend to play it with, no problem for me. But especially the "bad itemization" part is annoying. I have to dump everything that doesn't have my primary stats on it... Also, not getting any set/unique drops is NOT cool. I guess this game doesn't have many "named" items, but I'm fairly sure that I'd have got my hands on at least 3-4 unique and 1-2 set items so far in Diablo 2.

However, two things really bugs me. All these years, diablo fanboys (excuse the term) attacked other ARPGs out of no reason, bashed them to the ground, and now they get Diablo 3, which is not better than any of those. Actually, some those games at least had modding capability and LAN/Offline playability, which Diablo 3 lacks. Now they praise Diablo 3. This really bugs me. But I guess that's the "job of a fanboy", defending a title no matter what happens, while attacking others of the same genre at the same time.

Likewise, those people who make a big fuss about DRMs are OK when it comes to Diablo 3 / Starcraft II and their "battle.net DRM service with social features"... I just don't get it. Is a DRM acceptable when it features social features, achievements and stuff? A DRM that forces me to play at 200-300 ping all the time, takes my LAN privileges away, aswell as my offline single-player?


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12 years ago
Jun 17, 2012, 6:37:27 AM
I have to admit i find there is nothing wrong with D3. D2 was better tough but still... Gameplay is smooth and simple, and i like the brainles gaming factor. And to those who keep saying D3 is a Wow clone dont forget that most of the features in wow are based on D2 so directly and inderectly D3 is just a new part of D2... :trollface:
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12 years ago
May 27, 2012, 9:27:32 PM
If any of you are interested in seeing what they've got rid of over the years, check BlizzCon 2008/2010 stuff. There were skill trees, multiple ranks, traits... Weapon enchanting. Nephalem cube. Half-random crafting... I mean, after seeing/hearing/reading all those stuff over years and finally getting this product is a lame joke man.
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12 years ago
May 26, 2012, 7:32:12 AM
Am I the only person in the entire world that doesn't loathe D3? Seems every corner of the internet is complaining about it. Everyone calls it a 'wow-clone' and I just don't see it. D3 hatred is also a good example of a phenomenon that occurs when people dislike a video game. They say that everything, from gameplay, music, graphics, voice-acting, interface, story, customer support and so on are all terrible. And that's simply not the case. Most bad games (or say movies) have redeeming qualities, and it makes it difficult to value someone's opinion when they basically just say "Everything sucks".

I'm also tired of seeing posts on Battle.net where an angry gamer writes some scathing review of the game where they use terms like 'ashamed' and 'appalled' and then finish off the whole thing by saying they will never purchase another Blizzard game ever again. Which, in my opinion, is far too much drama for a someone to have over a video game.

There are plenty of complaints I have about D3. I don't like the DRM, I wish there was more customization, and I simply want the game to be longer/have more content. On a bad day (latency wise) it's a two and a half star game. On a good day, it goes up to 3 and a half, and as they fix things/add things, I'm sure I'll like the game more.

On the positive side, I like the variety of abilities the classes have, the physics engine is good, the sound design is fantastic, and co-op works well.

This whole s**t storm about D3 makes me dislike the Blizzard 'community' a lot, and by extension Blizzard itself. Negativity isn't really my thing, and I really hope people will stop ranting and raving about how terrible the game is. Too be fair, I also hope everyone defending the game goes away as well. Oh crap, I did both in this post...oh well.

Did I really write that much about a silly video game?
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12 years ago
May 24, 2012, 12:47:29 PM
I like Diablo III, i might be a "white fly" but, still i enjoy the game.

It is addictive even if it's not "as nerdy" as it was before.

I loved the first 2 Diablos but i don't think i could spent THAT ammount of time for grinding.

The only real letdown is that is quite short.

Sure, it's really re-playable but, still i can't imagine how boring will be at inferno level, after you played through the game for 3/4 times (not to count maybe some second or third pg).

BUT i believe in Blizzard, and i believe that later this year (or maybe the next year) we will see some "add-on" through patches OR (the worst case scenario) throug DLCs.

Personally i would like to see again the amazon and the necromancer (even if demonhunter\witchdoctor cover pretty good that positions) or.. who knows, something mor classic, like a paladin or a summoner (a la "Final Fantasy") or a healer, why not. and some new "game mode" (arenas ? something open world ? who knows!).

I mean, they sold a lot of copies of this game, i don't think they're gonna let this game soon.
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12 years ago
May 23, 2012, 2:32:08 PM
i think that blizzard has changed the last five or seven years, today blizzard are one blizzard light, and it games are affected. I like starcraft2 at least
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12 years ago
May 23, 2012, 4:22:02 AM
I loved Diablo 2 because it wasn't a WoW clone MMO. Now Diablo 3 is a WoW clone MMO that's isometric. Isometry does not lead to greatness; a great game leads to greatness! Diablo 3 is not a great game.
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12 years ago
May 23, 2012, 4:09:33 AM
Xetherius wrote:
Thanks all, I've been on the fence about getting this one, now I know to wait until it gets cheaper/goes on sale. Glad I don't regret spending 60 bucks.

Blizzard games go on sale VERY rarely. I haven't seen any actually but my time with battlenet has been short. I'd advice waiting for an year or so atleast because they will surely launch an expansion and then maybe the prices will be reduced a bit. But make no mistake, D3 is an online-rpg in every aspect and at the mercy of battlenet servers. To avoid frustrations, play it that way. The lag I am getting on single player (lol), reminds me of MMO days on my dialup modem 10 years back. If you can keep up with it, fine and good. Else you'll rage quit like me and pass on sign in credentials to your cousin who is also a mad gamer smiley: biggrin
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12 years ago
May 22, 2012, 7:44:53 PM
Thanks all, I've been on the fence about getting this one, now I know to wait until it gets cheaper/goes on sale. Glad I don't regret spending 60 bucks.
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12 years ago
May 22, 2012, 3:49:29 PM
I would love and play D3 if it weren't only for the always ON requirement even for the single player smiley: frown I actually liked the combat in beta and same for the skill changes. However, recently I've also been hearing that the gold auction house (not RMAH) has completely ruined the looting aspect of the game too and has made it unbalanced. I have a Starter edition pass and the lag is so horrible that I keep dying. D3 isn't fun anymore and I'll look for fun somewhere else.
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12 years ago
May 21, 2012, 9:32:09 PM
I think I joined the D3 bandwagon over a year ago, back when they had skill trees and the runes you had to farm or trade for. That was an epic idea by the way, but apparently it was too good for the dev team.

I'm upset that the game sold so well. I feel like that's only supporting developers who ruin some of the greatest games of all time. Though if you subtract all the people who bought D3 by buying a year of WoW, the sales might not amount to THAT much...
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12 years ago
May 21, 2012, 2:30:23 AM
Wow, I LOVED Diablo I & II but it totally sounds like they broke the series with III. Guess I'll avoid that one!
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12 years ago
May 21, 2012, 2:27:31 AM
I enjoyed Diablo I and II, and I figured I might as well play 3. Well...

I know I shouldn't talk about it, but I really wished I pirated it... because $60 for ths game is really pushing it.

Things are simplified. (Too the far end)

The game would've fit better about 3-4 years ago. Story so far isn't anything surprising.

I could go on, but it looks to me like a simplified, polished version of Diablo II...

I'd rather buy Endless Space 2 more times for the money I paid. smiley: frown


The CInematics look pretty, and I'm not done yet. Music is nice.

So, hopefully there are some good plot twist farther in.
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12 years ago
May 18, 2012, 8:22:38 PM
I've found nothing but disappointment in games like Diablo 3 and Starcraft 2. Fortunately I've bought neither.
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12 years ago
May 17, 2012, 8:32:12 PM
Did you see the so-called alternative for the cow level ? My greatest dissapointment though was the complete removal of any character customization. No stats or skill setting. All predetermined, too boring in my opinion.
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