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[0.1.20] Generators not getting full wit bonus

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11 years ago
Feb 6, 2014, 12:28:09 PM
It seems the game only adds a measly +2 to production when you let somebody operate a generator, eventhough they have a lot more wit than 2.

Here's a bunch of screenshots showing:

1) Production gain without operator (is it normal for further generators to only add like +2 too?)

2) Production gain of +2 with an 8 wit operator

3) Production gain being only +2 with an 7 wit operator

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This bug makes it really hard to to complete the game because you barely make enough food to level your dudes or enough industry to expand your structures.
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11 years ago
Feb 6, 2014, 2:15:08 PM

It's not a bug and it has not changed smiley: wink

The formula is simple: operating bonus = Wit * 0.25, rounded up.

(The basic income is +2 and a major module adds +4.)

So with 7 and 8 = +2 bonus.
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11 years ago
Feb 6, 2014, 2:53:41 PM
Wow that's pretty shitty. Wasn't it *1 in the first version of the game? How are you supposed to get enough food to level a group of people with those limitations? It's not like you can choose to not level your guys because monsters hit so damn hard now.
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11 years ago
Feb 6, 2014, 3:02:21 PM
Let's say you own 2 Food-Modules in average and there are 25 doors in average in the first 4 Levels and you always operate them with someone with +2.

So that's 2x7x25x4=1400.

This should be enough to get 4 Heros to Level 6 before the final floor.
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11 years ago
Feb 6, 2014, 3:14:26 PM
Ail wrote:
Let's say you own 2 Food-Modules in average and there are 25 doors in average in the first 4 Levels and you always operate them with someone with +2.

So that's 2x7x25x4=1400.

This should be enough to get 4 Heros to Level 6 before the final floor.

This is way above a realistic estimate though. You don't start with 2 food modules, so you need to get industry modules beforehand. You don't always start with 2 adjacent rooms that even allow modules (you're also -1 door of production on each level due to opening atleast one door without any modules). add to that the stacking cost per module so it delays the possibility of getting 2 food modules early even more. Also don't forget the -30 for hiring each new party member as well as the possibility that one of your modules gets destroyed because your characters don't deal enough damage to get rid of golems before they wreck your shit.

In my opinion, this is badly balanced. If you want to introduce a sub 1 factor on the wit bonus (which hugely nerfs wit-based characters while "fighting" characters don't have their main gimmick reduced for arbitrary reasons) then characters should require 1 less food to level up for each enemy they help to destroy.

znork wrote:
game crashes 96% cant start it

wrong thread buddy
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11 years ago
Feb 6, 2014, 3:55:56 PM
I can't say that's perfectly balanced smiley: wink but I've seen in most playthroughs people having four level 5 or 6 heroes, at the 5th level of the dungeon.

In fact, you only need about about 900 food to hire and level up 4 heroes to level 6.

And I agree with the "2 food modules in average" given by Ail (you can have 3 or 4 food modules at the end of third and fourth level).
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