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Sara makes the game too easy?

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10 years ago
May 1, 2014, 2:50:28 AM
Huh I've always considered Sara among the weakest, since she can't really ever stand up in a fight (unless you use her defense ability I guess)... Don't think I've ever had any trouble in a crystal run ever either.
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10 years ago
May 22, 2014, 4:52:21 PM
ResonanceMask wrote:
I wonder how many people notice reference to Samus Aran...

I did, not a fan of Metroid, but the character is cool. c:
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10 years ago
May 22, 2014, 2:23:59 PM
ResonanceMask wrote:
I wonder how many people notice reference to Samus Aran...

Hahahah I wanted to be the first to say it
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10 years ago
May 22, 2014, 2:03:12 PM
I completed the game on Easy for the first time last night with Sara as one of my starting characters. She is an absolute beast when you level her up and invaluable for door/crystal running as you progress. Yes, early on she is rather fragile but that's nothing you can't get around with plenty of dps modules and other, tankier characters to soak up damage. I used her as a door runner and support for rooms that were starting to get overwhelmed and honestly, I never really came close to losing her.

I invested in lots of food modules to level my heroes up quickly, and I had her at level 8 by the 7th floor. Holy crap, could she tear through enemies. I could leave her alone in a room with no modules, turn on turtle mode, and she could chew through a couple waves because Duelist put her DPS close to 300. Attack power of around 110 with a .7 attack speed put her at 157 dps, Duelist brings attack speed down to .4 when she's alone, putting her dps at 275. I don't have the exact numbers, but that's about right. She had a purple level light saber, the crystal-shirt thing (forget the name) and green level A...thing. If I stacked her armor and device slots with attack power increasing items, and left her in a room with Suppressive Firebots, it would be even higher.

So yea, that's my experience with her. She's easily my favorite character right now because of her crazy speed and damage capabilities. Given that, it's probably safe to say that she is over-tuned right now and could use some balancing. I'll caveat that by saying that she could possibly be more balanced if there were higher difficulty levels, as it might be very hard to keep her alive early on.
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10 years ago
May 20, 2014, 9:56:15 PM
I finished the game in Easy mode with sara without it dies, you can do it smiley: wink

I have videos and the screen smiley: stickouttongue
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10 years ago
May 19, 2014, 1:59:57 AM
I recently beat the game on "Too Easy" with her. She is a really great utility character, but I did need to keep a very watchful eye on her. In fact, I lost a hero because I was watching her too carefully.

Once I get brave enough to try "Easy", I suspect she will be too fragile.
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10 years ago
May 14, 2014, 2:01:59 PM
When I started playing the game, I thought she was op too, but that quickly changed when I left newbie land ("too easy") and stated playing on "easy". Suddenly she becomes such a frickin glas cannon that you REALLY have to look at her every second. You can barely use her in ANY fight because of that. Yes she is good at running around, but running around alone isn't good enough. In the end you need to kill those mobs, and she can't.

I ended up using Troe and Max as starters most of the time. Troe has enough speed and good fighting abilities, while Max has utility and is a ranged damage dealer.

That being said, the one time I managed to finish successfully I had her in my team because I got her later. Better her than none. The only reason I won that game is because I had this "mobs don't aggro you because you stink" item. I switched it around mid-combat according to who got the aggro. THAT is op!

My crystal bearer is usually Max in the beginning, because Troe simply kicks ass as a bodyguard. Max .... eh, not much of a bodyguard. With that kind of fighting power, Max' lower speed is no issue. Dead mobs can't catch him smiley: stickouttongue

The games where I used Sara as a starting hero usually ended really bad really fast.
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10 years ago
May 14, 2014, 9:43:12 AM
skiiwolf wrote:
if you can keep her alive,

That seems to be the important thing with quite a few really useful heroes smiley: smile
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10 years ago
May 12, 2014, 8:47:17 AM
Definitely, if you can keep her alive, the game is easy as pie.

I had her running to doors and pulling mobs by running back to a set of rooms that were set up with telsas and prods.

I decided that was to easy of a win and proceeded to get my ass kick by floor 3 without her.

I've still got a bit to learn.
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10 years ago
May 5, 2014, 12:34:35 AM
this actually sounds brilliant: this is the omni-utility character. i'll probably replace max with her & try "easy" (which, I'm finding, isn't, w/ this recent set of updates). those needed abilities for winning:

1. crystal carrier

2. operator

2. repairer

omni-support! go sara go sara

she'll also teach you to be mindful of/on your toes /w your other toons.
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10 years ago
May 1, 2014, 7:02:18 PM
Oh, okay. I think I understood this time what you meant. Emphasis on "I think" in case I misunderstood again <_<
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10 years ago
May 1, 2014, 12:40:16 PM
You missed the point of my post.

If you were 10 years older, then at the time you may have started gaming, you would not have had that much of a "type" choice. Also, you would have been familiar with the big hits just ebcause you were gaming when they were big hits. Just as now you know Assassin's Creed, Farcry, Deadspace etc (just using examples of games I am not interested in ever playing).

Yes, I like older music so I know the Platters or the Inkspots or most Sinatra songs despite being too young to have experienced first hand. But I know Lady Gaga despite my lack of interest in her, because she is contemporary.
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10 years ago
May 1, 2014, 5:20:58 AM
Eh, I'm only in my twenties and I still know a lot of crap about retro games despite those being older than myself <_< I guess age does have a factor in it, but I'd say its more dependent on what type of games person is interested in
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10 years ago
May 1, 2014, 3:19:32 AM
ResonanceMask wrote:
So it feels always bizarre to be reminded that its only known among console gamers...

It is also an age thing I'd wager. When the first metroid came out, gaming was so young in a way that people weren't really focused on specific genres. So back then we pretty much played anything, even if we prefered certain types of games. I may never have bought metroid myself, but I sure borrowed my cousin's cardrige smiley: wink
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10 years ago
Apr 27, 2014, 11:41:50 AM
I find that playing with Sara makes the game pretty easy, because of her speed. At level 8, she has 54 speed and carrying the crystal that gets halved, so 27 speed. That's almost as much as other heroes have without carrying the crystal. Capture-the-crystal is arguably one of the hard parts of the game especially in a large level since you can get overrun very fast. So getting to the exit in a timely manner is critical. Having a character that can make the trip in half the time makes that so much more simple. Maybe it would be better if she also started at 32 speed instead of 40 and only gained +1 speed per level?

EDIT: I managed to get her speed up to 62 with the Orange Jumpsuit and A... Thing?
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10 years ago
Apr 30, 2014, 9:01:07 AM
I'm a pretty well-rounded gamer myself. PC is and always will be my home, but I did grow up on the SNES hehe
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10 years ago
Apr 30, 2014, 8:56:11 AM
<_< Yeaaaaah, I suppose console gaming and strategy games aren't exactly same audience hence why I was curious about it. Still, since I play almost every type of genre(and play games on consoles, handheld consoles and pc...), I'm mostly involved in circles where that series is really famous. So it feels always bizarre to be reminded that its only known among console gamers...

I guess thats why I suck in strategy games smiley: stickouttongue I play too much everything to really get good in particular genres
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10 years ago
Apr 30, 2014, 8:36:55 AM
I only know this because it was pointed out before. No clue what "Metroid" is. ^^
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10 years ago
Apr 30, 2014, 8:11:12 AM
Yeaaah, I'm indirectly asking how many Metroid players also play this smiley: stickouttongue Worded the question really badly
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10 years ago
Apr 30, 2014, 8:08:16 AM
>.> Probably everyone who played the Metroid games? I picked up on it right away. Gave me some lulz. Instantly put her on my favorite hero list lol
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10 years ago
Apr 30, 2014, 5:55:49 AM
I dunno, I think she's too "squishy" to be considered OP, you get distracted for one second and she's done.
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10 years ago
Apr 29, 2014, 2:50:44 PM
I've not specifically experienced Sara as broken - but then again, I use the strategy of planting neurostun modules on the path to the elevator: essentially every crystal carrier becomes Sara; mobs are just too slow to be much of a bother.

Admittedly, that costs industry - but that is a manageable problem.
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10 years ago
Apr 29, 2014, 2:08:02 PM
I think Sara is broken, her speed, dmg, abilities...

Start a game with her look very easier and u can aply some very powerfull strategies.

Btw, her mobility allow u to do a lot of mistakes.
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10 years ago
Apr 28, 2014, 5:44:42 PM
i always take sara for operading with big moduls and her ability to repair and to take the cristal because of speed but in my last 2 games i select the guy from the 2 new heros he isnt as fast as sara but almoust its enough and hes powerful
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10 years ago
Apr 28, 2014, 10:36:19 AM
I see little to no differences in keeping her alive vs. keeping other squishy melee-heros alive.

Her speed-advantage, however, is extremely noticeable.

If I was to nerf her, I'd nerf her WIT because that way she could still shine in her core-advantage but would lose some of her overall versatility.
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10 years ago
Apr 27, 2014, 8:38:06 PM
Yea, on very easy Sera's speed is really helpful since she can assist the other heroes fast and she can retreat without fear but in easy its hard to keep ger alive that much and using her is even harder but if you can manage she can help a lot.
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10 years ago
Apr 27, 2014, 2:30:38 PM
Keeping her alive long enough to blossom can be problematic on the second difficulty!

Damage tends to spike suddenly, and if you don't wield Sara like a scalpel she shatters like glass.

That said, on the first game I won I chose Sara and DV8.
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