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0.8.5 Stuck at 100% loading when continuing from save

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10 years ago
Jun 22, 2014, 9:55:54 PM
When attempting to continue a saved game (started with Drill pod), I'm getting stuck at 100% loaded. I can't say that anything remarkable happened during the game prior to the problem.

100% Loading Bug.zip
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10 years ago
Jun 24, 2014, 7:20:43 AM
I have the same problem, only When I attempt to continue with my Endless Mode game the loading screen stops at 55%. I am currently playing 0.8.5

DoE Info.zip
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10 years ago
Jun 24, 2014, 8:00:16 PM
I have run into the same problem as well. Drill ship after flood ten when trying to continue from a save the game loads up to 100% and you can hear the game and if I move my nose around I can find doors to open, but the screen is frozen at loading so i cant smiley: frown
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10 years ago
Jun 24, 2014, 8:24:32 PM
Thank you for the bug reports.

Today's update (0.8.7) should have fixed this bug.

Be warned though, that save from the 0.8.5 version are not compatible with 0.8.7 version.

If this bug stills occurs in the current version, let us know.
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