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Intro movie gets in the way

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11 years ago
Jan 16, 2014, 8:32:24 PM
This isn't a simulation so unrealism is not a big deal. Space is a vacuum so technically we shouldn't be hearing any sound either like explosions or firing lasers but I don't see anybody complaining about that. =b
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11 years ago
Jan 22, 2014, 11:22:41 PM
For the 300.000 kph, I read it as 300 thousand kph. That speed makes much more sense, given that showing speed of a spaceship accurate to meters per hour is a bit strange. It could be the owners of the spaceship just use the convention by non-English speaking Europeans.

Also, low-Earth orbit is about 30 thousand kph, so a speed 10-30 times that amount for interplanetary travel isn't unreasonable.

The crashing ship reaches about 800 thousand kph, which is interestingly about the orbital velocity of the Solar System about the core of the Milky Way. That is, if we use the center of momentum frame of the galaxy. (I like to call it "Galaxy Mean Frame," GMF.) A possible gross inaccuracy does arise in that the acceleration of the ship towards the planet reaches over 1000g. A handwave-y explanation could be that most of the acceleration was because the engines turned on and wouldn't shut off, not that the planet was pulling them.
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11 years ago
Jan 21, 2014, 12:42:32 AM
I'd like to chime in here, even if I don't own DotE (yet).

In my opinion, Endless Space was already very light-hearted in its tone, bordering on outright parody, and from what I have seen so far, DotE seems to just continue that trend. A few examples:

Exhibit A.

During the Intro movie of DotE, the paint on the escape pod burns away to read "Oh Shit!" I highly doubt this would happen if the game wanted to take itself serious.

Exhibit B.

"Sara Numas," with her blond hair and blue armor, can't really hide her identity behind that anagram.

Exhibit C.

Xenotourism Agencies. I don't think anybody who reads the final sentence of its description can think the came is not poking fun at itself.

"In order to properly tap into the exploding market of alien tourists, a special infrastructure must be put into place. Travel between planets is a simple problem; travel between cultures is something else indeed. In order to effectively provide an interesting destination for aliens, enormous work is required in public infrastructures, hotels, restaurants, spaceports, and--most particularly--toilets."

Exhibit C.

Hellgourds. Flesh-eating pumpkins, and their creator is carrying his head around under his arm? Serious is something else. Though I'm sure gardening is serious business for him.

In short, we're all here to have fun with this game (and apparently, so is the writing staff). So just sit back, grab some popcorn, and enjoy the steady stream of small jokes.
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11 years ago
Jan 18, 2014, 11:46:12 AM
Sovereign wrote:
Well in Mass Effect it is shown correctly for the Mass Driver Cannons

and the Spacebattles are easy fought at much greater Distances ; )

And the Thanix Cannons send out a Stream of molten metal.

and for Starwars and other Genres i just say:

tracer ammunition


hahaha gave me a good laugh
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11 years ago
Jan 17, 2014, 3:37:18 PM
Nosferatiel wrote:
I remember that quote. At 1.3% light speed, you'd view a projectile for 1 second before it hits, if said projectile had to travel roughly 3900 km. smiley: wink

Well in Mass Effect it is shown correctly for the Mass Driver Cannons

and the Spacebattles are easy fought at much greater Distances ; )

And the Thanix Cannons send out a Stream of molten metal.

and for Starwars and other Genres i just say:

tracer ammunition

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11 years ago
Jan 17, 2014, 3:12:35 PM
Sovereign wrote:
So far as i remember is that a standard Human Alliance Maingun Mass Driver Cannon for Capital Ships in Mass Effect acclerates their Projectile just to 1,3 Percent of Light Speed. [20Kiloprojectile,ImpactswiththeForceofa38KilotonBombwhich3xtimestheforceof"LittleBoy"theBombwhichhitsHiroshima)



I remember that quote. At 1.3% light speed, you'd view a projectile for 1 second before it hits, if said projectile had to travel roughly 3900 km. smiley: wink
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11 years ago
Jan 17, 2014, 2:55:06 PM
Nosferatiel wrote:
Although the mass effect lore tells us that the projectiles are prepared to go at superluminal speeds in the worst case. Then you wouldn't be able to see them, before they actually hit, since the light conveying that information was slower.

So far as i remember is that a standard Human Alliance Maingun Mass Driver Cannon for Capital Ships in Mass Effect acclerates their Projectile just to 1,3 Percent of Light Speed. [20 Kilo projectile, Impacts with the Force of a 38 Kiloton Bomb which 3x times the force of "Little Boy" the Bomb which hit Hiroshima)

Dont remember the awesome quote: "Sir Isaac Newton is the deadliest son of a b*itch in space!"


And the Reaper Weapon Technology and the adapted Thanix Cannon Technology also just say * significant fraction of the speed of light,*
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11 years ago
Jan 17, 2014, 9:42:48 AM
Slowhands wrote:
If you want more hard science in your SF games, you should play Endless Space -- a lot of work went into the technologies and resources, and we have a few scientists (particle physicist, astrobiologist, etc.) helping us with the content. For this game, the accent was much more on fun and Easter Eggs than on serious science.

So I have to apologize up front and tell you that the science in DotE is going to stay unrealistic!

Hah! Steph'nie fixed my awards so now I can invite you to look to the left and see my Endles Space and Dev Team badges smiley: smile My favourid faction is Horatio - the most unique faction in any 4X game I have seen.

Also, apology accepted smiley: wink The only "realism" thing I am personally wondering about with DotE and that I hope will make some sense, is the link between the survivors and the factions resulting from them in EL.

FreakWhenSee wrote:
No-one who really thinks about it hard enough minds an element of unrealism in science fiction. The hardest of the hardest Science Fiction will still never be 100% because at it's core it describes events that never occurred or only might occur and people and places that don't or only might exist.

It is fiction, it is a game. If you want a game to make a strong anti-mainstream statement on your behalf I can foresee you being disappointed.

Of course nothing will ever be 100%. If it was it could only be contemporary fiction. The real thing is how much effort has been put into making it believable pr whether spaceships just fly because they have this qwierd core that has to be ejected at the most dramatic moment to save the day smiley: wink But obviously the audience will make allowances for speculation, stipulation and whatever else.
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11 years ago
Jan 17, 2014, 7:00:45 AM
Sovereign wrote:
I always explained to me that at least there is alot of Air in the specific blown up Spaceship so thats why i can hear the sound when i watch those Stardestroyer blown up.^^

also as for lasers many of them actually works on Projectile based systems (Star Wars) and only a few are actual *real* Lasers.

in Mass Effect all the weapons(execpt the Particle Beam Technology of the Collectors/Protheans) are technically Projectile based (including also Reaper Weapons)

Although the mass effect lore tells us that the projectiles are prepared to go at superluminal speeds in the worst case. Then you wouldn't be able to see them, before they actually hit, since the light conveying that information was slower.
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11 years ago
Jan 17, 2014, 6:18:58 AM
I always explained to me that at least there is alot of Air in the specific blown up Spaceship so thats why i can hear the sound when i watch those Stardestroyer blown up.^^

also as for lasers many of them actually works on Projectile based systems (Star Wars) and only a few are actual *real* Lasers.

in Mass Effect all the weapons(execpt the Particle Beam Technology of the Collectors/Protheans) are technically Projectile based (including also Reaper Weapons)
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11 years ago
Jan 16, 2014, 9:55:55 PM
Kyronex wrote:
This isn't a simulation so unrealism is not a big deal. Space is a vacuum so technically we shouldn't be hearing any sound either like explosions or firing lasers but I don't see anybody complaining about that. =b

Well, it is even worse. Even if there were pulsed lasers, the pulses would be so short, we shouldn't be able to view them. Given we were in a very dusty region of space, that is. Otherwise there's no dust around to scatter the laser light, partially, so anybody but the target could see or better said, experience it. smiley: stickouttongue
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11 years ago
Jan 9, 2014, 4:54:41 PM
I like the game and am excited to see it evolve.

My first time playing the intro movie got in the way of immersing myself in the game. Sorry to be nit-picky but two tweaks fix it:

1. Get rid of the speed readouts in the info text.

2. Remove the explosion when the escape pod hits the planet. Just let it glide to the surface.

The speed of the main ship under fire is 300 kph I believe. Relative to what? That speed is standing still in space. If they are in orbit referencing the planet the speed is tens of thousands of kph. If they are traveling between planets referencing the sun it will be even faster. It would be easier to bump them into the right ballpark, but best to just get rid of the speed. Many people won't notice but if one does notice the next scene is even more unbelievable.

The escape pod enters the atmosphere. Again low speed but inexplicably increasing as we hit atmosphere and the pod presumably prepares for a landing. The pod then hits the planet and causes an explosion roughly the size of Madagascar. Wait... what? The pod was only going airliner speeds, not a size-able fraction of the speed of light. This scene is immediately followed by the game starting and my people exiting the lander into the dungeon. Uh... No. We died in the gigantic explosion that will make 90% life on the planet go extinct. Including life in the dungeon. You mean to tell me that ten meters outside my crashed spaceship dozens of space critters survived? Please just let the pod disappear onto the planet.

If the game was a parody the intro movie would be great, but I believe the movies disbelief effect is unintentional. If it is easy to fix please do. Otherwise please just add features to the game. Thanks for hearing me out.
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11 years ago
Jan 16, 2014, 3:36:03 PM
No-one who really thinks about it hard enough minds an element of unrealism in science fiction. The hardest of the hardest Science Fiction will still never be 100% because at it's core it describes events that never occurred or only might occur and people and places that don't or only might exist.

It is fiction, it is a game. If you want a game to make a strong anti-mainstream statement on your behalf I can foresee you being disappointed.
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11 years ago
Jan 16, 2014, 3:15:46 PM
The other way to look at it if they was no explosions what to stop Steph'nie coming into attack you again then killing you and then there would be no DOTE.

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11 years ago
Jan 16, 2014, 11:49:48 AM
melkathi wrote:
...As a hard science ficion fan, it would be the only reason I would accept. If I wanted the "science" part to be left out of stories, then I'd read other types of fiction...

If you want more hard science in your SF games, you should play Endless Space -- a lot of work went into the technologies and resources, and we have a few scientists (particle physicist, astrobiologist, etc.) helping us with the content. For this game, the accent was much more on fun and Easter Eggs than on serious science.

So I have to apologize up front and tell you that the science in DotE is going to stay unrealistic!
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11 years ago
Jan 14, 2014, 8:28:22 PM
DotBeta wrote:
knit picking on the intro vid over realistic fatcs is pretty silly when it's a science fiction video game.

No, it is the only reason to knit pick over it. As a hard science ficion fan, it would be the only reason I would accept. If I wanted the "science" part to be left out of stories, then I'd read other types of fiction. Science fiction has been plagued by mediocre space opera and ridiculous space fantasy for too long. And while people who enjoy that kind of thing should be allowed to do so in peace, they should stop trying to poach the term science fiction to describe it.
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11 years ago
Jan 14, 2014, 7:50:12 PM
knit picking on the intro vid over realistic fatcs is pretty silly when it's a science fiction video game.
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11 years ago
Jan 11, 2014, 11:37:34 AM
A game does not need to be fully realistic, it's a game, meaning it will break some, if not all laws of nature and science. Besides, like said before, you can easily skip the intro. Granted I wish there was a "Quick Start" option to be added.
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11 years ago
Jan 11, 2014, 10:33:04 AM
melkathi wrote:
The unrealistic explosion kinda fits the retro-graphics smiley: wink

yup, got no beef with the cartooniness!
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11 years ago
Jan 11, 2014, 9:29:27 AM
The unrealistic explosion kinda fits the retro-graphics smiley: wink
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