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Speed Runs! Hold the WORLD RECORD

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9 years ago
Sep 9, 2015, 8:42:06 PM
hmm, im gonna do a speedrun once i learn about more modules under the heart category
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9 years ago
Sep 10, 2015, 8:38:57 PM
assasxyn wrote:
hmm, im gonna do a speedrun once i learn about more modules under the heart category

I would love for the community to grow. When you start your attempts don't shy away from posting your runs even if they don't beat spleen they would earn you #2 or #3 on speedrun.com!
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9 years ago
Oct 11, 2015, 4:58:48 AM
Wow. I couldn't do it. I take too much time with thoughts and thinking and cognition.
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9 years ago
Oct 11, 2015, 9:51:55 AM
meloemphatic wrote:
Wow. I couldn't do it. I take too much time with thoughts and thinking and cognition.

Ah, thinking's for chumps! But seriously, it's all a case of having a game plan worked out beforehand. A summation of my general strategy:

Use Nanor or Skroig to act as floodgates, level them up ASAP. Cooking With Gas and Red Plume are the only way to get through endgame. Gas damages everything, but you need a taunt item for Nanor to excel, with roomjumping. Plume destroys everything in the room and takes less micro-managing, though prepare to get destroyed by the exploding enemies. [KeepinmindtauntoverridesRedPlume]

The other character to pick is personal preference, either an operator to boost economy or another DPS to hasten earlygame immensely.

When finding heroes, taking anyone is good. 4 heroes are objectively better than 2. Only dismiss heroes when there is a much better character to choose. An ideal team comp, I think, would be: Skroig/Nanor, Operator (Mormish/Max/Josh/Hikensha), Anyone with Scamper (Esseb/Troe/Joleri), DPS (Ken/Troe/Mizi)

In earlygame, research upgrades for the major modules. Then, research Seblaster and Emergency Generator. Upgrade Seblaster whenever possible, if no good researches are available just re-roll it or research something cheaper than re-rolling.

In earlygame, focus on Industry and Food. In lategame, Science is needed for actives, namely Gas/Plume/Übercharge/Sacrifice

It's good to keep expensive items in the inventory because finding a dust merchant on the last few floors can just instantly win the floor, though this doesn't happen often.

Other than that, it's all a matter of charging ahead face-first and minimising enemy spawns... and not dying. Dying still happens a lot. I think I'm going to write a fuller guide to this, I'll post it here if I do.
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9 years ago
Oct 12, 2015, 12:30:02 PM
Spleeninator wrote:
Thanks, guys! I've been playing Armory Pod to test out different characters and strats more quickly, and I think that Skroig alone may be able to push the Escape Pod run sub-50 or even sub-40 because Red Plume is so awesome.

After inadvertently getting 54:11 twice in a row on Armory Pod (just 1 second slower than Escape Pod!), I just managed to fluke into an INSANE time on Armory Pod, sub-30!

Devv, any chance we could get the other Pods as categories on speedrun.com?


Holy crap.
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9 years ago
Oct 12, 2015, 3:23:25 PM
Spleen created the library pod on Speedrun.com for you to submit. Sanitary would be crazy without the ability to pause and since its much harder than easy I would love to see you run it! Keep up the good work. I haven't tried speedrunning this game for a while do to the baby. I wish I could contend with you, but maybe in the future when my personal life gets less crazed...and less poopy...literally it goes everywhere.
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9 years ago
Oct 12, 2015, 3:25:31 PM
Do you have your splits for library pod Spleen?

Also ever thought about streaming on twitch? Since you are EU you might stream when I'm at work and keep me from boredom! ROFL
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9 years ago
Oct 12, 2015, 5:35:22 PM
Library Pod splits at https://splits.io/b5a, might try to improve on it tonight though.

I've considered streaming, but between my generally broken schedule and computer dying even on simple recording, I just couldn't do it. I'll probably start cranking out a lot more videos on youtube, though.
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9 years ago
Nov 17, 2015, 10:43:00 AM
I'll definitely give this one a watch later, great work!
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9 years ago
Nov 26, 2015, 3:01:04 PM
Escape Pod in 43:49 at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_uv60X1MjBg - did it just before the update! I can foresee the Secret Compartment playing either a huge role... or being an incredibly useless item seeing as we already lack dust in lategame in a speedrun. Sasha Chokyo is gonna be insane though - and Wes Davoun's room forcing could also be an incredible move! I'm so hyped!
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9 years ago
Sep 8, 2015, 3:46:57 PM
Spleeninator wrote:
Thanks, guys! I've been playing Armory Pod to test out different characters and strats more quickly, and I think that Skroig alone may be able to push the Escape Pod run sub-50 or even sub-40 because Red Plume is so awesome.

After inadvertently getting 54:11 twice in a row on Armory Pod (just 1 second slower than Escape Pod!), I just managed to fluke into an INSANE time on Armory Pod, sub-30!

Devv, any chance we could get the other Pods as categories on speedrun.com?


Spleen, I updated speedrun.com with an Armory Pod segment if you would like to submit the run there I'd be happy to approve. Nice work on the Armory POD!
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9 years ago
Dec 30, 2015, 8:58:38 PM
The decision has been made that loading times are being taken out of speedrun timing. See the first post for rules.
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9 years ago
Jan 7, 2016, 3:29:15 PM
Frogsquadron wrote:
Wish we'd see a speedrun of Dungeon at the AGDQ... smiley: biggrin


That would be amazing. Maybe Spleen and I can eventually get good enough to safely run the game quickly. As of right now (he might have a different opinion), in order to get under 1 hour you have to put yourself at pretty large risk which can easily end your run and might not be good for the marathon. Either way in order to get on that show you have to make a submission. Hey maybe next year! Spleen think we can get good enough to submit to AGDQ or SGDQ?

-PS. Still looking for other interested runners.
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9 years ago
Jan 8, 2016, 9:54:00 PM
It would likely be using safer strats, and the module-based times are only getting faster (which are generally a lot safer than my kamizake resetting) so I could definitely see it. Generally to submit these things you need to:

-Have a good amount of experience marathon-ing it in other marathons

-Be good at narrating and explaining what's going on to people who don't know what the game even is

-Have some sort of community around it, so that'd mean a few more people speedrunning (up and coming trends really help with submission)

-Be really lucky (some people have been trying to get in for years with little success)

-Be able to travel to wherever the heck they host it (a tad difficult for anyone not living in America)

-Maybe have to be able to handle the night shift

-Have a well-commentated example to submit

-Preferably be a well-recognised runner

Y'know other than these extremely easy, totally-loose, attainable criteria I think it'd be in the bag.
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