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upgrade becomes unavailable until next floor if crystal destroyed mid-research

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10 years ago
May 12, 2014, 5:28:02 PM
I had this experience a few times:

I am in the middle of one research (e.g. discombobulator lv. 3) and my research crystal is destroyed before it is finished.

I may find another crystal in the same level. I can research any discombobulator upgrades, but after finished they will not apply. I will still have only discombobulator lv. 2 even if I research the next level. It seems to be a consequence of the unfinished+destroyed research on the first crystal.

If I go up a floor, and find another crystal, I can do discombobulator research and the upgrades will apply. (unless I have a crystal destroyed, then the bug shows itself again untill the next floor).
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10 years ago
May 13, 2014, 8:53:15 AM

Thanks for the report, we will investigate!

If you have the output_log.txt, Diagnostics.html and save after the bug occurrence, it can help smiley: smile
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