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Speed Runs! Hold the WORLD RECORD

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9 years ago
Jan 11, 2016, 2:21:59 AM
It's always nice to have another. No matter your time submit it on Speedruns.com/dote. You can always submit and it allows for Spleen and I to watch you progress which is always fun!
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9 years ago
Jan 11, 2016, 11:09:07 AM
Spleeninator wrote:
It would likely be using safer strats, and the module-based times are only getting faster (which are generally a lot safer than my kamizake resetting) so I could definitely see it. Generally to submit these things you need to:

-Have a good amount of experience marathon-ing it in other marathons

-Be good at narrating and explaining what's going on to people who don't know what the game even is

-Have some sort of community around it, so that'd mean a few more people speedrunning (up and coming trends really help with submission)

-Be really lucky (some people have been trying to get in for years with little success)

-Be able to travel to wherever the heck they host it (a tad difficult for anyone not living in America)

-Maybe have to be able to handle the night shift

-Have a well-commentated example to submit

-Preferably be a well-recognised runner

Y'know other than these extremely easy, totally-loose, attainable criteria I think it'd be in the bag.

If you can survive a floor 6 to 7 transition with underlevelled heroes, these should be no problem. smiley: cool
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9 years ago
Jan 30, 2016, 2:02:18 PM
So I got 41:56 on Escape Pod a week ago, but expected to beat it quickly. I was wrong. The kill-room setup of Pat with Skroig seems to be working really well, but lategame RNG is still a huge factor. Will take some very good luck to get it much faster.

EDIT: Actually got a time ~30 seconds faster on the run just after posting this, but computer crashed and I had to repair it, completely removing the file :/


Also Refreezerator in 59:43


And Organic in 56:11


Does anyone have a standalone copy of the 1.1.0 patch? Steam doesn't let you downgrade and it'd likely make Library Pod a lot faster with the pre-nerf Seblasters.
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9 years ago
Feb 8, 2016, 10:35:46 AM
Do you reckon you're going to be hitting the ceiling soon, or is there room for growth besides a lucky run?
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9 years ago
Feb 8, 2016, 6:28:06 PM
For Escape Pod, the general ceiling was hit on my previous run, at 42 mins. Unless there's another character that comes out of Wes' power level, any subsequent faster runs are mostly luck-based. One will have to start with Skroig/Pat/Nanor and find another of the three naturally on the first floors. Or, starting out with two of them and finding an early operator may be viable - Wes just makes it a lot more consistent. It's a 1/12 chance to find one of these guys if you start with one of them, 1/6 to find a speedy character, and Ken/Mizi are probably of acceptable speed due to their damage output. So it takes about 10 mins to go through earlygame, which isn't too egregious - if you watch some other randomly generated games like Binding of Isaac, those guys can reset for days on end! It's just a case of making one's own luck.

It's just a grind if a faster time is wanted, but I think 40-45min will be the average with these guys.


(except Refreezerator, I think that can't get much faster)
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9 years ago
Aug 16, 2015, 12:37:27 AM
Hmmm, I'll have to try one of these days.
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9 years ago
Aug 7, 2015, 7:02:42 AM
Got a faster WR tonight! New WR is 01:35:10


I'll input the floor times later. This was a better run altogether because I didn't get a taunt item until floor 12 and wasn't able to get my optimal turret setup until later.



Running Time

Floor Time




Floor 1



Floor 2



Floor 3



Floor 4



Floor 5



Floor 6



Floor 7



Floor 8



Floor 9



Floor 10



Floor 11



Floor 12



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9 years ago
Aug 10, 2015, 5:23:26 AM
Impressive. I've done a speed run of 3hrs for Easy Escape Pod myself, but wasn't very pleased with it (and we might as well toss it out the window given the difference between our speeds). This game is very fun to speed run, because of infinite resources and random generation. Your post gives me incentive to start a run, so it'll be the two of us competing then, hmm? I'll post up a run later this week.
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9 years ago
Aug 10, 2015, 8:16:13 AM

Congratulations on this impressive time smiley: smile

We don't know other speed run competitors so that's make you our current world record holder smiley: cool
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9 years ago
Aug 10, 2015, 2:51:30 PM
EndlessRunner wrote:
Impressive. I've done a speed run of 3hrs for Easy Escape Pod myself, but wasn't very pleased with it (and we might as well toss it out the window given the difference between our speeds). This game is very fun to speed run, because of infinite resources and random generation. Your post gives me incentive to start a run, so it'll be the two of us competing then, hmm? I'll post up a run later this week.

It is great to hear back from the community about interest! I look forward to your video post because I'm really curious on how other community members are going to go about speed running this. All I have are my own strats and some discussion from my viewers on twitch. Feel free to post any video (even if it doesn't break any record) and we can discuss! My current setup that I run has Max combined with Chef Nanor. Max's +2 science fuels my research as well as Nanors roomwide AOE that helps me get past the rough midgame (floors 4-9). I rush nanor to get his active and then it all depends on what characters I get.
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9 years ago
Aug 10, 2015, 2:53:31 PM
Mysterarts wrote:

Congratulations on this impressive time smiley: smile

We don't know other speed run competitors so that's make you our current world record holder smiley: cool

Thank you for confirming! Because this is starting now I will do my best to spread the word and try to continue building this community!
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9 years ago
Aug 11, 2015, 8:46:53 AM
Took approx 24-25 minutes off: New World Record 01:10:10.22




Running Time

Floor Time




Floor 1



Floor 2



Floor 3



Floor 4



Floor 5



Floor 6



Floor 7



Floor 8



Floor 9



Floor 10



Floor 11



Floor 12



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9 years ago
Aug 11, 2015, 9:45:46 AM
Oldstalk wrote:
Congrats for your time, it seems really fun to speedrun !

Thank you very much! It is incredibly fun to speedrun. Your brain is going a million miles a minute thinking ahead, but also having to deal with the current. The last 4 floors are very intense. Your characters all all under leveled, you probably don't have the party you want, you likely don't have the modules you want, and you likely don't have the items you want. Yet somehow you have to survive! When you push that exit button on floor 12 no matter if you get a Personal Best or not it is still a rush. I am truly grateful to have an awesome core group of viewers on twitch to share it with too so it makes it all the better!
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9 years ago
Aug 12, 2015, 1:33:40 PM
Interesting! I never thought of how one would speedrun the game but it actually makes sense. Too bad there aren't other runners smiley: smile

That makes me think it would be cool to be able to specify a fixed seed for the dungeon generation, so several people can race with the same layouts and compare times smiley: smile
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9 years ago
Aug 12, 2015, 4:03:43 PM
Shtong wrote:
Interesting! I never thought of how one would speedrun the game but it actually makes sense. Too bad there aren't other runners smiley: smile

That makes me think it would be cool to be able to specify a fixed seed for the dungeon generation, so several people can race with the same layouts and compare times smiley: smile

I really hope my posts will get more people interested in speed running this game :-). It really is exhilarating on the final floors especially if you find an early exit that puts you into gold segments.

In regards to a seeded speed run something inside me doesn't like taking that random factor out. I figure they don't do that in Binding of Issac or Crypt of the Necrodancer races because it takes away that need to have "mapping". However, a seed run would allow you to quantify the bare minimum industry/food/science needed to finish the run in the way you want. The random factor would be what items would spawn and what monster combinations you would get (assuming the seed is only for the map layout and everything else is probability), and you would really be able to achieve remarkable times.
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9 years ago
Aug 15, 2015, 1:11:07 AM
Meh, thinking about throwing the towel... I've tried a run, but haven't had as much success... here's my strategy:

Prisoner Prod 4, Tear Gas, and otherwise low science/food strats.

Find one of the two aggro items.

End half of the game, find Gork. (yes it's very frustrating to have to name someone outright).

Strat involves just using Gork's 3k health + door dancing to get past any floor with no dust. Yeah, can even be done in the crystal room with 3 other heroes as turrets, who would be high dps chars. One misclick and it's over.

I wasn't too excited about playing that one out, but there it is.
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