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Hero Creation Thread!

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10 years ago
Jan 27, 2015, 4:46:14 AM
Suddenly: Harmonite! ...HarmonKNIGHT!

Knight Harmon, aka the Exiled King.

HP: Tons of it! Tons

Defense: Absurdly high per level

Speed: SLOW ...Gorky levels of slownessness!

Damage: Decent per hit, but low DPS due to really slow attack speed.

Wit: Slightly above average

Equipment Slots Weapon: Halberd (Spear-type) Accessory slot.

Story Interaction: Lady Joleri Tulak

Actives: Warcry, Turtle Mode.

Passives: Operator.

Hamonize: Unique Passive. When operating a major module it counts as +1 in tier while he is operating it. (If max tier is unlocked, the major module will produce FIDS in it's own special tier not obtainable through other means.)

Intended Use:

Awesome tanky operator. Not good at the damages though. Really tough to kill him. He can operate a room alone and guard a choke point long enough for reinforcements to show up. He can also be useful at a choke point to divert the fire from squishier heroes.

In-Game BIO:

"Wise. Strong. Edgy. Mostly Edgy! Exiled King of Knights, Harmon, was the fabled founder of the once proud Silic Royal Houses. As a young stalagmite he left home before even coming of age to learn about the polymers and the solvents. He desired nothing more than to learn more about the culture of a strange but fascinating knightly order of talking suits of armor. When Harmon returned to his people he brought with him new ways. Under his patronage the Silics learned carbon-based social structure of war, intrigue, and betrayal. Fortunately for you the Great Silic Houses have fallen. Unfortunately for you the social experiment left the Silics bitter, hostile, and xenophobic. And you're the xenos! At least they don't seem to care for Harmon much either?"

Extended Bio:

Silics are generally peaceful in nature, cultivating promising young minerals into greatness by granting them sentience. Knight Harmon changed all that. He was always different, even as a young stalagmite. Driven by a deep obsession with the cultural idiosyncrasies of carbon-based society. He was driven to leave his home and his people behind, joining mysterious race of golden armored humanoids. He found kinship in their equally non-organic visage and felt at home within their society. They Knighted him. Because he's awesome.

From them he would learn a House-Based structure where great family names rise and fall leaving their mark on history. He brought these ideals back to his people... In the coming years the silics emulated the mysterious lords that Harmon had stayed with. Houses were founded. Houses would rise and fall. For years Harmon was the king of his people...But more warrior than king the politics eventually got the better of him. His first son, an emerald of unmatched stoicism, was beheaded. His daughter, a promising garnet with a political future, was sold as a chamber maid and eventually shattered alive by the new boy king. Harmon's house fell. He was sent into exile. Eventually the great Silic houses collapsed in on themselves due to in fighting and they regressed back to the old ways--Swearing off the materialistic social structure that had corrupted their intentions.

Game of Thrones. With Silics. Game of Silics!
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10 years ago
Jan 26, 2015, 8:21:33 PM
DR1LL4R; Obsolete Minebot.

Manufactured by QEC inc. (Quick, Easy, Cheap) and sold for a ridiculous profit margin, DR1LL4R's took the world of corporate mining by storm. After an unfortunate lawsuit based on "Extreme levels of Radiation", "No concept of workplace safety", and "Drilling through workers in search of rare human metals", QEC inc. Bankrupted, disbanded, and DR1LL4R's everywhere were junked. (Or melted, marooned, blown to smithereens, etc.)

This particular DR1LL4R was bought on the cheap for use of the colonization project. Stranded with your "heroes" and with above average DR1LL4R intelligence, his mission is clear; Get out of cave. Dig better cave.

Equipment; Trinket, Trinket, Trinket.

Type; Melee, tank.

Stat Overview (1-5); Toughness, 4.

Damage, 2.

Speed, 2.

Wit, 5.

Passive; Repair, Operate, Master Hacker lvl2, Recycle Lvl3, The Optimizer lvl2.


Unique;Passive- Radiation Leak. Rooms occupied by DR1LL4R are powered.

"That green glow of his sure comes in handy."

Active- Magnet Malfunction. In room monsters (and heroes) are rendered immoble for 5seconds. 3Room CD.

"Perfect timing, or horrible life ending circumstance?"

2nd possible active; Once per floor, can drill through a wall to connect two adjacent rooms. Creating a short cut for both you and the monsters.

"C4VE 8E77ER N0W."

(See 4 vee 80 77 er N zerow)

Secret Story Partner(s); Opbot.

D:FR1END. (Fur 1 end.)

O: No.

D:FR1END D1G. (Fur 1 end Deeonegee)

O:Absolutely not.

D:S1LLY FR1END. WE M4KE C4VE. (Sss one lee fur 1 end. We mmm 4 kay see 4 vee.)


(I imagine one of the other characters asking his name, the text saying DR1LL4R, then the other hero going "Dur one ell.. what?")

Strategy overview; Chokepoint defense in a normally unpowered room, with plenty of beefed out modules to do the work for him. Important stats- Defense, Wit, Health.

Dur 1 ell 4 aar.
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10 years ago
Jan 26, 2015, 11:09:05 PM
Morvire; Master Duct Tapist.

The greatest of the worst engineers in the universe, Morvire is gifted with exceptional genius; and cursed with the belief that duct tape is litterally the only tool an engineer needs.

Ultimately, to his horror, a ship he was contracted to repair, crunched in the vacuum of space. It turns out that a vehicle held together with more duct tape than welding and bolts can't actually embark on inter-steller travel.

Imprissoned for "neglectful repairs", Morvire is out to prove that in the face of danger, duct tape will save your life. (And that the ship failed for reasons other than his repairs, but don't hold your breath.)

Equipment; Sword, Pistol, Trinket.

Type; Glass cannon, melee and ranged.

Stat overview (1-5); Toughness, 2.

Speed, 3.

Damage, 5.

Wit, 3.

Passive; Duelist lvl2, Endless expert lvl1, Repair, Operator, Pack of Dogs, Missed Again lvl2.

Active; Run Away.

Unique;Passive- Duct Tape. Ingenuity allows a pistol and sword to be combined- will shoot at ranged targets, and melee close ones. (Will only do one at a time.)

"Hopefully he didn't make the weapons himself."

Active-Stab and Shoot. Combine sword and pistol damage for 10 seconds. 4Room CD.

"Pulling the trigger excessively while stabbing seems to have wonderous results."

(Plan on drawing a better picture- still, gets the idea across.)

Strategy Overview; A veritable jack of all trades, Morvire will shoot a target until it gets into melee range, then switch to melee attacks. Giving him more survivability than the average ranged hero, but leaving him in the same danger as a front line fighter. Keep alive- do lots of damage. Important Stats; Speed, Damage, Attack rate.
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10 years ago
Jan 27, 2015, 2:46:27 AM
Paradoll; Eyes in the Dark.

Unbeknownst to all living creatures of Auriga's dungeons, an inexplainable race has lurked. Observing. Documenting. However, a planet of test subjects can offer only so much in a short time. Evolution takes too long.

Paradoll, although not her real name, as names aren't often given to her kind, grew bored. Impatiant. Yearning for a change in her studies. To her joy, a metal capsule crashed through the planet's crust. She embraced it. Held it tight- for she was all in this place. Then; astonishment.

Light. Pushing her away from her new prize. Light! Rarely found. Cherished. Dangerous.

Creatures exited the debree- new creatures. Never before known. With a resolve she hadn't felt in countless years, she relinquished a piece of herself. One, tiny piece. Formed in haste to match her subjects, she approached- hideous. Deformed. Hidden.

She would lead them to their exit, help them how she could. Learn from them. And perhaps, if they proved interesting enough for her; keep them.

Equipment; Armor, Trinket.

Role; Support, Healer.

Stat Overview; Toughness, 3.

Speed, 3.

Damage, 0.

Wit, 3.

Passives; Placebo lvl2, Extenders lvl2, Endless Expert lvl2, Knowledge is good lvl1

Active; Paramedic lvl3.

Unique; Passive. Pascifist. Attacks replaced by a room wide heal. 2% per attack- slow starting attack rate.

"Their creed prevents them from harming their subjects- a dead subject is a waste of knowledge."

Active; Rattle the cage. All monsters and heroes in unlit rooms are frozen in fear.

5-6 second duration, 3room cd.

"When the world you live in is a lightless void, it's unsetteling for that world to speak."

Secret story partner(s); Sara (or Opbot.)

After conversing with her (or him) paradoll's interest is peaked. If the exit is reached, her story partner will be ripped back into the darkness for thorough study. (Opbot makes sense, if you know what I'm refering to.)

Strategy Overview; At the start, healing is miniscule. At a higher lvl, her passives and actives make her the ultimate survival tool. Decreasing her attack cool down as soon as possible will take her from slight regen, to difference between life and death.

Important stats; Attack rate, Health, Defense.

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10 years ago
Jan 27, 2015, 3:14:25 AM
These are cute lol.

>.> You should do up a Harmonite or Hurnas hero. Why for?! Because we have Skroig, the dapper necrophage. So why not?!
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10 years ago
Jan 27, 2015, 3:16:43 AM
I was thinking about it. smiley: smile Paradol was origionally a lost hurnas shaman (a pessimagist!). Now, because I felt like leaning away from humor, she's the physical embodiment of the dungeon's darkness. At least for now.

You should do one!
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10 years ago
Jan 27, 2015, 3:30:39 AM
I kind of have, but not really! Sort of.

I made up a Harmonite Hero for Endless Legend. Check it out in the EL G2G subforum!
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10 years ago
Jan 26, 2015, 8:00:02 PM
It can be fun to share our ideas and creations, and it may even inspire more characters in game.

Keep submissions balanced- it is best to create balanced characters that fit into the universe, have their good and bad sides, and aren't game breaking.

Unique active and passive skills are encouraged, but try to keep it to one of each. Two is okay if they aren't too crazy.

Pictures and background stories are also highly welcomed. Feel free to use any format, as long as the submission is neat and easy to read.

Get creative! Be origional! Have fun!

(Constructive criticism gladly accepted.)
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10 years ago
Jan 27, 2015, 5:03:16 AM
Beautiful- crystaline bearded king of the harmony! Wise! Old! Spikey! Sparkly!

Am love.

On a serious note- exceptional. Tag that onto your thread, and let the onlookers squee.
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10 years ago
Jan 27, 2015, 5:12:43 AM
eeeee! <3

Wootz. Kind of glad you convinced me to do it >.> I thought it would come out sillier lol I haven't drawn much since high school like a decade ago XD
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10 years ago
Jan 27, 2015, 5:23:38 AM
It never really goes away. smiley: biggrin Makes me wish I was better at drawing "living" things. Mine aren't bad, but they certainly lack the level of detail you were able to churn out! Bravo! Glad I convinced you. smiley: smile

Now write his background story. I want to read about chipped diamonds, entire planets worth of minerals rising into the atmosphere, all to follow your creation across the universe in an endless quest! Battles waged and crystals shattered! Sand pouring from the lord king harmoknight's "eyes" as he watches his armies fall to the dust. Challenges! Ro(ck)mance!

You don't actually have to. I just enjoy drama.
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10 years ago
Jan 27, 2015, 6:33:29 AM
Honestly- if you're the only one to contribute to this thread, I'll still consider it a success. <3

I never thought of a harmonite breaking from the norms to learn the ways of the broken lords- but it -works.- it fits. It is gripping. Thought provoking in it's possibilities. Imagining a harmonite, fighting with the training of the broken lords just sounds brutal, and it opens doors for other such unique individuals in the universe. Thank you for making my night! I should be heading to bed, but I'm sure we'll talk again. smiley: biggrin G'night, and keep up your talented spirit!
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10 years ago
Jan 27, 2015, 7:04:21 AM
I go to bed for a few hours and this happens smiley: stickouttongue

I allready posted my ideas in several blog posts (signature) and from my phone copypasting all that is imposible...
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10 years ago
Jan 28, 2015, 1:04:45 AM
It has been a bit quiet around here.
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