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Monster dont move

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11 years ago
Jan 20, 2014, 10:40:02 PM

i found a little bug. This monster (1.) dont move and dont attack.

and it will be not attacked by the tower.

If i go with a hero (2.) in the room, the monster will be attacked by the tower. maybe the lasertower block the monster? dont know.

Sry for my poor english.

I hope u can understand me.

Version: ALPHA 0.1.3


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11 years ago
Jan 21, 2014, 7:21:31 AM
I had this happen as well in alpha 0.1.3, but only once .. it was in the same room as the Heroes, and the only thing that made it unstick was when i released a new wave and other monster entered the adjacent room. It was in a similar position very close to where it entered the room, half stuck between a module and the entrance.

Moving some of the heroes had no effect
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