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Emergency Generators... a game-breaker?

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10 years ago
Jun 23, 2014, 1:23:07 PM

I agree with you and the incremental cost is a good idea smiley: smile

(By the way, "3 IND = 1 DUST" is not completely accurate because the generator use the major slot and can be destroyed ^^)
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10 years ago
Jun 23, 2014, 1:19:49 PM
I'm going to hold judgement on the generators till we see what higher difficulty levels are like. While I agree that they are too easily obtained for the current difficulties, they may be a necessary and balanced as a part of harder difficulties. If higher difficulties result in tighter resources, it won't make sense to make the prohibitively expensive in easy mode as they'll just be impossible to obtain elsewhere. That being said an increasing cost per generator would be fine. It's what all the other major modules do after all. I could see the base cost going up slightly but I wouldn't imagine the generators being out of line with other major modules that effect the whole floor. After all these generators only power a single room.
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10 years ago
Jun 23, 2014, 12:16:48 PM
I think 250 for the first would be too much, but I agree that something has to be done about them. Costs should definitely increase with each generator built.

Of course the generators also have the problem that they were added alongside with all the other changes that already were making the game easier.

Another thing is that perhaps we need to experiment with monster aggro regarding generators. If monsters are attracted to the crystal because of the power it generates, it would make sense if they would react similarly to the gennies. So perhaps all monsters, regardless of type should attack them?
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10 years ago
Jun 23, 2014, 9:03:04 AM
I agree. Generators are far too easy to build and destroy any difficulty in later levels.
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