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Frozen character on door open, can't move, can't save

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11 years ago
Jun 28, 2014, 4:54:49 PM
I opened a door, but the character somehow was not able to move. I tried to 'save and quit', but the option was grayed out.

I tried opening another door, but the character kept frozen (it displayed the running animation when I opened the other door, but stayed in place).

I only managed to bring back the game to a consistent state by racing to the crystal.

Since I couldn't save, I couldn't also attach a savegame.

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11 years ago
Jun 28, 2014, 4:57:36 PM
I think that the 'save game' was grayed out because the character was unable to finish the 'door open' event, which would finish as the character enters the room. Since he never entered the room, the door open event never finished. The character also has the 'enter room' action stuck in his action queue, it seemed the he couldn't attack. I definitely couldn't order him to move to other rooms; even after I opened other doors.
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11 years ago
Jun 28, 2014, 7:13:24 PM
There is some pathing issue with the characters.

I have found cases where the random room clutter impeded the characters from repairing minor modules also. Maybe it is the same thing which happened here. A room clutter impeded the character from passing at the narrow path, disrupting gameplay.

I'd bet on random clutter placement disrupting character pathing to hunt this bug.
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11 years ago
Jun 29, 2014, 11:37:19 PM
Had the same bug some time ago. I think its related to the room. In my case, there was a chest in your green arrow area that the hero was unable to reach.

Guess it's about the path of the hero in the area.
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11 years ago
Jul 7, 2014, 8:58:56 PM
Ran into the same room. I grabbed a screenshot of what it looks like illuminated. As you can see, the monsters are stuck as well. I tried to send another hero in but the game simply refused to let me go into the room.

Fortunately from a enjoying the game perspective, this was the last room on the floor, so I just grabbed the crystal and headed to the exit. Everything was fine after that.

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11 years ago
Jul 8, 2014, 8:36:38 AM
I think it has to do with how the impassable terrain was mapped on the room or something. A minor module is also hanging on the side of a cliff in that room haha.
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