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I can't read anything

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10 years ago
Mar 24, 2014, 6:41:59 PM
Description : I can't read any text on the game.

Version : I can't read the version :'( but I've just bought and downloaded the game from steam a few minutes ago after seeing it on gamekult.

Game Save : I haven't saved a game yet.

I have the latest official radeon drivers (13.12). I haven't test the beta drivers.

The asked files and the screenshots are attached.


Thank you smiley: smile
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10 years ago
Mar 25, 2014, 10:02:07 AM

We apologise for the inconvenience. A player seems to have the same issue and found this workaround:

I'm using Radeon HD 4870 with Catalyst 13.1. And I had the mipmap-setting on "High Performance". After switching to "Performance", the text became readable again.
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10 years ago
Mar 25, 2014, 4:38:44 PM
Thank you for your reply smiley: smile

Is this a game option or an AMD option ?

I'll check it tonight and let you know if it solves the issue smiley: smile
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10 years ago
Mar 25, 2014, 6:17:24 PM
I've checked it and it works.

To find the option, the Catalyst Control Center must be in standard view (instead of advanced view, check in preferences) then go to Gaming/gaming performance/mipmapping.

I've checked the four levels of mipapping :

High Performance : smiley: mad

Performance : smiley: smile

Quality : smiley: smile

High Quality : smiley: smile

I've only tested the start screen with these parameters. If I find enough time, I'll test the game with Performance/Quality/High Quality to find the best parameter for the game.

My case is solved, thank you smiley: smile
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