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No Exit

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10 years ago
Apr 21, 2014, 5:10:22 PM
I got to floor five, im new at this so this was my best run ever, and i cant find the exit, i dont know if its the last floor, but i opened all the doors, and the little announcement popped up, and there is no exit.

EDIT: I apologize i did not put this is the bugs sub-forum, i just saw that there was one afterwards in the FAQ.
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10 years ago
Apr 25, 2014, 5:52:58 PM
I have this bug as well, even on the first floor! Please see the attached zip with all data from My Documents/Dungeon of the Endless plus the output log.

The top left room was the last left, I opened it from both doors at the same time, I got the message saying "All doors have been opened", but there is no exit smiley: frown

Game version is 0.5.1.
Dungeon of the Endless.zip
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