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Items and Wit Bonus To Modules

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11 years ago
Dec 20, 2013, 5:03:04 AM

So I noticed while playing 0.1.3 that when I changed out items on a character (in this case Hikensha) that increased or decreased Wit while they were controlling the module the value didn't change. The value only changed when they left the room and returned.

So in simple terms:

  • Character operates Module with Wit Item Equipped
  • Unequip Wit Item
  • Wit Bonus to Module stays
  • Character must leave room to change Wit Bonus

  • [/LIST]

    Not sure if this is similar to the other bug posted here about two characters in a room and the bonus wit bug that occurred.
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    11 years ago
    Dec 20, 2013, 4:34:35 PM

    Thanks for reporting this bug, the fix will be available in the next version smiley: wink
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    11 years ago
    Jan 11, 2014, 7:21:11 AM
    Confirmed, also, on a related note, other forms of stat changes (to Wit) are not reflected until removing char from room and re-entering. Example in point being add'l Wit from leveling up a character.
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