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[CURRENTLY IN THE G2G VOTE] Modules - Design Brainstorm

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11 years ago
Feb 3, 2014, 1:39:09 AM
Toxic fog machine

Minor Module

Produces blinding, low-med damaging (over time) cloud. 1 can fill a small hall way with cloud; 2 can fill a small square room; 3 a medium sized room; 4 large halls; 5 enormous "hangar" sized rooms.

Can't see into room, even with heroes in it and power on, but enemies are debuffed (less damage per hit, less likely to attack)--so are player characters, though.
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11 years ago
Feb 1, 2014, 3:04:59 PM
Good thread, looks like new g2g vote incoming smiley: biggrin

Likes the idea, about monster beacon and radar modules, definitely they should be in the final version.

Static Discharger (minor debuff) – shocks every monster when he enters the room. Shocked monster cannot do anything for 2~3 second. Multiple dischargers do not stack.

Kinetic Reflection Station (minor debuf?? support??) –monsters damage themselves, by attacking anything in the room. Multiple KRS increases the returning damage.

Neuro Suppressor (minor debuf) – have a long cooldown after each activation (longer than mine attack), every monster in the room miss his next attack. Multiple NS reduces the cooldown period.

Adrenaline Emitter (minor support) – reduces the heroes cooldown between attacks.

Minor Psy Extension Module (minor support) – slightly buff the heroes stats

Advanced Targeting System (minor support) – modifies the attack of all other offensive modules in the room, allowing them to attack multiple monster at once, reducing the power of each projectile (one ATS – 2x75%, two modules – 3x66%, etc)

Photonic Shield (minor support) – grants a shield to everything (heroes and modules) in the room, shield health = 10% of max health. Stacks.

Bioorganic Transference Module (minor support) – grants to heroes “heal on hit” and “heal on monster death” abilities. Multiple BTM increases the amount of restored health.

Neuro Toxic Mine (minor offensive) – deals medium damage and poisoning the enemy (1xdirect damage+3x DOT)

Ball Lightning Generator (minor offensive) – deals enormous damage, but has fixed amount of attacks per wave (3 or 4)
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11 years ago
Feb 1, 2014, 3:28:19 PM
My only problem with Beacon Modules is that I always missread them as Bacon Modules. I guess the effect for monsters doesn't change with or without the "e", but the without the e version makes me hungry.
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11 years ago
Feb 2, 2014, 3:32:45 AM
Rail Gun

Minor module

does medium damage to enemies--cuts through enemies to hit more.

Nano-virus release module

Minor module

"poisons" attacks by melee heroes on mobs.
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11 years ago
Feb 2, 2014, 4:36:36 AM
Localised Automated Plasma Pulser- L.A.P.P. minor module.

it releases a small plasma burst hitting enemies in an AOE dictated by something balanced, keep placement in mind make players play more strategic. Does low damage but applies a small defence debuff on any enemy hit maybe? To represent the plasma spray weakening armour to help muddle up groups while at the same time helping hero's deal with the bigger mobs by making their own attacks deal more damage while lacking in initial stopping power itself.

Ultra-sonic Repulser Module- minor (possibly a medium cost?)

It resonates with a sonic burst which is set to a frequency that monsters dislike and will have to path around and lower their speed this would work as a debuff module that would allow heroes more time to attack enemies that put priority on the crystal and other enemies that have to move to get into melee range. Of course its most likely this would then increase priority of ranged monsters so they could quite often be shot down but I'm not 100% how this would all work for programming as an uneducated scab but I really like the idea of placement playing more of an importance in the minor module and a more varied effect to make players who find the blue prints have new ways to play the game more directly so that it's always refreshing
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11 years ago
Feb 2, 2014, 4:41:49 AM
Well, this is brainstorming, so here is something I have been pondering:

If we have a minor module that creates a damage over time effect:

Will it cause this effect a) continuously while the enemy is in the room, or will it cause it b) over a certain duration (meaning the enemy may continue suffering it if the timer isn't up, even though it has left the room)

Will the effect trigger with every attack or will it be a percentage chance (especially if the module adds the effect to hero attacks) ?

In case of a) would the percentage check be triggered upon entering the room or would it be checked every tick the monster remains?

In either case a) or b), will additional modules increase this chance?

If b)

I) How will multiple modules of that type interact in the same room?

Option 1: damage per tick is increased. So if one module causes 4 damage over 4 secs, two modules cause 8 damage over 4 secs - or One module causes 1 damage per sec for 4 secs, two modules cause 2 damage per sec for 4 secs (there is a difference when looking at how damage is distributed: in the first instance total damage is divided by time, in the second tick damage is multiplied by time).

Option 2: duration is reduced. So if one module causes 8 damage over 8 secs, two modules cause 8 damage over 4 secs, three modules 8 damsge over 2 secs, 1 module causes 8 instant damage (effect capped)

Option 3: duration is increased. So if one module causes 1 damage per sec for 4 secs, 2 modules cause 1 damage per sec for 8 secs etc.

II) If the module attacks an enemy or if it enhances a hero's attack, how will additional hits work:

Option 1: they will cause no effect while the first effect is still active

Option 2: the damage will stack and/or the duration will stack. So if one hit causes 4 damage over 4 seconds, a second hit would mean that the remaining three seconds cause 6 damage, or that 1 damage every second for 4 seconds is not 1 damage every second for 8 seconds (with 7 secs remaining), or that 1 damage every second for 4 seconds is now 2 damage every second for 8 seconds (7 secs remaining) - what will the MaxValue be (if there will be one)?

Option 3: additional hits refresh the effect. Meaning that with a 1 sec attack cooldown the duration in the example so far would not end until either the enemy is dead or the module destroyed.
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11 years ago
Feb 2, 2014, 4:54:35 AM
melkathi wrote:
Well, this is brainstorming, so here is something I have been pondering:

If we have a minor module that creates a damage over time effect:

Will it cause this effect a) continuously while the enemy is in the room, or will it cause it b) over a certain duration (meaning the enemy may continue suffering it if the timer isn't up, even though it has left the room)

Will the effect trigger with every attack or will it be a percentage chance (especially if the module adds the effect to hero attacks) ?

In case of a) would the percentage check be triggered upon entering the room or would it be checked every tick the monster remains?

In either case a) or b), will additional modules increase this chance?

If b)

I) How will multiple modules of that type interact in the same room?

Option 1: damage per tick is increased. So if one module causes 4 damage over 4 secs, two modules cause 8 damage over 4 secs - or One module causes 1 damage per sec for 4 secs, two modules cause 2 damage per sec for 4 secs (there is a difference when looking at how damage is distributed: in the first instance total damage is divided by time, in the second tick damage is multiplied by time).

Option 2: duration is reduced. So if one module causes 8 damage over 8 secs, two modules cause 8 damage over 4 secs, three modules 8 damsge over 2 secs, 1 module causes 8 instant damage (effect capped)

Option 3: duration is increased. So if one module causes 1 damage per sec for 4 secs, 2 modules cause 1 damage per sec for 8 secs etc.

II) If the module attacks an enemy or if it enhances a hero's attack, how will additional hits work:

Option 1: they will cause no effect while the first effect is still active

Option 2: the damage will stack and/or the duration will stack. So if one hit causes 4 damage over 4 seconds, a second hit would mean that the remaining three seconds cause 6 damage, or that 1 damage every second for 4 seconds is not 1 damage every second for 8 seconds (with 7 secs remaining), or that 1 damage every second for 4 seconds is now 2 damage every second for 8 seconds (7 secs remaining) - what will the MaxValue be (if there will be one)?

Option 3: additional hits refresh the effect. Meaning that with a 1 sec attack cooldown the duration in the example so far would not end until either the enemy is dead or the module destroyed.

I would probably have it so a) the effect will hit only enemies that get hit with it's blast in it's radius i.e. a monster that paths within a certain range of it. Multiple modules would just increase the damage of the stack not refresh the time and would increase the damage slightly. The damage overtime itself is supposed to be fairly small to minuscule the main focus is on the aoe effect of the radius. To compensate this the fire rate would have to be rather slow. If a monster's stack runs out and it gets rehit then the stack reapplies at the base level. Just talking here, I like different mechanics even if they take a while to play with, it would probably take a lot of actual playtesting to find out the perfect timing for the damage effect, and when the turret can release the pulse again but as I said I just really like the idea.

to summarize my base idea reply: a) a set duration, b) multiple turrets would apply a small damage bonus to the damage over time effect c) there is no way to refresh the stack's time until the stack is over d) a slow fire rate on the actual turret. Maybe making it so it could theoretically get off one shot while the stack was still on the enemy
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11 years ago
Feb 2, 2014, 1:01:30 PM
Sounds great smiley: smile
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11 years ago
Feb 2, 2014, 4:20:58 PM
Ok, second wave:

Light howitzer (minor offensive) – low/medium damage, can attack enemies only in adjacent rooms.

Heavy howitzer “Danmaku” (major) – high damage, can attack enemies anywhere on map (if player can see him), long reload time. Operating it will reduce the cooldown period.

Engineering station (major) – create additional 1-3 small nodes in room. Operating it would slightly buff all minor modules (if possible).

Intergalactic “Wanted” list (major) – each wave one monster randomly become semi-boss, which greatly increases his characteristics, but upon death he will drop additional resources or item. Operating it would increase the amount of reward.

Pyrokinetic blaster (minor offensive) – setting enemy on fire, damaging him over time.

Hologram target (minor debuff??) – create a hologram, imitating one hero. For short amount of time monsters would try to attack it (obviously, without any results), after that they would act normally, according to their priority list, or try to attack another hologram smiley: biggrin

Emergency Response System “Last breathe” (minor support) – cannot let hero die (one system – one person) leaving him with 1 HP. Character becomes “low priority target”.

Dust Laser (minor offensive) – laser cannon, which damage depends on how much unused dust you have.

Portable Aperture Jumper (minor debuff) – upon activation teleports enemy into random unpowered room. Long reload time.
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11 years ago
Feb 2, 2014, 7:08:28 PM
I really like the Dust Laser, but it is way too powerfull. Last game, i was able (forced!) to depower some rooms to power other so they can fire at the mobs. With the Dust Laser, you can do the same, and unpower like 3/4 rooms in a row (after pops, ofc!) and damage would be huge for a very small cost (you pause the game, depower the room you dont need to defend...)

The wated list is kinda fun ! but i'll wait until "bosses" are in the game to see how they are behaving. So far, all the "bosses" idea are really nice, i like the boss-kind of mob poping when you find an artifact or else. But before that, i think the game must go on, small part at a time (+hero, +science, and so on), because right know, waves are enough to make you swear at you screen >< Imagine those 6 waves poping with a boss you just revealed Oo

The flame thrower is a classic in those TD games, but in Dote, if you get a room with 8 modules and you go full flame thrower, that would be very easy imo. But still, there's a place for this nice Pyrokinetic blaster you think about.

and finally, the "Last Breathe" module could be very nice to add. I mean when i can, i switch the targeted hero from a room to another so the target-priority change to healthier hero, then i get my low health hero back in the room. Mobs don't target him. That's what your module does, more effectively.

For the other modules, i'm not a huge fan ^^
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11 years ago
Feb 2, 2014, 8:54:09 PM
Thanks for that quick rewiew of my ideas. Looks like i haven't describe how they should work well enought, in my opinion.

Dust laser - yes, i agree, that this kind of weapon could be pretty owerpowered, but there should be ways to balance it. For example high industry cost, maximum amount of reserved dust, or even decreasing the damage with each next Dust laser module built.

Flame thrower - on the previous page there are some ideas, how DOT damage can work in this game. I think, that damage from those turrets shouldn't stacks, increasing damage per tick. Refreshing the burning/posoning (for poisont type weapons) time definetly must be more balanced.

"Last breathe" - i totally haven't imagine that way of using it smiley: alder. I thought, that when hero's health downs to 1 HP, this module create some kind of field for him, making him low priority target. Monsters change their attack priority to another heroes or modules in this room. Destroing the ERS module cause this field to disapper, and monsters aggroing at him again. If hero goes to another room or replenish his health somehow, this field wouldn't work too.

As for the Wanted list - this can be the part of more challenging and more rewarding way to play the game. People asks for stuff like this, if they open multiple doors at once an so. No one pushes player to use it, but if he sure, that he can handle it, why not? If anyone wanna have a lot of items and resourses, well, no pain - no gain.

Anyway, i doesn't want to say, that all those modules, if they somehow appear in the game, should work only that way. It only depends on developers and community, if someone have better ideas. smiley: biggrin
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11 years ago
Feb 1, 2014, 1:00:25 PM
Well as a hero operating would stop operating the module the moment an enemy is in the room (combat priority over operating), the forcefield would only go up while no enemies are present and, even if enemies are trying to break through from three sides, a breach on one side would be enough to let them in.

That said, I am not sure a forcefield or barricade with Hit Points could be easily implemented at this moment: it would require combat in the no-space between two rooms and I don't think that is a possibility smiley: frown

And I'm not a programmer either, so like you I am just writing ideas and thoughts as they come to me smiley: smile
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11 years ago
Feb 3, 2014, 6:59:44 AM
Beldhan wrote:
major module:

- Heavy Turret module:

deploy an heavy firing turret, must be utilized by an hero for work. while the hero use it, he can't move from the turret and will not attack enemy. when the turret hp is below 25% the hero will stop to use it and will defend the room, because the turret will be disable.

I was thinking about Major Offensive module:

8) Prismatic Cannon (Major) - offensive - 1 per level

High damage. Reload speed depends on firing range (more rooms away - more time for reload). While operating by hero cannon can shoot to adjacent room (not powered room also, maybe).

Alternative fire option (Charge Mode) (manual activation):

Option 1: Each "Small Turret" in this room will stop firing and reduce recharge time for Prismatic Cannon.

Option 2: For every 2 "Small Turret" in this room Prismatic Cannon gain increased fire range (by 1 adjacent room). Each "Small Turret" in this room will stop firing also.
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11 years ago
Feb 3, 2014, 9:36:49 AM
Hey everyone,

Thanks for the proposals. I just wanted to let you know that we will be closing this thread tomorrow, February 4th at midday (gmt+1). We will select a few of your modules for the GAMES2GETHER vote. smiley: cool
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11 years ago
Feb 3, 2014, 11:48:05 AM
I'll have to spend all night posting ideas then.

And find a way to bribe Steph'nie to select my ideas smiley: wink
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11 years ago
Feb 3, 2014, 5:19:09 PM
melkathi wrote:
I'll have to spend all night posting ideas then.

And find a way to bribe Steph'nie to select my ideas smiley: wink

Yeah, i'll do that too ^^
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11 years ago
Feb 3, 2014, 9:23:25 PM
I can't come up with anything proper so I'll go to bed leaving you just with something silly:

18) Alien Abduction Module:

Major Module

Randomly abducts an attacking monster, causing it to respawn in the next wave. (operation of module increases the number of monsters abducted based on operating hero's wits)
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11 years ago
Feb 3, 2014, 9:48:49 PM
Well, before time runs out, let me introduce my last ideas smiley: biggrin :

HyperSound Resonator (minor offensive) – when this module activates, it creates a charging “ball” in the middle of the room, that explodes after a few seconds, slightly damaging everyone in the room. But if there is a second HRS module, the “ball” would charge much longer, and deal considerably more damage (2nd level of charge). The third module will unlock the 3rd level of charge and so on.

Automatic defense drone “Iron Colossus” (minor offensive) – like the previous one, the first module just create a simple robot, that attacks every enemy in the room. Monsters try to attack him firs, like he is one of the heroes. If he is destroyed, the next one will be created after player finish all current waves. Additional modules, not only buffs him, but change his properties: 2nd module increases his attack and defense, 3rd gives him a ranged weapon, 4th increases the attack rate, 5th equips him with rockets, etc.
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11 years ago
Feb 4, 2014, 7:38:55 AM
19) Haematic Transference Module

Minor Module - Support

Causes damage dealt by heroes to heal heroes.Healing recieved is based on number of modules present.

Edit: also been suggested by Lynx_gnt - doh smiley: smile

20) Fields of Goo

Minor Module - Debuff

Causes non-flying enemies to move significantly more slowly, while having no effect on flyers.

21) Brainstorm

Inspired by the thread title

Major Module

Gives a fraction of a hero's Wits as a bonus to their Attack Power. If operated, increases the effect based on the operating hero's Wits.

22) Proximity triggered Self-Destruct

Minor Module - Offensive

When a monster enters the room it triggers a countdown on this module. When the countown reaches 0, the module explodes, dealing massive damage to enemies in the room and being destroyed in the process.

23) Modular Upgrade (Red/Green/Blue)

Minor Module

Building 4 of these modules in one room will mimic the effect of one major module of that type, generating resources as if it was an unmanned major module.

24) Martyr Cannon

Minor Module - Offensive

This turret uses its own health as ammunition. The lower its health, the higher the damage it causes. When its health reaches 10 HP it stops firing until repaired.

25) Indiscriminate Random Maze Module / Discriminating Random Maze Module

Minor Module

While the Indisriminate Module is acitve, anyone leaving through a door in this room will enter a random room through a random door. This affects both mobs and heroes.

The Discriminating Module affects only mobs.

A cooldown kicks in every time the effect is triggered. The cooldown depends on the number of these modules in the room. Only one of type can be present per room.

26) Disharmonic Shatter / Insecticide etc

Minor Module - Offensive

Minor modules that do substancial damage but only to specific types of enemies.

27) Exit Strategy

Major Module

Exhorbitant cost to build. Once built it starts a countdown, after which it blows, dealing massive damage to everything in the room (destroying any modules within in the process and the module slots) and significant damage to anything in adjacent rooms. It creates an Exit to the next level within the room.

(In Mutant Chronicles, the Brotherhood's Book of Law dictates: "Find new ways to move between floors.")

28) Proximity Alert

Minor Module

Never have a mob sneak past your defenses unnoticed again! Very cheap to construct, while having no combat effect, this module will give a short audio warning and flash a proximity alert message on the screen when a mob enters the room. Order now and get a discount. The first 100 customers to construct this module will get this amazing set of kitchen knives completly free!

29) Remote Observation Station

Major + Minor combo.

Constructing the Major Module allows for the minor modules to be constructed in unpowered rooms. While the major module is being operated by a hero, the minor modules provide surveilance of their rooms. This allows heroes to better track wave movement and prepare themselves for the specific monsters.

30) Pain Bank

Major or Minor module

Part of the damage caused to heroes is transfered to the module instead.

As a minor module it affects heroes in the room and the number of modules can either increase the % of damage transfered or simply by having more HP worth of modules will allow for longer protection.

As a major module it would affect all heroes in the dungeon. Operating the module could increase the % of damage transfered, though if the hero had the Repair skill, they would obviously instead be constantly trying to repair the module.

31) Lethal Repulsor

Minor Module - Offensive

Forcefully pushes target mob away from the module in a direct line, dealing damage. This can of course have a negative outcome when the module pushes mobs closer to the crystal.
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11 years ago
Feb 4, 2014, 8:59:25 AM
Lynx_gnt wrote:

Kinetic Reflection Station (minor debuf?? support??) –monsters damage themselves, by attacking anything in the room. Multiple KRS increases the returning damage.

I was sitting in front of my laptop and suddenly thought "Doh! You haven't suggested a Reflective Forcefield that reflects a fraction of the damage back on attackers!" Good to see someone else did smiley: smile
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11 years ago
Feb 6, 2014, 11:48:44 AM
Hi all,

thank you all again for participating to this design brainstorm. smiley: smile We received 80+ ideas and we have selected 6 of them for the current GAMES2GETHER vote: 3 for the minor modules and 3 for the major modules. We have slightly edited some of them so they could fit the game but here they are:



Check out the GAMES2GETHER page to vote for your minor and major modules. smiley: approval

Congratulations to all of you. Don't worry too much if you didn't submit your idea in time, or if you have not been selected: we'll have other design brainstorms and competitions (and actually one going at the moment: Item Creation Competition).
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11 years ago
Jan 31, 2014, 12:45:25 PM
1) Resurrection Module (Major) - 1 per level

2 design options (need to balance):

- First died hero will be automatically resurrected (i think after monster wave) in this module. After that it will be destroyed. High building cost.


- First died hero will be manually resurrected (i think after monster wave) in this module. After that it will be destroyed. Cheap building cost, but you need to pay high amount of food for manual resurrection.

2) Psionic Module (Major) - 1 per level

Select hero and send him to this module to operate it. Hero will be locked into it. While inside all other heroes will gain buff (increased damage, defense, speed - or both). Hero can't leave this module during monster wave (unless all other heroes are dead).

3) Engineering Module (Major) - 1 per level

Same as Psionic Module but hero inside will boost Offensive modules in 1 or 2 (selected) rooms.

4) Scanner Module (Minor) - Support

All heroes in room have increased critical strike chance.

5) Drone Module (Major)

Player can pay industry points to build 1 (maybe 2) drones in this room. Drones will attack and repair modules. Good module if you want to defense room without heroes. Drones could be destroyed by monsters. Drones will be explode after destroying Drone Module by monsters.

6) Items Teleporter Module (Major) - 1 per level

After building this module will start spawning random item (chest) in this room. Need to open X rooms to spawn item. High building cost.

7) Soul Transmuter (Major) - 1 per game

Sacrifice hero and it will be transform into a "ghost" with highly increased stats (depending on hero level). "Ghost" hero slowly regenerate health during battle (and fully restore after monster wave) but he can't left room with this module.

8) Prismatic Cannon (Major) - offensive - 1 per level

High damage. Reload speed depends on firing range (more rooms away - more time for reload). While operating by hero cannon can shoot to adjacent room (not powered room also, maybe).

Alternative fire option (Charge Mode) (manual activation):

Option 1: Each "Small Turret" in this room will stop firing and reduce recharge time for Prismatic Cannon.

Option 2: For every 2 "Small Turret" in this room Prismatic Cannon gain increased fire range (by 1 adjacent room). Each "Small Turret" in this room will stop firing also.
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11 years ago
Jan 31, 2014, 2:49:23 PM
I lovingly call this my mind♥♥♥♥ module collection:

1) Psionic Beacon (Pb) (Major Module)

Draws all enemies from adjacent rooms until destroyed (target priorities change to the psionic beacon).

If operated, the effective range is increased. Per every 5 wit, another room is added to the effective range.

You know nails scratching on a blackboard? You fear having a church bell sounded next to your ear? You remember the Endless hateful nagging of your ex-wife? Imagine all this combined, worse... and no relief by going deaf.

2) Transcendent Egobarrier solvent (TEBS) (Minor Module - Debuff)

Applies to monsters and heroes. For each TEBS-module, the attack speed of monsters and heroes is lowered by 1/(NumberOfHeroes+NumberOfMonsters) multiplicatively. No caps.

Developed by a hippie community of concrete Endless, the TEBS-modules tear down all the walls that keep you from knowing what everyone else is thinking. There never was a better way for generating ultimate confusion.

3) Virtual in the Shell (VITS) (Major Module)

Randomly lights a dark explored room, each turn, and fills it with small tower illusions with half the life of normal small towers, but normal damage.

Operating the module allows for one more lit room per 5 wit.

Ever wondered what a mind-crazed virtual left alone in a miniature machine would do with a dungeon full of monsters and a host terminal with command shell access? Now you know...

4) Array Turret Firethrower (ATF) (Minor Module - Offensive)

All of these turrets placed in one room fire on the same enemy. The more turrets there are, of this type, the more gruesome the fire damage becomes.


Medium reloading time. Not very useful against many mobs, but extremely rewarding in grilling single enemies.

Wizards throwing fireballs? We can rebuild them. We have the technology.

5) Endless Infinitheosis Evolution Reagent Tube (EIERT) (Major Module)

Costs 100 industry to build

A hero working the EIERT-module becomes defenseless, invincible and immobile for 5 turns. After the turns are up, he instantly gains one level.

If the major module is destroyed, before the process is complete, the hero dies.

If the process is completed, the module destroys itself.

Endless evolution, now. Sophon-approved!
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11 years ago
Jan 31, 2014, 2:55:49 PM
Nosferatiel wrote:

You remember the Endless hateful nagging of your ex-wife?

Fixed that for you smiley: smile
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11 years ago
Jan 31, 2014, 3:09:36 PM
melkathi wrote:
Fixed that for you smiley: smile

Good idea. ^^
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11 years ago
Jan 31, 2014, 3:29:56 PM
fill87omsk wrote:

6) Items Teleporter Module (Major) - 1 per level

After building this module will start spawning random item (chest) in this room. Need to open X rooms to spawn item. High building cost.

If I may be so bold as to say this, but I'd change the name to Nano-Assembler or something like that smiley: smile
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11 years ago
Jan 31, 2014, 3:40:51 PM
1) Emergency Light: the module keeps the room lit even when the power is turned off. Obviously while it is lit but unpowered no new modules can be build in it and it does not allow "skipping" a room to power the next one down.

This could use a major module slot to reflect batteries etc. Alternatively it could be a minor module and only last a certain number of turns. Following that line of thinking, the module could recieve "charges" every turn that the room is powered, gainign one charge when build and one for every turn it is connected to the generator.

2)Recycler: (alternative name: Soylent Module)

Minor Module - Support:

It turns enemy remains into resources. Two types of the module, Red and Green. (basically the effect of the skills obtained by Opbot and Gork respectively).


Something on the lines of

TargetProperty="IndustryBonusPerMobKilledInRoom" Operation="Addition" Value="0.1"


SimulationModifierDescriptor TargetProperty="FoodBonusPerMobKilledInRoom" Operation="Addition" Value="0.1" Path="./Room

smiley: wink

EDIT: Forgot the science resource -> a third version of the module - a "Blue" Data Analysis Module - could obviously have the same effect for science.


Minor Module - Support

Increases the Speed of heroes passing through the room - only truly becomes useful when a network is set up which allows for quick movment of heroes to reinforce other parts of the defense. Also can help moving the crystal. To prevent exploits it would have a cap. "SpeedBonus_Max" Value="whatever"

4) Alpha Wave Emitter or Neuronal Spike or Neural Oscillation Enhancement Module

Minor Module - Support

Increases Wit of heroes in room by 1 (or less if more need to be build).

Alternatively the module could be more specific affecting OperateWit or RepairWit...

5) Aperture

Where did the Vaulters discover the unique technology? Is it a legacy of their Auriga roots and the lost Endless technology there?

Major Module

Operating time: 3 (random number) seconds

Hero travels to the next Aperture module in order they were built (to avoid needing to implement manually selecting a destination).

6) Stasis Field Projector

Minor Module - Offensive

Channeled attack with set duration before cooldown kicks in - while channeled immobilizes one enemy, preventing it from attacking and being attacked. May have a target priority to go after crystal golems or similar large targets first.

7) High Frequency Sonic Caster

Minor Module - Offensive

Constantly broadcasting a high frequency signal that causes (very) minor damage to all monsters in the room.

~need to come up with a name for a 8) gas trap minor module (offensive) that will cause damage over time - possibly to both monsters and heroes, making its use more *interesting*

9) Matter Transmutation Station (Types: Red/Green)

Major Module

When operated by a Hero, when door is opened, transmutes industry into food (or the other way round for the other version of the module). This could be a 1:1 or 2:1 ratio.

EDIT: Forgot the science resource -> a third version of the module "Blue" could obviously have the same effect for science.

EDIT2: For any kind of resource exchange module to be of practical use, the amount of resources exchanged has to be higher than the amount of resources gained by simply building a module of the desired type. Also, to make an exchange from another resource to industry worthwhile, the construction cost would have to be low, so that the gain is not made void through the construction.

10) Meditative Module of Inner Peace (working title)

Major Module

The cooldown of the operating hero's active skills (that are currently cooling down) is decreased by 1.

After this I'll take a break...

11) Dowsing Station

Major Module

Increases chance to discover FIDS resources when opening a door.

(On the same light of thinking, a 12) Heat Sensor could increase the chance for NPC/Heroes while decreasing Monster appearance behind closed doors)
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11 years ago
Jan 31, 2014, 3:51:13 PM
For the sake of the overview huh? You just wanted to steal my spot :P
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11 years ago
Jan 31, 2014, 4:34:50 PM
melkathi wrote:
If I may be so bold as to say this, but I'd change the name to Nano-Assembler or something like that smiley: smile

This is work in progress title smiley: smile Idea is more important for me smiley: smile

7) Soul Transmuter (Major) - 1 per game

Sacrifice hero and it will be transform into a "ghost" with highly increased stats (depending on hero level). "Ghost" hero slowly regenerate health during battle (and fully restore after monster wave) but he can't left room with this module.
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11 years ago
Jan 31, 2014, 6:08:14 PM
major module:

- Enhanced AI module:

it will increase the fire rate of all the offensive turret of the level.

- Heavy Turret module:

deploy an heavy firing turret, must be utilized by an hero for work. while the hero use it, he can't move from the turret and will not attack enemy. when the turret hp is below 25% the hero will stop to use it and will defend the room, because the turret will be disable.

- Scaning module:

will increase the knowledge of the heroes about the weakness of the enemy, increasing the damage they do to all enemy of the level (1 per level)
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11 years ago
Jan 31, 2014, 6:19:46 PM
Here is an idea for those floors with poor setup/poor dust loots

CCM - Crystal Collector Module

Major Module

Cost : 20 to 40 industries

Effect : Allow the player to move the crystal to that module and to be able to repower rooms after the crystal phase.

Why ? In some case, the dungeon doesn't want us to win. We have 3 to 5 lit rooms, but have like 10 to get the crystal to the exit.

When this module is built, it doesn't do anything (buffs, FIDS...) and doesn't need to be operated, but it can accept the crystal like it was the exit.

So the idea is that the player can't make it to the exit with the existing path he discovered, and instead, he can build this module to accept the crystal and power new rooms (and change his defense setup). The crystal phase remains the same, but once the crystal bearer gets in that room, the crystal is inserted in that module and the room lights up. Then he can repower the other rooms from that room (as if it was room n°1).

Doing this is a challenge, since the mobs will spawn (Crystal phase). But, if the player can do it, it will give him more chances to get to the exit. The cost of that operation can be light as it can be very heavy (hero's loss, heals with food...), but can be very helpfull.

Also : From an idea of Nostromer in the event section :

"1- Welding doors - A mechanic type character skill - character can stay in a powered room and can continually hold a door closed stopping mobs as long as the character remains in action (and vulnerable)

>the idea - Allows other characters to clear different waves in other sections of the dungeons and allow for adequate travel time to give backup to the mechanic character when the door breaks.

>> Could allow for more adaptation and control when opening a large dead end branch with low economy and being forced to branch out to new area's from the crystal point.

>>>balance - It could cost industry points for each weld point and the durability would be dependent on the character skill level."

What about a module that could sceal doors leading to unpowered room (while operated). Depending on the wit (5, 10 and 15), it could sceal 1 to 3 doors.
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11 years ago
Jan 31, 2014, 11:26:04 AM
UPDATE: this thread will be closed on Feburary 4th, at midday (gmt+1). smiley: warning


Hi everyone,

We are glad you enjoyed posting ideas in the "Advanced Events" thread (with the best events that ended up being selected for the G2G vote!). This time, we would like to add more modules to DotE... smiley: draw Indeed, we do have our own already but we thought it could be fun if we could implement some of YOUR ideas for the modules (major and minor). GAMES2GETHER ftw!

We have detailed below the description of a module (major and minor). smiley: approval

Module description

Major module

  • Its effect is applied to the entire level (can’t be exclusive to the room)
  • There can only be one per room
  • It can be operated to improve its effect

Minor module

  • Its effect is applied to the room only
  • There can be several per room (its effect can potentially be combined)
  • It can’t be operated
  • Divided into 3 categories:

    • Offensive: it attacks the monsters in the room
    • Support: it gives bonuses to heroes in the room
    • Debuff: it gives penalties to monsters in the room

And, don't forget the following information:

  • Title
  • Major or a Minor module and for this last case, if it’s an Offensive, Support or Debuff module
  • Description of the effect


Of course, we are wishing good luck to all of you and we also have a few tips:

  • Avoid special interactions with the module (it’s supposed to be automatic)
  • Try to use the current features in the game smiley: wink
  • Keep it simple! The effect has to be understandable very quickly

Please note that we may edit your idea to make it more suitable for the game.

There is no exact deadline yet but it should be rather short; we'll let you know in any case. Besides, we're all available if you have any questions. smiley: smile And that's it for now so, let's all dive into this brainstorm!
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11 years ago
Jan 31, 2014, 8:30:02 PM
Some ideas. But I’m not good at that, cause my modules don’t exactly respect the rules (I love break the rules, I'm not ready to be a videogame developer smiley: biggrin).

This one doesn’t follow the rule “applied in the whole level”).

Sonar (major) :

You can see what's behind adjacent rooms who're still undiscovered (door closed). You can't see the "event" of the room (monsters, chest, blueprint, exit...). What you see is the room itself : how much doors behind, how much minor sockets, and if the room has a major socket. Special rule : You can’t destroy the sonar without destroying the major socket. Don’t have any idea to the wit bonus. I thought it could give you a X% chance to see the event of the room (except exit). But I don’t think it’s really possible (technically), and I think it could be too powerfull to just be able to activate the module beyond the adjactent rooms.

Socket Module (major)

Add x minor sockets to the room. Operate it give more efficiency to the minor-socket on the room for the next turn. Though I'm not sure it's even possible to "transform" a room (unlikely :/ ), it could be a fun one.

Monster black-hole module (major) :

A deadly bait-module. All monsters in adjacent rooms are attracted by this module and attack it in priority. The module is pretty hard to destroy, but it can’t be repaired, and if it is destroyed, there is a spacetime continuum rip, which mean the universe is destroyed too. Game over. The module can’t be destroyed manually. Operate it give more defense to the module (depends on wit, like always), or extend the range (more easy to deal with monsters, but really more dangerous too). (Oh, this one is weird.)

This one breaks the “not interactive” rule.

Lavoisier module (major) :

A classic of german boardgames. : ) You can trade FIDS for other FIDS, with some rate. Like 4 FIDS (of one sort) against 1 other FIDS. Operate it could give you a better rate (like 3/1) during the next turn. The wit definites the rate or how much trade you can do with the better rate (I think this one is a better choice).

Rodent module (minor module, offensive) :

Little rodent robots attack enemies in the room. Cheap module defense, and a pretty good one. A really better value, but they eat all the dust earned in the room.

Like someone suggest it, I thought too of a “crystal socket” module. It could give us a lot of new strategies based on mobile tactics (though I’m not sure it’s really the way you devs see your game). The cost of it should depends of your quantity of dust.

Other cool major module is the one who can powered a room by itself. Melkathi described it very well (much better than I would do). : )

I think minor modules is not as funny as major modules are. : ) It could come in all the variety of buff/debuff mods, but to me there is not enough differences. It’s not so good to have a module to increase attack, an other one to the defense, an other one to the speed, etc. Though, a wit minor module could be fun. Just to create some “wit rooms” with major module. But it could be hard to balance.

5) Aperture

Where did the Vaulters discover the unique technology? Is it a legacy of their Auriga roots and the lost Endless technology there?

Major Module

Operating time: 3 (random number) seconds

Hero travels to the next Aperture module in order they were built (to avoid needing to implement manually selecting a destination).

I prefer this one in the form of an event, like portals create by the ancients. The player discover the first portal in one room, and after that it’s a trip to the unknown. : )

10) Meditative Module of Inner Peace (working title)

Major Module

The cooldown of the operating hero's active skills (that are currently cooling down) is decreased by 1.

I thought at something like this one, but it’s so powerful! With two or three of them, it could be crazy. Or the cost should be really high.
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11 years ago
Jan 31, 2014, 9:33:16 PM
Tiphereth wrote:

I thought at something like this one, but it’s so powerful! With two or three of them, it could be crazy. Or the cost should be really high.

Cost will probably be the balancing factor for many of our ideas. With major modules the other limiting factor will be (at least the way I see it) the limited available number of build slots and the fact that every major module you build, you sacrifice the option to build a different one.

Melkathian idea No. 13) Necrotech Reanimatior

As (I assume part of the locals) we are getting "necrophage" (a race of cannibals, as the name translates to eaters of the dead?) and quite a few monsters are classified as "necro", keeping with the "necro" theme:

Major module

Upon kill in room, module collects a hidden necrotic sample resource (could be a 0.1 value for example). When the counter reaches 1, it spawns a little reanimated version of the little monster dudes/dudettes ( image of the one I am refering to: http://forums.amplitude-studios.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=8230&d=1382004299 ) to defend the room.
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11 years ago
Jan 31, 2014, 10:16:22 PM
Kriss wrote:

What about a module that could sceal doors leading to unpowered room (while operated). Depending on the wit (5, 10 and 15), it could sceal 1 to 3 doors.

People have been discussing barricades and forcefields. My own suggestion was exactly that, a major module that needs to be operated by a hero to seal off doors.

The interesting factor for modules that require an operating hero to function is that hero AI will obviously always choose combat over operating a module. That means that from the moment an enemy is already inside the room, heroes wont be able to power up the module.

Currently I am tending towards a ( does this count as 14) or is it idea 0) the prequel? ) Forcefield Generator Major Module that, while operated blocks all doors to the room (so no manual selection of door needs to be implemented and no random factor frustrates the player) ; that the forcefield will get attacked by monster though and its Hit Points are determined by the operating hero's Wit.

Edit: also going to bed before I make so many posts in this thread that Nosferatiel has to edit them all together again smiley: smile
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11 years ago
Feb 1, 2014, 12:48:12 AM
melkathi wrote:
People have been discussing barricades and forcefields. My own suggestion was exactly that, a major module that needs to be operated by a hero to seal off doors.

The interesting factor for modules that require an operating hero to function is that hero AI will obviously always choose combat over operating a module. That means that from the moment an enemy is already inside the room, heroes wont be able to power up the module.

Currently I am tending towards a ( does this count as 14) or is it idea 0) the prequel? ) Forcefield Generator Major Module that, while operated blocks all doors to the room (so no manual selection of door needs to be implemented and no random factor frustrates the player) ; that the forcefield will get attacked by monster though and its Hit Points are determined by the operating hero's Wit.

Edit: also going to bed before I make so many posts in this thread that Nosferatiel has to edit them all together again smiley: smile

There's actually a moderator function for that. I just need to select your posts and select "merge" to do that. No other manual work involved. smiley: wink
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11 years ago
Feb 1, 2014, 4:27:30 AM
Pheremone Emitter

Major module

Reroutes enemy pathing to first come to this room before going towards crystal. Expensive (costs food and industry to make?)

Blade Slave

Minor Module

Creates a close range damaging turret. Deals medium damage, enemies take damage when they damage it, and can't approach major module in room/pass over blade slave without taking damage.

food processor

minor module

Every x (x=10/# of these mods in the room) number of enemies killed in room produces 1 food.

Success laser cannon

Major module

A high damage (WAY higher than the claymore) laser that can only be fired if someone is working it. Rate of fire dependent on wit.


minor module

Immobilizes enemies for short duration, reduces damage dealt by enemies during same duration. Slow rate of fire

Big Bomb

Major Module

Bomb that kills everything (heroes, minor modules, enemies) in room. Detonated remotely (similar to how when a hero is sent to pick up crystal, an option to actually pick it up is offered, a hero must be selected, and then the module clicked for the option to be chosen)

Sonic agitator

Major module

turns a percentage of mob on itself when enters room--can potentially effect heroes, though.
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11 years ago
Feb 1, 2014, 4:38:21 AM
Puppy Treat Module - Major - Medium Cost (20's?)

After building, an aroma will start to spread to outer rooms once per turn spreading outwards. When the scent reaches a merchant's dog he(/she?) will move towards the scent and the merchant will chase after him(her?). Effectively putting the merchant closer to a more defendable position.

Negatives: Can take a while. Some monsters seem to like the smell too and will prioritize attacking the module. Occupies a spot that could be producing food/industry/(eventually science?) for multiple turns. Merchant can still die in the process of moving.

Generator - Major - Medium Cost (20's)

Build in a powered room and it refunds one room worth of energy. Can hold power without being connected to a room with power.

Allows a player to build in more rooms if they've been unlucky gathering dust. Or allows them to set up a new defensive position if they have the industry.
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11 years ago
Feb 1, 2014, 6:01:37 AM
Melkathianite idea 15) Ascetic Virtues (bonus points for knowing the reference smiley: wink)

Major Module

Reduces food cost to level up heroes by a tiny percentage. Effect will have a MaxValue=0.3 or something similar.

Because games can never have enough random wierdness:

16) Lady Luck Module

Minor Module - Offensive/Defensive/Support

Effect: random effect every turn:

1. Damage enemies similar to the normal starting offensive module 2. Heal heroes similar to a normal healing module 3. Boost hero attack power 4. reduce monster attack power 5. reduce monster speed 6. increase hero defense 7. increase module defense 8. increase module attack power 9. decrease module attack power 10. decrease hero attack power.

17) Mind Control Module or Neural Pattern Override Module

All your mobs are belong to us.

Minor Module - Offensive

If more than 1 mob in room, gives 10% chance to take control of one mob. Additional modules increase the chance (controlling additional mobs could make it problematic with counting when no more hostiles are present, causing problems with ending the wave). If only one mob present -> end effect.
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11 years ago
Feb 1, 2014, 11:19:50 AM
melkathi wrote:
People have been discussing barricades and forcefields. My own suggestion was exactly that, a major module that needs to be operated by a hero to seal off doors.

The interesting factor for modules that require an operating hero to function is that hero AI will obviously always choose combat over operating a module. That means that from the moment an enemy is already inside the room, heroes wont be able to power up the module.

Currently I am tending towards a ( does this count as 14) or is it idea 0) the prequel? ) Forcefield Generator Major Module that, while operated blocks all doors to the room (so no manual selection of door needs to be implemented and no random factor frustrates the player) ; that the forcefield will get attacked by monster though and its Hit Points are determined by the operating hero's Wit.

I agree with the combat sequence that says that a hero will combat rather than operate (and that's why many good ideas can't be (imo) ok with the current game design).

For me, a forcefield is a window which provide protection vs mobs. This forcefiel can be destroyed too. What you are saying, is that while the forcefield is active, mobs can pop on the other side. What "scealing doors" means to me is that the door are closed and therefor no pop can come (for the price of 1 hero operating the module, wit scealing 1 to 3 doors).

As for implementing a selection tool to lock the door... "Less is more" : why having more programming for interaction with the environement while currently the game is simple : you open the door, you loot the room, you survive. After that, what changes everything, is how you play with your heroes : do you use them on dark rooms to prevent pops? do you fully use them to gather ressources? Could you afford to "lose" ressources for the well being of your team and thus having a hero operating a scealing door module ?

That's all that matter in the game, and the intercation must be as simple as when you click on the merch.

I'm surely not a programmer, and i really don't know how difficult it is (or not!) to implement that kind of command, but i believe that DotE must stay very simple.
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11 years ago
Feb 1, 2014, 11:48:14 AM
Kriss wrote:
What "scealing doors" means to me is that the door are closed and therefor no pop can come

That may mean though that the room would have to be "de-spawned", as an exisiting unpowered room will have a chance to spawn mobs (as far as I can tell the game only checks: is this a room? Is it powered or unpowered - openess and closedness of doors does not come into it). This could lead to a series of other problems if even possible: it could mean that by re-opening the door a new random room is generated. It could also lead to door-farming as doors are reopened to generate more turns and more resources and possibly more events.

Another question is, how would the tareting of a sealing door module work? If the room has four open doors and you wish to seal one, the process would be:

build module -> send hero to operate module -> button pops up similar to clicking on crystal -> click button -> cursor changes to seal -> select door ?

Seems a bit complicated. Especially considering that operating effects of modules don't seem to really take effect until the moment the turn changes, so the seal might not exist until the door opens?

I do agree with you that ideas should be kept as simple as possible, so they can be implemented with existing tech.
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11 years ago
Feb 1, 2014, 12:26:02 PM
Well you point out things i didnt thought about. You're right about the complexity of the scealed door and the room. And that "door-farming" thing... painful for the game itself.

I guess your forcefield idea would work much better (meaning : be simpler to implement). Still, that would mean that it's a temporary wall, thus the player will have to get rid of the waves going through his determined path before going back to defend when the FF goes down. that would be helpful in a way, but kinda dangerous. If you FF 1 room, mobs in there shouldnt be very hard to beat. But 1 room leading to 3 others... could be death out there ! and fun, also.

Yeah FF are a nice strategial bet, could work.

So if i sum up your idea : 1 hero operating the module, 2 to 4 FF appears (as soon as the module is operated? When another door is openend?). Which leads to 1 hero that is "blocked" operating the FF. Can the other heroes hit the FF? if yes, FF should be considered as a lower threat ennemy (so the combat sequence is mobs, then FF). How about the mobs : do they consider the FF as a lower or higher threat (i guess lower, since heroes are much more tasty) ?

You know that in some case, that coul be a death trap for the hero operating (i don't mind that : afterall, triggering FF is a bet)...

Also, would it be imbalance in some case?

I really agree with that module, and i'm surely asking questions that would seem meaningless. But again : not a programmer here!
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