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Will the final version be endless?

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11 years ago
Feb 22, 2014, 11:44:01 PM
well up until the release its hard to say for sure. i would like to believe they are looking into it but they might not.
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11 years ago
Mar 9, 2014, 5:45:11 AM
Hopefully it makes it in sooner rather than later. I didn't enjoy FTL or Binding of Isaac really due to their length. I see those as casual games in that you play them for a few hours, and then never play them again (though they're not casual by definition). Not sure if this would be worth the price tag without it IMO.
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11 years ago
Mar 7, 2014, 11:06:49 PM
supasexykotbrot wrote:
@ Mysterarts

i have to correct you there, binding of isaac has 5 level when you finish it for the first time. after 10 playthroughs you unlock 2 levels, after a few more playthroughs you get to choose one of 2 additional bonus levels, then after more playthroughs the difficulty rises and 1 stage gets added before the "first final boss" and then there´s one ultra special bonus level making it 9/10 levels.

i would love to see a similar system here. where you unlock content by beating certain archievments and alter the world and difficulty while also getting better at the game.

maybe also unlockable heros and items.

Get down to level X, do a certain something and suddenly a path opens up, but there's a boss to fight. Win and you move on, lose and die. Regardless the path is open for all future playthroughs. Similar happens at level Y, Z etc, with only what you have to do and what boss you fight changing. Unlocking these also unlocks new challenges in the levels above as well, as well as new boons to fight said challenges.
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11 years ago
Mar 7, 2014, 10:13:30 PM
That is a brilliant idea supasexykotbrot! I do like the fact that with each playthrough you are unlocking more achievements and increasing the content and difficulty options for the game as you progress. It is a kind of active reward for playing many times that encourages replayability. I think implementing something like this would be great and would serve to vastly enhance the gameplay experience!
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11 years ago
Mar 7, 2014, 9:26:08 PM
@ Mysterarts

i have to correct you there, binding of isaac has 5 level when you finish it for the first time. after 10 playthroughs you unlock 2 levels, after a few more playthroughs you get to choose one of 2 additional bonus levels, then after more playthroughs the difficulty rises and 1 stage gets added before the "first final boss" and then there´s one ultra special bonus level making it 9/10 levels.

i would love to see a similar system here. where you unlock content by beating certain archievments and alter the world and difficulty while also getting better at the game.

maybe also unlockable heros and items.
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11 years ago
Mar 5, 2014, 8:47:57 PM
Terra162 wrote:
... so why not an endless dungeon?
It is, after all, Dungeon of the Endless, isn't it? smiley: cool
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11 years ago
Mar 5, 2014, 7:46:37 PM
I just got the game, I enjoy the levels that we have right now, but I would also like a endless mode in the future. I like the challenge of seeing how far I can get on other games with survival, so why not an endless dungeon?
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11 years ago
Mar 2, 2014, 9:49:48 PM
To be completely honest I don't think an Endless version is necessary either. The game already takes 1-2 hours to get through Floor 5 as it is and you can only level up the heroes so much. To compare to FTL again, FTL's Infinite Space mod is fun because there is so much you can do with it. Improve your ship, improve heroes, new weapons, etc. In DotE, it's simplified for better or worse (my opinion is on the better) and doesn't take as long to do.
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11 years ago
Feb 24, 2014, 2:53:04 PM
An endless mode could be fun, but it's really not necessary. A lot of procedurally generated games don't have endless modes, like Spelunky. Nothing is more satisfying than beating Spelunky, and knowing that you can actually beat it is what keeps you coming back. If Dungeon of the Endless were to have the same length and degree of difficulty, I think that'd be swell.
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11 years ago
Feb 24, 2014, 6:51:54 AM
havocstars wrote:
I would prefer to have an end to try and attain. The fact that its randomly generated means no one game would be the same so there is no need to actually make the game endless.

Having beaten the game 9 times before science was implemented, I can confidently say that a lot of those games were actually very similar, if not near identical, in gameplay and execution both. However, the game continues to hold my interest, so for me I believe the persistence aspect will retain me enough without an endless mode. If they can make it happen, and desire it, I'm not opposed to it. I just wouldn't feel like I'm missing anything without it, is all.
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11 years ago
Feb 23, 2014, 10:00:37 PM
I would prefer to have an end to try and attain. The fact that its randomly generated means no one game would be the same so there is no need to actually make the game endless.
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11 years ago
Feb 17, 2014, 5:01:46 PM
So far I think that this is a great game with a great concept. But I kinda went into the game with the mindset that it was endless? Obviously there is the story behind the game, but could there possibly be a endless mode? I think I read somewhere that the final version would ONLY have 12 levels to complete, which imho seems very little. It just seems like it would be a short lived game, play it through once and thats basically it. I also read somewhere that there will be multiplayer, would be great if there was this "endless" mode, where you could see how far you'd be able to go.

Just a few fast thoughts about the game after alpha testing it.

edit: Better way of saying, it would be great if the game had an additional mode (and having the normal storymode as separate), such as an endless mode, enabling you to continue and see how far you can get.
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11 years ago
Feb 22, 2014, 11:28:24 PM
Not a great fan of endless modes or "bigger is better" ideology, however It still annoys me quite a bit that there is neither endless space (in endless space) nor Endless Dungeons in "Dungeons of the Endless" eventho the titles tecnically do not MEAN endless but THE Endless it's still highly suggestive and I bet quite some people feel tricked by the label, as it objectively suggests that space/dungeon is endless. I can live without but I think it would be a good move to include this in some form into at least DotE.
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11 years ago
Feb 22, 2014, 9:35:55 PM
I am looking forward to all the new difficulty levels that will be added.
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11 years ago
Feb 17, 2014, 10:20:49 PM
Personnaly (and please don't throw anything on my face smiley: stickouttongue ) I really share Amplitude's voluntee of giving an aim, a end.

For me, it is really important and keeps me motivated, while the idea of real endless is not doing the same to me (maybe the fear of the infinite space smiley: smile ).

What I think would be great, in order to keep motivation once the game beaten a few times, would be to allow some options permitting to restart the adventure with some new constraints / specificities. A good exemple of this kind of process may be what was done on XCOM Enemy Unknown.

Just an idea ! (I didn't find it on the list but maybe I missed it)
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11 years ago
Feb 17, 2014, 8:55:03 PM
I always thought the game would be endless, you, the name sorta gave me that intention, and I do wish for a game mode that has that feature in.
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11 years ago
Feb 17, 2014, 7:11:02 PM
I've been rooting for an actual endless-mode ever since I heared that it was not intended in the first place.

I really can't agree on a game with procedurally generated content not being endless. In my opinion the main purpose of procedural generation is to be able to make endless games without much manual work.
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11 years ago
Feb 17, 2014, 6:42:15 PM
Thank you for the replies!

I've been in search for such list, my eyes must have missed it.

Glad to see that there are some thoughts on a endless mode as an addition (separate to storymode), quite the thing I personally would like to experience. I'm just that kind of gamer that likes improving my team/character. I tried to play a few more times after ending the level 5. But it just didn't feel that appealing, to start over again, even though the surroundings was different. I suppose it is the feeling that you need to start from scratch again and again, that isn't that appealing. It was great before beating the current content, trying to go forward, see how far you can go and go with what you get.
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11 years ago
Feb 17, 2014, 6:29:48 PM
I got bored of FTL rather quickly :P
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11 years ago
Feb 17, 2014, 5:55:31 PM

I think the number of levels is not as important as that ^^

The Binding of Isaac has 5 levels and FTL 8.

However, these games have a huge durability (almost endless) smiley: wink

The reason: you don't finish the game before a lot of (diversified) trials.

and that's what we are trying to achieve with DotE.
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