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Recruit dead characters

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11 years ago
Dec 19, 2013, 2:04:36 PM
I was going to recruit a character and it's recruit options were still displayed, did not have enough food.

So I did open a door and many waves came.

She died and I clicked the recruit option *cuz I could*, I got her, but she did not exist, yet I could heal her, to only waste food.

Well, my other characters did also stop to function, they moved but did not fight, and refused to *die*

In the end they all died *incapacitated* but the game did go on. Looks like this clicky *attachement
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11 years ago
Dec 20, 2013, 4:16:27 PM
Thanks for reporting this bug!

We will fix it soon (after our holidays :sarcasticsmiley: smile.
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