I apologize if this is the wrong place for posting this, I rarely if ever post to forums, however I noticed a rather annoying bug while proceeding through the endless mode in dungeon of the endless. I noticed that after passing the tenth floor (I assume because this is the last floor in the non-endless mode) a rather interesting bug occurs with the merchants. Basically, if I happen across a merchant after the tenth floor and place a shop for him to teleport to, he will be caught in a loop where he plays the animation for teleporting over and over again without ever leaving his original room. When this happens even after the shop (which is still empty) is destroyed the merchant will continue to run his teleporting animation as well as no longer be intractable, he will however still be targetable and killable by mobs. I thought this may have been a random occurrence however I have now run multiple runs past floor 10 and all them have as of yet had this problem. I hope this information proves helpful and look forward to seeing the changes to Dungeon of the Endless as it approaches its official release.