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Bug report - dying between rooms

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11 years ago
Jan 30, 2014, 10:36:41 PM
As if dying was hard enough (some may say they'd rather die another day)... I'm afraid i have to report the first bug i've come across.

One of my characters has died pretty much between two rooms. OK, she wasn't all that clever to start with. But still. Because of this, her chest/loot couldn't be retrieved. In fact, whenever i'd get a hero to move to the room where she eligibly died, the character automatically moves back to another room. This was very smiley: confused at first. It quickly became smiley: redface. Until eventually it became smiley: cry.

I don't know quite how clear the print screen is below, but there.

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11 years ago
Jan 30, 2014, 10:38:47 PM
Actually, you can see on this cleverly timed screenshot that my friend LSN (Long-Sworded Ninja) was told to go in the room on the right, and by himself, moves back to the room on the left. Maybe the appeal of the merchant. Or maybe because there is a secret love story with Ian Solo. I really wouldn't be surprised.
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11 years ago
Feb 1, 2014, 1:25:23 AM
Ok. Call me an amateur. But it's happened again just today... (insert appropriate scandalous comment to the God of Dying Heroes)
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