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Bug: A Few Here

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11 years ago
Dec 23, 2013, 1:56:21 AM
Nothing, so far, which makes the game unplayable for me, but they can be annoying.

1. Selecting a hero to go back to a room and it ignoring the order until given a few times. Most often happens over 3 rooms away from the room I'm leading them back to.

2. Endless Running? Sometimes they hit the door area and just stay in the running motion until I make them go into another room a few times. Sometime even happens when foes enter a room and they just start running at the door instead of fighting.

3. Grabbing chests in a room of foes happens. The prioritization can be frustrating when I'm trying to fight and my Hero just wants loot. Mostly happens when it's a chest from a dead Hero.

Honestly, that's all I've seen pop up. Hope this helps!
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11 years ago
Dec 31, 2013, 1:30:03 AM
4. Sometimes, while repairing structures in, and out, of combat, the hero will endlessly fix the item, until forced into another room, and then brought back in.

5. Not sure the particular amount of mobs needed, but at one point, there were so many foes (on purpose on my part, of course) that 1. Any action I could direct a hero to take would go unresolved, no matter how many times I attempted (including moving and setting a crystal back in it's slot), and after a few waves, foes of the same type would get caught on each other and did not move further, do damage, or take damage. It caused some lag (but that's not really a bug), and I was unable to do anything but abandon the game.
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