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Top reasons why Diablo 3 suck

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12 years ago
May 24, 2012, 12:47:29 PM
I like Diablo III, i might be a "white fly" but, still i enjoy the game.

It is addictive even if it's not "as nerdy" as it was before.

I loved the first 2 Diablos but i don't think i could spent THAT ammount of time for grinding.

The only real letdown is that is quite short.

Sure, it's really re-playable but, still i can't imagine how boring will be at inferno level, after you played through the game for 3/4 times (not to count maybe some second or third pg).

BUT i believe in Blizzard, and i believe that later this year (or maybe the next year) we will see some "add-on" through patches OR (the worst case scenario) throug DLCs.

Personally i would like to see again the amazon and the necromancer (even if demonhunter\witchdoctor cover pretty good that positions) or.. who knows, something mor classic, like a paladin or a summoner (a la "Final Fantasy") or a healer, why not. and some new "game mode" (arenas ? something open world ? who knows!).

I mean, they sold a lot of copies of this game, i don't think they're gonna let this game soon.
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12 years ago
May 23, 2012, 2:32:08 PM
i think that blizzard has changed the last five or seven years, today blizzard are one blizzard light, and it games are affected. I like starcraft2 at least
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12 years ago
May 23, 2012, 4:22:02 AM
I loved Diablo 2 because it wasn't a WoW clone MMO. Now Diablo 3 is a WoW clone MMO that's isometric. Isometry does not lead to greatness; a great game leads to greatness! Diablo 3 is not a great game.
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12 years ago
May 23, 2012, 4:09:33 AM
Xetherius wrote:
Thanks all, I've been on the fence about getting this one, now I know to wait until it gets cheaper/goes on sale. Glad I don't regret spending 60 bucks.

Blizzard games go on sale VERY rarely. I haven't seen any actually but my time with battlenet has been short. I'd advice waiting for an year or so atleast because they will surely launch an expansion and then maybe the prices will be reduced a bit. But make no mistake, D3 is an online-rpg in every aspect and at the mercy of battlenet servers. To avoid frustrations, play it that way. The lag I am getting on single player (lol), reminds me of MMO days on my dialup modem 10 years back. If you can keep up with it, fine and good. Else you'll rage quit like me and pass on sign in credentials to your cousin who is also a mad gamer smiley: biggrin
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12 years ago
May 22, 2012, 7:44:53 PM
Thanks all, I've been on the fence about getting this one, now I know to wait until it gets cheaper/goes on sale. Glad I don't regret spending 60 bucks.
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12 years ago
May 22, 2012, 3:49:29 PM
I would love and play D3 if it weren't only for the always ON requirement even for the single player smiley: frown I actually liked the combat in beta and same for the skill changes. However, recently I've also been hearing that the gold auction house (not RMAH) has completely ruined the looting aspect of the game too and has made it unbalanced. I have a Starter edition pass and the lag is so horrible that I keep dying. D3 isn't fun anymore and I'll look for fun somewhere else.
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12 years ago
May 21, 2012, 9:32:09 PM
I think I joined the D3 bandwagon over a year ago, back when they had skill trees and the runes you had to farm or trade for. That was an epic idea by the way, but apparently it was too good for the dev team.

I'm upset that the game sold so well. I feel like that's only supporting developers who ruin some of the greatest games of all time. Though if you subtract all the people who bought D3 by buying a year of WoW, the sales might not amount to THAT much...
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12 years ago
May 21, 2012, 2:30:23 AM
Wow, I LOVED Diablo I & II but it totally sounds like they broke the series with III. Guess I'll avoid that one!
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12 years ago
May 21, 2012, 2:27:31 AM
I enjoyed Diablo I and II, and I figured I might as well play 3. Well...

I know I shouldn't talk about it, but I really wished I pirated it... because $60 for ths game is really pushing it.

Things are simplified. (Too the far end)

The game would've fit better about 3-4 years ago. Story so far isn't anything surprising.

I could go on, but it looks to me like a simplified, polished version of Diablo II...

I'd rather buy Endless Space 2 more times for the money I paid. smiley: frown


The CInematics look pretty, and I'm not done yet. Music is nice.

So, hopefully there are some good plot twist farther in.
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12 years ago
May 18, 2012, 8:22:38 PM
I've found nothing but disappointment in games like Diablo 3 and Starcraft 2. Fortunately I've bought neither.
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12 years ago
May 17, 2012, 8:32:12 PM
Did you see the so-called alternative for the cow level ? My greatest dissapointment though was the complete removal of any character customization. No stats or skill setting. All predetermined, too boring in my opinion.
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