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[G2G] Creation Contest - The Next DotE Hero [BIOGRAPHY]

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10 years ago
Feb 14, 2015, 8:48:08 PM
Name: Rosetta QV1819

Race: Machine

Gender: Female (?)

Biography: Like all Rosetta models, QV1819 was designed to be the first point of contact with new species during planetary colonization, learning the culture and language of the indigenous people to avoid any potential problems between them and the settlers. Acquiring more personality in her AI than other models, QV1819 began referring to herself solely as Rosetta, and felt that her colonists were bringing ‘enlightenment to the savages’, whether the natives wanted them to or not. Fortunately, she seems to be the only one on board with this idea.

Personality Traits: By-the-book, snobby

Composition: normal

Weapon: Sword


Name: Todd

Race: Vaulter (Human)

Gender: Male

Biography: Todd is a young vagrant who stowed away on the Success to seek a new life, possibly one with regular meals. Having been one of the only alert and active members of the Success during its flight, he became well acquainted with the various modules and items on the ship, as well as making himself scarce when security did rounds.

Personality Traits: Skittish, distrustful

Composition: weak

Weapon: none
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10 years ago
Feb 9, 2015, 8:07:36 PM
melkathi wrote:
Not VH-8000 smiley: smile

One of the other two smiley: smile (I am not a big fan of concepts that depend on inventing new diseases or ecology, sorry smiley: smile ) I think the "completly silent" of the Hurna won't work as it will still get to say random chat lines in the elevator. So I'd say if you decide to replace one, replace him.

Thanks for the input! I changed it up a bit. The disease is still there, but the character is less centered around it.
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10 years ago
Feb 10, 2015, 10:34:38 AM
In my opinion we need more Jotus or Hurnas! smiley: biggrin Why are there no plushy Monsters on our side??? smiley: cry
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10 years ago
Feb 10, 2015, 10:02:34 AM
I was thinking about this all day today!

Name: KL4-WN Bot

Race: Machine

Gender: Male

Biography: KL4-WN "The Politically Incorrect" Robot was an entertainment bot built for the jailer crew. KL4-WN bot has a giant frame to accommodate for a variety of gags,tricks, and quips and is equipped with the best in humor technology. KL4-WN was immediately unpopular, because as it turns out most of the crew hated clowns. It was given to the prisoners as something to keep them busy. (A prisoner) was able to get a hold of KL4-WN before the crash, as a part of a future escape plan (he/she)reworked the robot's umbrella into a machine gun, reinforced the plating with scrap and programmed in basic fighting commands. KL4-WN now stands battle ready with a gun in hand, and joke one liners pre-loaded.

Traits: Annoying but useful, politically incorrect jokes (eg A human, a fem-droid 4000, and a craver walk into a bar...)

Composition: Strong

Weapon: Machine Gun


Name: Luc Da Fisker(heh heh how punny)


Gender: Male

Biography: Luc Da Fisker was the most popular prison guard on his block. He was known for having an extremely thick and attractive beard. New inmates would always make jokes about it, but could never resist his bearded charm and they would always end up adoring it. Luc loved the attention, and he would create strong bonds with the inmates. A blast from the ship blew both of Luc's arms clean off the shoulders, and then he was knocked unconscious. When he awoke in pain surrounded by dust, he looked at his missing arms, but all he could see was beard. His beard had magically come alive and worked like arms, he picks up a nearby sword and searches for survivors.

Traits: Benevolent and lively, but put into rages because of the constant pain in his arms


Weapon: Sword


Name: Boney Ungha(reference to Anne Bonny)

Race: Delver


Biography:Boney Ungha known as the great soil pirate. Boney and her pirate crew, "The Ungha Pirates", where the fastest mining squad around. They would go around stealing food and terrorizing other delvers. The Ungha Pirates were as close as family as many of them were orphaned or abandoned. Boney herself was an orphan, her parents abandoning her in a quarry. One day after witnessing a Delver orphan taken away as a slave, she decided to form Ungha Pirates to give the other orphans a chance to defend themselves. The Ungha Pirates only started exploring a strange facility that they had just stumbled across. Out of nowhere a giant ship came crashing down instantly killing all of Ungha's crew. Ungha decides her best chance for survival would be to escape the facility as soon as possible, she can mourn for any lost friends later.

Traits: Cold and hostile to strangers, Caring and wild around friends. PTSD.

Compostion: Strong.

Weapon: Spear
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10 years ago
Feb 10, 2015, 4:59:39 AM
All these great robot ideas, I don't mind losing so long as a robot wins. We need more machines!
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10 years ago
Feb 10, 2015, 4:30:23 AM
  • Name: R0N1N
  • Race: Machine
  • Gender: Male
  • Biography: Mk. 0II1N was a simple maintenance android on a star freighter, until the ship was shot down and crashed on a nearby planet. 0II1N was the only survivor of the crash. His purpose had been to keep the ship and crew in top shape, both of which he'd grown attached to. Now overcome with grief, and with no purpose, he set out aimlessly. Finally he came to a dojo, where he met Asano. Asano taught 0II1N the way of the samurai, and 0II1N became his greatest pupil. However, 0II1N discovered that it had been Asano that had shot down 0II1N's ship, to loot any and all valuable goods within. 0II1N challenged Asano to a duel, and defeated him with almost laughable ease. However, he did not kill Asano, instead leaving him to a slow, agonizing death. 0II1N scratched out his designation, now bearing the name R0N1N, as he no longer had a master. He stole a ship and fled, swearing that from that day on, he would use his acquired skills to avenge any deaths of innocents that he could.
  • Personality: Keeps to himself mostly, but is still kind, as per his crew relation operating parameters. However, needless death sends him into a blind rage.
  • Composition: Strong, he was designed to handle almost any task, so his physical build is as good as an android can be, and his training certainly augments his normal combat abilities.
  • Weapon: Sword (Katana)

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10 years ago
Feb 10, 2015, 3:01:56 AM
Name: Vikare

Race: Nidya

Gender: Male

Biography: After the crash in the Auriga system all of the prisoners aboard the "success" were released (that is if you count death-by-spaceship-crash as being released). While there were more than a few casualties most of the surviving inmates were up and running around the dungeon in no time, completely unhindered. The same cannot be said about the unfortunate Vikare, an exiled and de-winged Nidyia. His health increasingly deteriorating after losing his flight he sees the unknown technology of this dungeon as a his only chance to have his flight restored, willing to accept any method or price. (even if it means banding with lesser species AKA "walkers")

Traits: 1.-Proud (maybe too proud, he will refuse any help concerning his condition and looks down on walking) 2.- clipped wings, under the right conditions he could regain his flight but for now this renders him weak (too food reliant?)

Composition: weak/normal

Weapon: Spear


Name: Wilbur Carter (Nyarlathotep)

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Biography: A madman with uncertain origins, his ominous presence is enough to unsettle even the most composed heroes. No one really knows where he/it came from, if he/it arrived with the crash of the "success" or if he/it is a denizen of the perilous dungeon, but one thing can certainly be said about him; Ph'nglui Mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!.

Sometimes if glimpsed just from the right angle one can start to perceive the ungodly abominations of the dark abyss.

Traits: 1.-Lovecraftian cliche 2.-Cryptic


Weapon: depends solely on abilities(?)


To be completed

Name: Horace

Race: Robot

Gender: Butler

Biography: Something is not quite right with Horace. After the crash most of the servant robots aboard the "Success" were lost, however Horace was hiden inside of a scape pod, following the orders given by a passanger of the ship asking him to "**** off ". Now he finds himself trapped in the depths of the dungeon, always ready to obey with a big smile on his face, he is more than happy to comply when asked to dispose of the things living inside the dungeon (seriously, that freaky smile as he shots those monsters down is getting really creepy)

Traits:1) loves his job (maybe a bit too much), he will do anything he is asked to do with a wide smile on his face (anything, really anything) 2) he is a perfectionist prefers to not rush his work

Composition: normal

Weapon: gun
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10 years ago
Feb 9, 2015, 11:23:40 PM
Name: FemBot or (Female Robot Name)

Race: Machine

Gender: Female

Biography: Built to entertain the crew this female machine soon developed a mind of its own, one part sass one part enhanced shareware combat protocols has led to this once docile servant bot to take matters into its own hands as its own master, one bullet at a time. “Don’t you boss me, you not my supervisor!”

Traits: Built to last, high hit points, redundant systems allow it to function even after massive damage.

Composition: Sleek and Sexy, fast and mobile.

Weapon: Machine Gun or Gun

(Was thinking this one for that big fat robot looking thing image header above)

Name: Tank

Race: Machine

Gender: None identifies with male

Biography: This peace of outlawed tech was confiscated from one of the many prisoners. A prisoner itself this machine was locked in cold storage never to be activated, the warning label reads highly dangerous completely unpredictable. It has one function, to destroy. For reasons unknown its programing has sided with the other dungeon explorers but no one knows for how long.

Traits: A walking weapon system, bipedal tank.

Composition: A lumbering brute a large powerful machine built for war. Strong, slow.

Weapon: Machine Gun or Gun

(My favoirt Endless Space race was the Automatons might be a nice tie in.)

Name: Mechaphantom

Race: Machine/Automatons

Gender: None

Biography: Separated from its fleet this lost Automaton now wanders planet looking for a way to signal its own kind. Its peaceful nature makes it a terrible fighter but it makes up for its inability to fight with a high intelligence and careful planning often avoiding the need to fight all together.

Traits: Peaceful, Isolationist

Composition: Normal speed Automaton doesn’t rush, doesn’t have to. Good at minor and major mods.

Weapon: None
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10 years ago
Feb 9, 2015, 10:50:40 PM
insanityscribe wrote:
Submission 1

Name: VH-8000 "Cutie Killer"

Race: Machine

Gender: Technically none, but identifies as female

Biography: VH-8000 was built by a private military corporation in an attempt to create the ultimate killing machine. Given the minds of eight of the most efficient military minds that ever existed and armed with multiple knives, guns, flamethrowers, cannons and a recently-developed explosive, quad-barrel shotgun, it's a miracle that it hasn't killed literally everyone. But, while it is able to induce fear in anyone it comes across and can dispose of its enemies in hundreds of ways, VH-8000 generally prefers making sand castles and playing "hide and seek" to violently killing things. Why? During the crash-landing on Auriga, a few bolts came loose and caused a slight brainwave malfunction. VH-8000, while tough, turbulent, and generally terrifying, now thinks it is a seven-year old girl. Hence the nickname "Cutie Killer."

Traits: Adorable but formidable

Composition: Strong

Weapon: Gun (shotgun?)

Edits may follow. Let me know what you think. Good luck, everyone!

I'm a fan of any machine I like the female robot it something I was working on.
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10 years ago
Feb 9, 2015, 9:23:04 PM
Sorry guys, I withdraw my proposal.
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10 years ago
Feb 9, 2015, 9:11:35 PM
Name: Vincent "Ace" Porter

Race: Vaulter (human)

Gender: male

Biography: Ace was considered one of the greatest sportsmen of his generation, until his life went on a downward spiral involving bets, beds, and horses. Accused and convicted of match rigging, a part of his mind refuses to accept his downfall and still believes he's in a sports team, trying to get that ball through the enemy defenses and into the goal. He kept a strict training regimen throughout his time in prison, and his exceptional physical shape even impresses the guards (whom he keeps calling "coaches").

Personality: optimistic fighter, always keeps his chin up, cares for his 'team mates', but is terribly confused

Composition: Strong. Fast, used to being hunted/tackled, used to breaking through enemy lines while protecting the ball.

Weapon: spear (an athlete's weapon)

Notes: Should give ample opportunity for dialog ("Homerun!", "Score!", "You're injured, do you want to be substituted?"). Would lend itself well to a weaponless build, perhaps with two armor slots to allude to the multi-layered protection that is worn in some sports, but not sure if the engine can handle this.

Name: Snake-Eyes Cooper

Race: Vaulters (human)

Gender: female

Biography: Bonnie 'Snake-Eyes' Cooper claims that she has been born on a planet called 'Earth', in a period she calls the 'Wild West', and has been abducted by aliens from the future. The authorities could neither confirm nor disprove her story, but sent her to prison anyway. She had shot a bar singer for failing to shut up, a bartender for refusing to pour her some whiskey to celebrate the silence, half a dozen guests for complaining about the noise, another half dozen guests for showing general signs of disapproval, and the bartender's pug for being a pug. Being an exceptional shot, but not having a lot of other skills, Bonnie firmly believes that her one outstanding talent should be used for solving each and every problem she encounters.

Personality: trigger-happy, nonchalant, devil-may-care attitude

Composition: normal

Weapon: gun

Notes: Could use two gun slots if the engine permits.

Name: Hylnidh

Race: Nidya

Gender: female

Biography: Hylnidh was a renowned Arpuja, a defender of her clan's settlements. Nevertheless she was exiled by the elders, after a passionate love affair with a Hurna became public. Hurt but still confident, she left her home with nothing but a spear, embarking on a new life among her lover's people. However, after reaching his home, she found out that her tender thigh feathers - a previous gift of love for her suitor - had been wrapped into a crude trophy, which her lover would use for boasting among his peers. Disappointed, heartbroken, and utterly disgusted, Hylnidh decided to assassinate her lover, his friends, and his tribe, kill any other Hurna or Nidya she met, and - while she was at it - eradicate all sentient life forms from Auriga. If she ever runs out of those, she plans to extend her revenge to non-sentient beings afterwards. Hell hath no fury like a Nidya scorned.

Personality: Aggressive, cynical, misanthropic, but still very passionate. Revels in destruction.

Composition: Strong

Weapon: Spear

Notes: Now that we have a flying hero (since Amplitude Day), I really think we should get some Nidya. smiley: smile
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10 years ago
Feb 10, 2015, 12:05:02 PM
Name: Knight Harmon

Race: Silic

Gender: Male

Personality Traits: Wise & Noble, but won't shut up about his glory days.

Composition: Strong

Weapon: Spear


Silics are generally peaceful in nature, cultivating promising young minerals into greatness and granting them sentience. Harmon was always different, even as a young stalagmite. Driven by a deep obsession with the cultural idiosyncrasies of carbon-based society, he left his home before he had even come of age to learn about the polymers and the solvents! He a joined mysterious order of golden armored humanoids desiring nothing more than to learn the ways of these Knightly talking suits of armor. Finding Kinship in his non-organic appearance, the knighthood allowed him to stay and train. When Harmon returned to his people he brought with him new ways. Under his patronage, the Silics learned carbon-based social structure of war, intrigue, and betrayal. Fortunately for you the Great Silic Houses have fallen. Unfortunately for you the social experiment left the Silics bitter, hostile, and xenophobic. And you're the xenos! At least they don't seem to care for the exiled Harmon much either?

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10 years ago
Feb 9, 2015, 7:21:34 PM
insanityscribe wrote:
I have a fourth character that may replace one of the top three. Any suggestions as to which I should replace?

Not VH-8000 smiley: smile

One of the other two smiley: smile (I am not a big fan of concepts that depend on inventing new diseases or ecology, sorry smiley: smile ) I think the "completly silent" of the Hurna won't work as it will still get to say random chat lines in the elevator. So I'd say if you decide to replace one, replace him.
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10 years ago
Feb 9, 2015, 7:20:32 PM

Name: Nazu Sumchinzki

Race: Sister of mercy

Gender: Female

Biography: Her head always in the clouds, Nazu couldn't find any use for her talent of working with knives. She had to leave the circus, after an unsuccessful performance (with casualties). She had to leave nursing, as even a simple wound dressing, when performed by her, would turn into a blood donation procedure. Finally, she found a prestigious job as maid in a noble house. She coped with its responsibilities, until that incident at the ball. Lost in thought, Nazu somehow threw a fork at the guest of honour. Surprisingly, right after that she discovered many new talents hidden within her: parkour on rooftops across the whole city, jumping into water from tall tower, playing games like “catch me mr. arrow”. When she found a safe place in a cave, she had no idea that this place was even more dangerous, than outside.

Personality: Modest, shy, meditative

Composition: Weak

Weapon: Sword (ranged attack - knife throwing)


Name: Mlio Knjazev'Su

Race: Eyeless one

Gender: Male

Biography: Mlio never liked to spend his time in meditation, like other Eyeless ones. Neither meditation, nor advices of the elders, nor the ancient books could give him the answers to his questions. What does it mean to live? Is there life after death? What is the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything? What is 42? Thus the clan council decided Mlio should go on a pilgrimage to find his own answers. Many days had passed, many words had been spoken. All for nothing, until a fellow traveler in a tavern told him "In wine there is truth". Mlio decided to test this. When he regained consciousness in a dark dungeon the next day, he tried to establish the chronology of previous day's events. First there was a tasting of several dozen different wines, then he had an epiphany, then he climbed a tall pillar in the central square, shouting "Now I know everything!" and dodging bricks and stones. From that point, he doesn’t remember anything.

Personality: Drunk, slurred speech, sleepy. Sometimes he can forget things that happend with him, names, etc.

Composition: Normal

Weapon: Spear


Name: Akius Silver

Race: Silics

Gender: Male

Biography: All his conscious life Silver was engaged in ore mining, a rather important job in Silics society. Silver spent all his time in search of new elements, unique crystals, from which his clan could grow new Silics. Stronger, faster, smarter than previous generations. Day after day, he ground tons of ores with his pickaxe. But luck left him and so he went down deeper and deeper under ground. Suddenly what he was looking for hit him. Literally. Power from an unknown crystal could be felt even through the thick walls. Silver decided that it could be nothing less than the seed of a new generation of Silics, a Harbringer. And these little creatures with it had to be the Harbringer’s servants. Now it is Silver’s sacred duty to deliver this crystal to his hometown and protect it from wild Silics (without name and clan) that want to take all its energy for themselves.

Personality: Always trying to speak with crystall, speaking depreciatingly of other team members

Composition: Strong

Weapon: Spear (Pickaxe)
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10 years ago
Feb 9, 2015, 6:23:40 PM
Submission 1

Name: VH-8000 "Cutie Killer"

Race: Machine

Gender: Technically none, but identifies as female

Biography: VH-8000 was built by a private military corporation in an attempt to create the ultimate killing machine. Given the minds of eight of the most efficient military minds that ever existed and armed with multiple knives, guns, flamethrowers, cannons and a recently-developed explosive, quad-barrel shotgun, it's a miracle that it hasn't killed literally everyone. But, while it is able to induce fear in anyone it comes across and can dispose of its enemies in hundreds of ways, VH-8000 generally prefers making sand castles and playing "hide and seek" to violently killing things. Why? During the crash-landing on Auriga, a few bolts came loose and caused a slight brainwave malfunction. VH-8000, while tough, turbulent, and generally terrifying, now thinks it is a seven-year old girl. Hence the nickname "Cutie Killer."

Traits: Adorable but formidable

Composition: Strong

Weapon: Gun (shotgun?)

Submission 2

Name: Gol

Race: Silic

Gender: Male(?) (Do Silics even have genders?)

Biography: Nothing is known of Gol's life up until his capture by a Hurna slave caravan. At some point he was bought by a wealthy lord and thrown into a gladiatorial arena. The price of freedom was simple: survive. Armed with only a spear and his wits, Gol managed to fight and defeat everything his lord threw at him. Hydras, Necrodrones, fellow Silics—even a full-grown Keeper was mere child's play to Gol. With one fight left before his freedom was granted, Gol came to be known as the greatest fighter on Auriga. But then he suffered a great demise: he fell at the hands of a single Hurna warrior. Wounded and dishonored, Gol endured the jeers of the crowd until it drove him mad with rage. He resolved to stand and fight again, this time to the death. Until a sudden earthquake shattered the ground beneath him, plunging him into the depths below, into a cavern so deep and ancient it might as well be called a dungeon...

Traits: Doesn't talk much, but enjoys killing Hurna

Composition: Strong

Weapon: Spear

Submission 3

Name: Esme

Race: Necrophage

Gender: Female

Biography: Known by all the Necrophage as "The Crazy One," Esme is a truly bizarre addition to her already strange species. While most Necrophage will feed on corpses and anything else they can find, Esme feeds solely on a plant known as Glimmer Weed—a fluorescent flower that is found everywhere beneath the surface of Auriga. Most creatures avoid it due to the violent hallucinations it induces, but Esme refuses to eat anything else. As a result, she is always seeing (and screaming at) things that aren't really there. Esme craves Glimmer Weed like a drug, making her cranky, greedy, and always on the hunt for her next hit. She also has a nasty habit of chewing on her feet when she's bored.

Traits: Always buzzed, with an addictive personality

Composition: Normal

Weapon: None if possible, but if not, a sword will do

Edits may follow. Let me know what you think. Good luck, everyone!
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10 years ago
Feb 9, 2015, 6:22:53 PM
Einholt wrote:
Name: Ryana Einholt.

Well, just a few remarks:

Vaulters, as we know them in EL and ES, doesn't exist at the moment, when DotE events happend.

1000 characters for biography
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10 years ago
Feb 9, 2015, 6:09:18 PM
Name: Sister Elisa (pronounced Eh-lie-za?)

Race: Sister of Mercy

Gender: Female

Biography: Born on an unnamed planet to unknown parents, Elisa was orphaned at a young age and was raised by the Sisters of Mercy, eventually taken in as one of their own. After years of service in the convents of the Sisterhood she became well known for her virtuous patience and skill with the sword. Although the Sister is devoted and patient, when something finally pushed her over the edge she committed such an atrocity (redacted from the records and she refuses to speak of it) that she was forcefully expelled from the convent, left to roam the land as a mercenary and healer. After many years travelling from place to place, settling and leaving countless times due to her eventual outbursts, she finally decided to leave the planet for good aboard the aptly named space hulk "Success", hoping new horizons would bring a new beginning. Whether she joined the ship as a prisoner or a guard however is, like much of her past, currently unknown...

Personality: Patience: Possible bonus to operating?

Bad-tempered: Possible skill, activated below a certain health threshold she gains a large boost to DPS?

Composition: Weak (Glass-cannon build, deals lots of damage but also has low health)

Weapon: Sword

I will probably tweak/add to this a little bit after it's submitted, but that's the general gist. Thoughts?
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10 years ago
Feb 9, 2015, 4:22:16 PM
Name: Beatbot AV10

Race: Machine

Gender: (same as Opbot's)

Faction: Prisoner

Biography: AV10 was initially recruited as a crew member aboard the Success to service the communicative systems. While working on a maintenance routine, a malfunction caused an uninterrupted data stream to be uploaded into AV10’s memory bank overriding previous programming. This data stream contained information about several nearby planets and Auriga causing AV10 to become extremely interested in learning more about these systems. AV10 began to neglect performing maintenance routines and instead preferred to create short ballads about adventure and exploration. Despite AV10’s newfound enjoyment of his lyrical abilities, the remaining crew developed an extreme aversion for AV10’s songs, which often incorporated lengthy verses in Binary. Finally, after AV10’s impromptu performance in the main deck of the Success, which was broadcast throughout the ship, the crew finally locked up AV10 with the prisoners to be dealt with when they finally reached Auriga. AV10 earned the name Beatbot, as the prisoners would often ‘beat the bot’ to skip a song.

Personality traits: Glory Seeker, Over Confident

Composition: Weak

Weapon: Machine gun


Name: Sister Corpulencia

Race: Sister of Mercy

Gender: Female

Faction: Native

Biography: Corpulencia, a member of the Sisters of Mercy, has been sent out of a pilgrimage to atone for her blunder at the last religious feast celebrating the end of a month-long fast. Before the Rite of Cessation had ended, Corpulencia snuck into the cloister of her convent and ate nearly half of the meals that had been prepared for this feast day. The Canoness of the convent sent Sister Corpulencia out on a mission to share a contemplative ministry with those she encountered. Those peoples who welcomed Sister Corpulencia and her ministry quickly found their foodstores being depleted. Eventually, Sister Corpulencia was directed into the Dungeon of the Endless by several irate communities, where she currently works on spreading the good news and finding her next meal.

Personality traits: Always Hungry, Righteous

Composition: Strong

Weapon: Sword


Name: Migina

Race: Drakken

Gender: Female

Faction: Native

Biography: An exiled member of her clan, which is saying something for the normally communal Drakken, Migina seeks to uncover the mysteries of dust and the Endless. During her early studies, Migina’s instructors found her ideas to be too farfetched to accept her for higher levels of studies despite her intelligence. Additionally, Migina’s tendency to unapologetically tell other people about their flaws was a contributing factor as to how Migina was forced to leave. Without formal training or the support of others, Migina found solace in creating her own theories about the principles of Dust and the nature of the Endless.

Personality traits: Brutally Honest, Overimaginative

Composition: Normal

Weapon: Spear
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10 years ago
Feb 9, 2015, 3:41:43 PM
Hey, beloved Community, this is my take on Heroes. As you see a little ironic parody. I would be glad for any suggestions to improve the idea or for any critique about them. Hope you like them. smiley: smile

Name: Ex-General Veers

Race: Crew (Human)

Sex: Male

Biography:After successfully crushing a rebellious revolt on an ice planet, Veers featured in a famous fantasy war movie. However, he lost his job, due to a change of management. Seeking his fortune in the holo-movie-industry, he played in several low-budged productions. Hoping to regain his fame, he checked in aboard the ‘Success’ as ‘Chief of Entertainment’ and first Star in the Holo-Reality-TV-Show: ‘Settlers of Auriga’.

Personality traits: "Maximum Firepower!" (All Heroes in the room get a DMG-Buff),

Composition: As former General with charisma and an excellent understanding of leadership He is a fast, but an actor with very poor defensive skills. Additionally, he is able to attract monsters and then run as fast as he can…. With some reasonable well battle-buffers, while still in the room.

Weapon: Pistol. But it is not like he could hit anything or injure anyone with eyes closed and screaming like a little girl... (low damage)

Name: Merchant Piggy

Race: Vaulter (Human)

Sex: Male.

Biography: Wandering the planes with his brother-in-trade and looting ruins for buried treasure, the Duo stepped one time too many onto a trapdoor and fell right into the Dungeon. Separated on the slide downwards and probably cloned several times on the way down, Merchant Piggy is now on the restless quest of finding his lost brother. And nothing in hell can stop Merchant Piggy to shoot his way through hordes of monsters – and other merchants - until he is finally reunited with his second half.

Personality traits: "Dust to Dust". (Enemies leave way more Dust), "You're not my brother!" (Kills a Merchant for Dust)

Composition: Mad fast Tank/Damage Dealer Glas Cannon….

Weapon: Two SMGs. (Hell yeah!)

Name: Kill&Bill

Race: Jotus

Sex: Female.

Biography: Lured away from a fight by an evil rubber ball called ‘Fetch!’, Kill&Bill were trapped inside a very small room of the Dungeon. Only able to move their hands a little, Bill taught Kill to knock with her fist through massive wood. Now free again, Kill&Bill found two matching blades to work with, while raising their killcount on their ‘To-Kill-List’ and trying to find the exit in order to take sweet revenge.

Personality traits: "Crazy 88" (All Monsters in Room get damage), "Heart Explosion Technique" (Increased Attack), "Work the List" (better Defense)

Composition: Medium Tank, with high stamina.

Weapons: Two Hissho-Blades.

I hope I didn't do any mistakes, interfering with the rules? If so, please tell me. ANY PROPOSAL AND PART OF THIS POST CAN BE ALTERED OR DISCUESSED AT ANY TIME, TO BETTER FIT THE GAME!
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