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Old Heroes feeling underpowered these days.

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10 years ago
Jul 10, 2014, 8:18:05 PM
While were on the topic of underwhelming heroes, can anyone tell me how to effectively use Jolari or Skroig without thinking "someone else would be much better here."
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10 years ago
Jul 10, 2014, 5:02:06 PM
I'm still quite new to the game and haven't unlocked any characters other than the first 3 that I can start a game with. It's in my personal opinion that since these characters need to be unlocked, they should be better. It makes the beginning levels easier and then provides further depth. A feeling of reward you could say.
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10 years ago
Jul 10, 2014, 4:38:20 PM
It just hit me that there should be a new game item called either 'neural interface' or 'psychoactive bubble gum' which forfeits the 1 door activation time for operation. Also, one or maybe 2 heroes could have a passive skill of the same effect.

Since operation was instant before, there was no room for these. Now that operating has an activation time, it makes sense to have a passive skill which bypasses the activation time as an advantage.

As said, maybe Sara could have this skill to make her running more useful.
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10 years ago
Jul 10, 2014, 4:03:47 PM
I always thought Sara was squishy and just made for a good operator and by far the best crystal runner, especially with speed enhancing items. By no means does Max "have" to be your room runner just because he has pilfer, if you look at it that way the game will get dull quick as you'll only use him every time you play. He's just a jack of all trades with a nice passive, you can live without because if you always rely on him for pilfer you're going to be in a world of hurt when you play without him.

If you are worried about placing him somewhere and then he never fights, place a module at your choke point and have him operate it then just funnel mobs into his room and vuala he operates and supports. Sometimes "and this works with everyone that operates btw" I'll even put a major module a room before an unlit dead end and he/she becomes a dust grinder of sorts, every time I open a room mobs will spawn in that unlit room and my operator can take out the mobs for a couple of dust each time.

There's so much more strategy to it than it seems you need to make the most out of your teammates.
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10 years ago
Jul 10, 2014, 3:46:12 PM
All heroes will indeed need a good look over eventually to make sure they are all useful. So keep the feedback on those coming. I agree with your assessment of Sarah. Then there are Deena and Hikensha who I never found very useful to begin with.
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10 years ago
Jul 10, 2014, 10:54:51 AM
Sara being a runner-operator was killed as a strategy now that operating needs a 1-turn activation time.

Forfeiting this activation time would be a super awesome hero passive skill, especially on Sara meep-meep-roadrunner.
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10 years ago
Jul 10, 2014, 4:34:05 AM
Max is one of the best characters in the game, IMO. He should be your runner not an operator. Pilfer Lv3 is super OP.

I never had any experience with Sara being good, she needs a boost up in some way for sure. Higher damage like AOE since she's so squishy.

But the game is still in raw beta stage, so unbalanced heroes are bound to happen. Let's see what happens in the next patch. I think it's gunna be a big one smiley: smile
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