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Old Heroes feeling underpowered these days.

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10 years ago
Jul 12, 2014, 8:26:51 PM
bewbtube wrote:
I agree with most of these but I'd bump Sara down and bump Opbot up. I like to have him operate in a combat room, especially if I have a fighter for his regen to be particularly useful. I like to use Lady Joleri as a runner if I've got no one better for the job, its not ideal, but it works. She can also tank fairly well.

Poor Sara was in the top of the second line heroes, but then I remembered how useful she is opening doors when equipped with an Aftershave, or Third Eye. If she has the Aftershave, she's the better hero against opening-doors-rhinos and the mob boss. Also, her ability of reduce the speed of the mobs (again, Aftershave) if you put her in the room upfront the frontline is a great advantage. So i put her up a little bit. smiley: biggrin

Opbot is a great hero - none of the heroes in the second line are bad, I just think they are not as good or effective as the first tier heroes. In that case, Josh N'Tello is a better operator than him, and Elise is a better frontline operator (that mix of operator+fighter) than him. Opbot also can equip the bandleader baton, making him a great frontline operator aswell, but if he doesn't, I keep him in the back, just like I'd do with Josh.

Yeah, I agree about Lady Joleri. The heroes listed in the third tier are there mostly because they don't excel in any aspect. ^^
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10 years ago
Sep 24, 2014, 2:55:30 AM
UniverseBear wrote:
I feel like a lot of the new Characters are very powerful and that some of the older ones are falling behind in terms of being effective. The way the game is played seems to change fairly rapidly but the heroes don't (or at least they don't seem to very much.).

The prime example I can think of is Sara. She used to be my favorite hero and I used her all the time. Early game she could run everywhere and explore really well. Later she would get operate, which was useful for Sara (at the time) because you could get her to operate something on the ass end of your base and have her sprint to the frontline's to help defend if you needed her. Now the way operating works has changed and if she wants to run anywhere to help she will lose her operating status and have to wait a turn to get it back. This is annoying because it means that if you want her operating she has to just sit in the back somewhere not doing anything. I might as well take someone else who operates better and have them sit around operating (and there is no way I am getting her to operate a room that has the possibility of enemies appearing, she is too weak to deal). She is still good at exploring but even that has been made harder for her. Now some monsters can slow down heroes in a room so her speed (her biggest attribute) is less effective. It's more effective to take someone like Troe as they don't get slowed by monsters so that his speed in a room with monsters is about the same as Sara's (the difference being Troe has the HP and defense to not get butt humped to oblivion when trying to run away from monsters). New exploding monsters and monsters that have high burst damage can take Sara out almost instantly even if you stack defense items on her. Her adequate DPS made it so she could help hold the front lines but now that she can die in 3 quarters of a second putting her in the front lines is at best a sacrifice to the dust gods and at worst asking to lose the game. I mean she was always fragile, but the newer enemies just nuke her out of existence before you can pause the game to heal her.

Max is also feeling a little rusty these days. I have the same problem with him being able to operate as Sara. Basically, there are lots of characters that can do it better. I could see the argument that at least Max can operate in a more dangerous area and fight off some enemies but there are characters that do that better as well. Like Elise, she has Gork like combat strength and she can operate. The two equipment slots mean you can stack her wit like no tomorrow and her extremely high natural defense and dps stops enemies in their tracks. Max can run around and explore, but again, people do it that better. Max is and always was a jack of all trades, which is a good thing to have (especially at the early stage when you only have 2 heroes) but with the way operating works now I feel like hero roles are more static and less fluid. This means jack of all trade characters aren't as effective. If he operates then he HAS to be dedicated to that (no more running from operating rooms to help fight). If he fights then he's less effective then other fighters because he has points in wit and operation. He CAN operate in a fighting room but if that's the role you want for him then just take Elise.

The point is I feel the devs should tweak there older heroes in accordance with how they change the gameplay of their game. It's not a new concept for evolving games. The term is called "Power Creep" and it means that the new things you add to a game tend to be more powerful which in turn make the older things less powerful in comparison. Anyone else feel this way or am I just crazy?

It depends more on how you play, sometimes the early heroes are more needed than the late.
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10 years ago
Aug 11, 2014, 10:37:43 PM
Holy.Death wrote:
It's my list (sorted by successful runs):

  • Rakya Pulmoni: 2
  • Ken Massoqui: 2
  • Elisse Ness: 2

  • Golgy Phuriver: 1
  • Chef Nanor: 1
  • Professor Josh 'Netllo: 1
  • Skroig: 1
  • Max O'Kane: 1
  • Sara Numas: 1

  • Troe Pekenyo: 0
  • Nurse Deena Ratchet: 0
  • Lady Joleri Tulak: 0
  • Opbot DV8: 0

To be honest I don't find any hero useless. Their usefulnessness depends on both items and resources you will find during the course of the dungeon and composition of your team. I always start with random team, but as you can see I can disagree with old heroes being worse than new heroes. Sara and Max, in my games at least, seem to have same place as most of other heroes. They aren't doing exceptionally well, but they aren't useless or less useful than 60-70% of other heroes I played with.

In your list the best heroes you used were all new. The worst were all old (except for Joleri).

Old heroes for me being: Sara, Max, Deena, Opbot, Hikensha, Troe and Gork
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10 years ago
Aug 11, 2014, 8:16:54 PM
I actually managed to finish the game dungeon twice on Too easy with Skroig (among other heroes, of course). I still feel he's a bit underpowered since you can pretty much only use him when his skills are up. Between that you have to keep him with some kind of tank or a heavily fortified room.

What hurts him the most is that he has only two item slots... Of course he shouldn't be getting armor since that would make him far too overpowered but maybe another device slot? Since he has pretty crap wit and doesn't get operator it wouldn't be too good on him, I feel, and just allow him to further increase his speed and/or damage or at least attempt to fix his defense slightly.
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10 years ago
Aug 8, 2014, 7:42:58 AM
It's my list (sorted by successful runs):

  • Rakya Pulmoni: 2
  • Ken Massoqui: 2
  • Elisse Ness: 2

  • Golgy Phuriver: 1
  • Chef Nanor: 1
  • Professor Josh 'Netllo: 1
  • Skroig: 1
  • Max O'Kane: 1
  • Sara Numas: 1

  • Troe Pekenyo: 0
  • Nurse Deena Ratchet: 0
  • Lady Joleri Tulak: 0
  • Opbot DV8: 0

To be honest I don't find any hero useless. Their usefulnessness depends on both items and resources you will find during the course of the dungeon and composition of your team. I always start with random team, but as you can see I can disagree with old heroes being worse than new heroes. Sara and Max, in my games at least, seem to have same place as most of other heroes. They aren't doing exceptionally well, but they aren't useless or less useful than 60-70% of other heroes I played with.
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10 years ago
Jul 28, 2014, 4:31:07 PM
Fabs wrote:
Dont fool yourself - Skroig is terrible even maxed out. Even Hikensha is better than him. At 8.7 patch, the most useful heroes are:

Max - for pilfer, reasonable speed, life and defense. Give him a Sonic Gun, the Aftershave and that armor that slows mobs, and he's the ONE.

Josh N'Tello - highest with in the game. Put him in a backroom, add anything that increases wit, and thats it. He even increases other heroes wits.

Elise - can double as tank and operator. Put her in the front module and give her defense in the device slots.

Gork - the Tank of Tanks. Give him both the arrrhmani suit AND the hipster scarf - let the good (defense) stack and the bad (first me) dont.

Rakia - another Tank/operator. Do the same as Elise, put her in the front and surround her with active defenses (laser, mines, etc).

Sara - Max took her place as best door-opener of the game, because of pilfer. She can't be in the frontline because she's too squishy, and can't operate naturally. Still the second better door-opener if you manage to give her the proper tools.

Second line heroes are:

Opbot - operator and a little better fighter than Josh and Mormish.

Golgy - doulbe slot make her a good operator, but a bit too squishy to be in the frontline. If you manage give her the aftershave, the speed reducing armor, and the third eye, she's a great door-opener.

Mormish - same as Josh. Great wit, should be kept in the back.

Troe - Balanced tank. Good life and great damage. Pair him with Gork in teh frontline.

Ken Massoqui - light tank. Not as effective as the other tanks. The legend says he's a good door-opener.

Third rate heroes (don't pick up them, unless you're in a desperate situation), aka cannon fodder:

Skroig - squishy. Dies before reach the maximum potential.

Nurse Deena - can operate, fight and open doors, but isn't any good in any of these specialties.

Hikensha - like Deena, doen't fit well as operator or door-opener, or fighter. Mediocre.

Lady Joleri - fights good, not much to say.

Chef Nanor - fights good too, not much to say again.

If everyone made a list everyone would have different orders from best to worse, different heros serve different purposes depending on what pod you're playing with Nurse Deena's first-aid can be a life saver. Chef Nanor has one of the fastest speeds for being a tank which actually makes him pretty mobile. etc. etc.
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10 years ago
Jul 20, 2014, 9:25:31 AM
Lady Joleri is not that bad. I use her to operate deep in the dungeon, hunting those rhinos. She is fast, tough and can kill stuff (she gets a skill that increases her damage output later on). She also has two "oh shit" buttons, one for herself and one for the whole group. She has become one of the more solid choices for me, because she has proven to be usefull both on her own and as a member of the group.

Out of the original 3 I only use Max. I like versatility, and he is the avatar of versatility. Operating, ranged damage dealer, repairs, finds dust - really everything about him is usefull. he doesn't need to be tanky, because he uses ranged weaponry. That's the only problem with the other two - they are squishy AND melee.
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10 years ago
Jul 16, 2014, 8:56:56 AM
melkathi wrote:
No, you do not understand. I did not say I throw them away. What I say is: if I never get the item in ten games at all, then it is not a viable cornerstone for a hero's usefulness.

You are saying "Give the hero X the Armani Suit" and they are great. You know how many times I have gotten Armani suits to appear in my games since they were added to DotE? Twice. You cannot build a case of hero strength or usefulness around things that may never show up.

What you can do is say "If you find these items, hold onto them because they will be awesome if you can find these heroes". That is all though.

You really got it only twice? Weird!

Got your point of view. But when I talk about an hero being good with an item, what I actually mean is 'it turns out awesome with an item' or better yet 'reaching his maximum capacity with an item', being the hero good from the start.

For me, any character tha has a stat bigger than the general, is a good one. Josh with Wit, Gork and Nanor with life, etc. In case of Sara, the fact the she's the fastest character in the game make her already a good start, specially to cover you when you're double-front, or even keep her at the back, in that dark room, for when you need to open a door, let the spawn happen, and bring her to the front.
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10 years ago
Jul 15, 2014, 6:05:15 PM
Yah ok, so I saw how you guys felt Max was still very strong so I tried him out again. I don't think I realized that his dust finding ability goes from a mehish +1 dust per room with dust to +3. Also that +2 science a turn is pretty great. I take back what I said about max.
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10 years ago
Jul 15, 2014, 1:14:55 PM
Fabs wrote:
I beg to disagree, Melkathi. Some items are too valuable for throw away

No, you do not understand. I did not say I throw them away. What I say is: if I never get the item in ten games at all, then it is not a viable cornerstone for a hero's usefulness.

You are saying "Give the hero X the Armani Suit" and they are great. You know how many times I have gotten Armani suits to appear in my games since they were added to DotE? Twice. You cannot build a case of hero strength or usefulness around things that may never show up.

What you can do is say "If you find these items, hold onto them because they will be awesome if you can find these heroes". That is all though.
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10 years ago
Jul 13, 2014, 9:06:44 AM
I beg to disagree, Melkathi. Some items are too valuable for throw away - and the Aftershave is one of them - so I hold it the more i can. (Another example is the Space Suit, or the Bandleader Baton) Luck is when the item spam or not. Strategy is use the luck for the better - so hold some items is strategic thinking. smiley: wink

I see the use of the heroes and items as the same way I choose the researches, where I keep researching the modules that I find more useful, or those I use the most. If I'm in a dungeon and find - lets say - Sara, and have Hikensha in level 5, I dismiss Hikensha and take Sara. In the same sense that I start research Teslas before reach Lasers level 4, if possible. Or research a level 1 to 3 modules (jumping a level) when possible.

Example: A couple games ago I had Max, Golgy, Gork and Elise, and found Josh. Damn, with those heroes I need a good operator, so I dismissed Elise and took Josh. Happens all the time. I've got a game where I got - believe me! - Opbot and Josh as starting heroes, then Mormish, then Rakia. With that formation I desperatley needed a tank, or another fighter, so I dropped Mormish to get - don't remember who, Troe I guess.
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10 years ago
Jul 13, 2014, 6:48:27 AM
Of course there is the difference between heroes that can be used straight out of the box so to speak, with no assembly required and no prior experience.

Then there are the heroes that require you to remember their skills and play accordingly, possibly even plan ahead a bit when purchasing equipment and when choosing in what order to level heroes.

What I find "ruins" a hero the most is when they become awesome through the use of one specific item only. I don't care if Sara is fantastic with Aftershave. It is not guaranteed that I'll get the item in the next 10 runs with her. When loot is random and merchant inventory is random, "Just give them [whatever]" is not a valid hero strategy. It becomes the bonus combo for when you get lucky.
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10 years ago
Jul 13, 2014, 2:34:35 AM
Fabs wrote:
Dont fool yourself - Skroig is terrible even maxed out. Even Hikensha is better than him. At 8.7 patch, the most useful heroes are:

Max - for pilfer, reasonable speed, life and defense. Give him a Sonic Gun, the Aftershave and that armor that slows mobs, and he's the ONE.

Josh N'Tello - highest with in the game. Put him in a backroom, add anything that increases wit, and thats it. He even increases other heroes wits.

Elise - can double as tank and operator. Put her in the front module and give her defense in the device slots.

Gork - the Tank of Tanks. Give him both the arrrhmani suit AND the hipster scarf - let the good (defense) stack and the bad (first me) dont.

Rakia - another Tank/operator. Do the same as Elise, put her in the front and surround her with active defenses (laser, mines, etc).

Sara - Max took her place as best door-opener of the game, because of pilfer. She can't be in the frontline because she's too squishy, and can't operate naturally. Still the second better door-opener if you manage to give her the proper tools.

Second line heroes are:

Opbot - operator and a little better fighter than Josh and Mormish.

Golgy - doulbe slot make her a good operator, but a bit too squishy to be in the frontline. If you manage give her the aftershave, the speed reducing armor, and the third eye, she's a great door-opener.

Mormish - same as Josh. Great wit, should be kept in the back.

Troe - Balanced tank. Good life and great damage. Pair him with Gork in teh frontline.

Ken Massoqui - light tank. Not as effective as the other tanks. The legend says he's a good door-opener.

Third rate heroes (don't pick up them, unless you're in a desperate situation), aka cannon fodder:

Skroig - squishy. Dies before reach the maximum potential.

Nurse Deena - can operate, fight and open doors, but isn't any good in any of these specialties.

Hikensha - like Deena, doen't fit well as operator or door-opener, or fighter. Mediocre.

Lady Joleri - fights good, not much to say.

Chef Nanor - fights good too, not much to say again.

You have interesting opinions that don't seem correct. I agree with your top 2 for sure, they are the BEST in the game but I'd beg to differ with a lot of your so called third rate heroes.

Chef Nanor is the best tank around. It's been a few weeks since I played so I don't remember the skills names, but I won with him playing the Armory Ship. He has an attack the allows him to do damage to ALL the mobs on the floor that's just great, costs less food to heal, and can hold his own just fine in combat.

Hikensha's ability to drop mobs in dark rooms comes in handy. Ever tried turning off the power and using her skill at a checkpoint? I tend to use the sub-machine guns mostly for their DPS, soon as they get over heated, lights out and hikensha skill comes in. Had one great win with her, loved her for rhino hunting and the like on the later floors.

Nurse Deena? Come on! Best health natural regen around. You can stack your heroes with items and HP reg modules and they literally cannot be hurt. Won a few times with her for sure.

Skroig is another, super fast DPS. it's not always about high damage over time, but the most hits. You stack him with some minus attack rate spears and items and you have a killing machine. Yes he needs backup, but he allows your slower, but high damage heroes to not waste their attacks on mobs with 1 or 2 hp. Great when used right. You do have to run him in and out, but... that's what his +defense and +speed skill is for.

Lady Joleri, ya... well... yaaaaaaa smiley: stickouttongue

Anyway, if you look at the skills that these heroes have and build a team around it, they can be great. The devs have done a good job making heroes that have unique abilities that DO work with the games current mechanics. It's YOUR job to find out how to use them, not just win with Max and Elise time and time again. It's not about the best, but doing something different and that's what this game is all about.
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10 years ago
Jul 12, 2014, 8:31:34 PM
melkathi wrote:
I'd bump Sara down to bottom really and bump Joleri and Nanor up a little bit. I don't feel Opbot is all that good. Gork lost a lot of comparative usefulness since all the other SMG heroes were added.

Oh no, Sara speed is still pretty useful - just give her an Aftershave, and she'll be your best interceptor fighter. Gork isn't the tank of tanks because og his SMG, but because he can take a lot of damage. I'm not sure, but Troe is a better DPS than him, maxed out. Gork is that hero where the ability of tank is the maximum the game allows - again, if you add the Hipster Scarf and the Ahrrrmani suit to him, and use his aggravating mob ability, you'll have lots of 'plus', with a single 'minus'. smiley: wink
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10 years ago
Jul 10, 2014, 1:15:08 AM
I feel like a lot of the new Characters are very powerful and that some of the older ones are falling behind in terms of being effective. The way the game is played seems to change fairly rapidly but the heroes don't (or at least they don't seem to very much.).

The prime example I can think of is Sara. She used to be my favorite hero and I used her all the time. Early game she could run everywhere and explore really well. Later she would get operate, which was useful for Sara (at the time) because you could get her to operate something on the ass end of your base and have her sprint to the frontline's to help defend if you needed her. Now the way operating works has changed and if she wants to run anywhere to help she will lose her operating status and have to wait a turn to get it back. This is annoying because it means that if you want her operating she has to just sit in the back somewhere not doing anything. I might as well take someone else who operates better and have them sit around operating (and there is no way I am getting her to operate a room that has the possibility of enemies appearing, she is too weak to deal). She is still good at exploring but even that has been made harder for her. Now some monsters can slow down heroes in a room so her speed (her biggest attribute) is less effective. It's more effective to take someone like Troe as they don't get slowed by monsters so that his speed in a room with monsters is about the same as Sara's (the difference being Troe has the HP and defense to not get butt humped to oblivion when trying to run away from monsters). New exploding monsters and monsters that have high burst damage can take Sara out almost instantly even if you stack defense items on her. Her adequate DPS made it so she could help hold the front lines but now that she can die in 3 quarters of a second putting her in the front lines is at best a sacrifice to the dust gods and at worst asking to lose the game. I mean she was always fragile, but the newer enemies just nuke her out of existence before you can pause the game to heal her.

Max is also feeling a little rusty these days. I have the same problem with him being able to operate as Sara. Basically, there are lots of characters that can do it better. I could see the argument that at least Max can operate in a more dangerous area and fight off some enemies but there are characters that do that better as well. Like Elise, she has Gork like combat strength and she can operate. The two equipment slots mean you can stack her wit like no tomorrow and her extremely high natural defense and dps stops enemies in their tracks. Max can run around and explore, but again, people do it that better. Max is and always was a jack of all trades, which is a good thing to have (especially at the early stage when you only have 2 heroes) but with the way operating works now I feel like hero roles are more static and less fluid. This means jack of all trade characters aren't as effective. If he operates then he HAS to be dedicated to that (no more running from operating rooms to help fight). If he fights then he's less effective then other fighters because he has points in wit and operation. He CAN operate in a fighting room but if that's the role you want for him then just take Elise.

The point is I feel the devs should tweak there older heroes in accordance with how they change the gameplay of their game. It's not a new concept for evolving games. The term is called "Power Creep" and it means that the new things you add to a game tend to be more powerful which in turn make the older things less powerful in comparison. Anyone else feel this way or am I just crazy?
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10 years ago
Jul 12, 2014, 3:10:32 PM
I'd bump Sara down to bottom really and bump Joleri and Nanor up a little bit. I don't feel Opbot is all that good. Gork lost a lot of comparative usefulness since all the other SMG heroes were added.
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10 years ago
Jul 12, 2014, 2:26:46 PM
Fabs wrote:
Dont fool yourself - Skroig is terrible even maxed out. Even Hikensha is better than him. At 8.7 patch, the most useful heroes are:

Max - for pilfer, reasonable speed, life and defense. Give him a Sonic Gun, the Aftershave and that armor that slows mobs, and he's the ONE.

Josh N'Tello - highest with in the game. Put him in a backroom, add anything that increases wit, and thats it. He even increases other heroes wits.

Elise - can double as tank and operator. Put her in the front module and give her defense in the device slots.

Gork - the Tank of Tanks. Give him both the arrrhmani suit AND the hipster scarf - let the good (defense) stack and the bad (first me) dont.

Rakia - another Tank/operator. Do the same as Elise, put her in the front and surround her with active defenses (laser, mines, etc).

Sara - Max took her place as best door-opener of the game, because of pilfer. She can't be in the frontline because she's too squishy, and can't operate naturally. Still the second better door-opener if you manage to give her the proper tools.

Second line heroes are:

Opbot - operator and a little better fighter than Josh and Mormish.

Golgy - doulbe slot make her a good operator, but a bit too squishy to be in the frontline. If you manage give her the aftershave, the speed reducing armor, and the third eye, she's a great door-opener.

Mormish - same as Josh. Great wit, should be kept in the back.

Troe - Balanced tank. Good life and great damage. Pair him with Gork in teh frontline.

Ken Massoqui - light tank. Not as effective as the other tanks. The legend says he's a good door-opener.

Third rate heroes (don't pick up them, unless you're in a desperate situation), aka cannon fodder:

Skroig - squishy. Dies before reach the maximum potential.

Nurse Deena - can operate, fight and open doors, but isn't any good in any of these specialties.

Hikensha - like Deena, doen't fit well as operator or door-opener, or fighter. Mediocre.

Lady Joleri - fights good, not much to say.

Chef Nanor - fights good too, not much to say again.

I agree with most of these but I'd bump Sara down and bump Opbot up. I like to have him operate in a combat room, especially if I have a fighter for his regen to be particularly useful. I like to use Lady Joleri as a runner if I've got no one better for the job, its not ideal, but it works. She can also tank fairly well.
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10 years ago
Jul 12, 2014, 3:29:11 AM
Slowbrah wrote:
I knew Skroig had potential! Ive had runs where he started picking up but I have the worst luck at finding spears, and now you've got me worried about her lol

Dont fool yourself - Skroig is terrible even maxed out. Even Hikensha is better than him. At 8.7 patch, the most useful heroes are:

Max - for pilfer, reasonable speed, life and defense. Give him a Sonic Gun, the Aftershave and that armor that slows mobs, and he's the ONE.

Josh N'Tello - highest with in the game. Put him in a backroom, add anything that increases wit, and thats it. He even increases other heroes wits.

Elise - can double as tank and operator. Put her in the front module and give her defense in the device slots.

Gork - the Tank of Tanks. Give him both the arrrhmani suit AND the hipster scarf - let the good (defense) stack and the bad (first me) dont.

Rakia - another Tank/operator. Do the same as Elise, put her in the front and surround her with active defenses (laser, mines, etc).

Sara - Max took her place as best door-opener of the game, because of pilfer. She can't be in the frontline because she's too squishy, and can't operate naturally. Still the second better door-opener if you manage to give her the proper tools.

Second line heroes are:

Opbot - operator and a little better fighter than Josh and Mormish.

Golgy - doulbe slot make her a good operator, but a bit too squishy to be in the frontline. If you manage give her the aftershave, the speed reducing armor, and the third eye, she's a great door-opener.

Mormish - same as Josh. Great wit, should be kept in the back.

Troe - Balanced tank. Good life and great damage. Pair him with Gork in teh frontline.

Ken Massoqui - light tank. Not as effective as the other tanks. The legend says he's a good door-opener.

Third rate heroes (don't pick up them, unless you're in a desperate situation), aka cannon fodder:

Skroig - squishy. Dies before reach the maximum potential.

Nurse Deena - can operate, fight and open doors, but isn't any good in any of these specialties.

Hikensha - like Deena, doen't fit well as operator or door-opener, or fighter. Mediocre.

Lady Joleri - fights good, not much to say.

Chef Nanor - fights good too, not much to say again.
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10 years ago
Jul 11, 2014, 5:33:42 AM
Zigeye wrote:
I dunno, I like Skroig. He has super high DPS if you can get him the right gear. I used him in my "Max O' Kane Winning Strategy" two of the 3 or 4 times I implemented it for test purposes. Jolari is another story, hehe.

I knew Skroig had potential! Ive had runs where he started picking up but I have the worst luck at finding spears, and now you've got me worried about her lol
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10 years ago
Jul 11, 2014, 4:53:54 AM
Slowbrah wrote:
While were on the topic of underwhelming heroes, can anyone tell me how to effectively use Jolari or Skroig without thinking "someone else would be much better here."

I dunno, I like Skroig. He has super high DPS if you can get him the right gear. I used him in my "Max O' Kane Winning Strategy" two of the 3 or 4 times I implemented it for test purposes. Jolari is another story, hehe.
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10 years ago
Jul 10, 2014, 8:18:05 PM
While were on the topic of underwhelming heroes, can anyone tell me how to effectively use Jolari or Skroig without thinking "someone else would be much better here."
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10 years ago
Jul 10, 2014, 5:02:06 PM
I'm still quite new to the game and haven't unlocked any characters other than the first 3 that I can start a game with. It's in my personal opinion that since these characters need to be unlocked, they should be better. It makes the beginning levels easier and then provides further depth. A feeling of reward you could say.
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10 years ago
Jul 10, 2014, 4:38:20 PM
It just hit me that there should be a new game item called either 'neural interface' or 'psychoactive bubble gum' which forfeits the 1 door activation time for operation. Also, one or maybe 2 heroes could have a passive skill of the same effect.

Since operation was instant before, there was no room for these. Now that operating has an activation time, it makes sense to have a passive skill which bypasses the activation time as an advantage.

As said, maybe Sara could have this skill to make her running more useful.
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10 years ago
Jul 10, 2014, 4:03:47 PM
I always thought Sara was squishy and just made for a good operator and by far the best crystal runner, especially with speed enhancing items. By no means does Max "have" to be your room runner just because he has pilfer, if you look at it that way the game will get dull quick as you'll only use him every time you play. He's just a jack of all trades with a nice passive, you can live without because if you always rely on him for pilfer you're going to be in a world of hurt when you play without him.

If you are worried about placing him somewhere and then he never fights, place a module at your choke point and have him operate it then just funnel mobs into his room and vuala he operates and supports. Sometimes "and this works with everyone that operates btw" I'll even put a major module a room before an unlit dead end and he/she becomes a dust grinder of sorts, every time I open a room mobs will spawn in that unlit room and my operator can take out the mobs for a couple of dust each time.

There's so much more strategy to it than it seems you need to make the most out of your teammates.
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10 years ago
Jul 10, 2014, 3:46:12 PM
All heroes will indeed need a good look over eventually to make sure they are all useful. So keep the feedback on those coming. I agree with your assessment of Sarah. Then there are Deena and Hikensha who I never found very useful to begin with.
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10 years ago
Jul 10, 2014, 10:54:51 AM
Sara being a runner-operator was killed as a strategy now that operating needs a 1-turn activation time.

Forfeiting this activation time would be a super awesome hero passive skill, especially on Sara meep-meep-roadrunner.
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10 years ago
Jul 10, 2014, 4:34:05 AM
Max is one of the best characters in the game, IMO. He should be your runner not an operator. Pilfer Lv3 is super OP.

I never had any experience with Sara being good, she needs a boost up in some way for sure. Higher damage like AOE since she's so squishy.

But the game is still in raw beta stage, so unbalanced heroes are bound to happen. Let's see what happens in the next patch. I think it's gunna be a big one smiley: smile
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