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A few bugs i noticed

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11 years ago
Mar 11, 2014, 4:05:39 PM
1) Sometimes, when heroes are fighting several mobs, they are waiting for a few seconds before switching target when previous one is dead. Quite frustrating as the mobs do attack in the meanwhile ^^'

2) Once, my melee hero was "dancing" with a mob. They were switching place over and over again, i had to bring a 2nd hero to kill the mob.

3) double skill ! The most strange thing i saw until now. Here is a screenshot

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11 years ago
Mar 11, 2014, 4:52:28 PM
1) Bug is reported. It's an error with targeting when their first target is leaving the room, and they disengage it, only to have it die while they disengage. Save and quit the second this happens, get a screenshot, and the game log. Zip it all up and add it to this thread: /#/dungeon-of-the-endless/forum/54-tech-support/thread/17983-if-enemy-dies-while-leaving-a-room-it-can-confuse-hero-ai

3) The first operate is something your character got for level 2 or 3. The second is given by the Energy Bar, or "Barre ènergétique" I'd call the strange name more of a bug :P (I know it's French)
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11 years ago
Mar 11, 2014, 5:34:06 PM
Ow my bad for 3). But it's still strange that we can get two times the same skill ^^

Sorry for 1), i tried to use the search tool to find something else about it but didn't find anything
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11 years ago
Mar 11, 2014, 6:04:29 PM
No worries about 1. They don't have anything like a Mantissa which easily categorizes bugs so things I'm sure get double reported, or quadruple in this case.

As for 3, I think it's intentional for the most part. You can have duplicates of abilities like Placebo, or Master Hacker, and both give bonuses. However skills like operate and repair I don't know if they stack at all. Perhaps there should be a bonus for second and third levels in the form of a mastery. However that's a suggestion, not a bug report smiley: wink
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