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logo amplifiers simplified

0.9.99 Fail to unlock drill or infirmary

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10 years ago
Oct 23, 2014, 4:28:05 AM
Hi devs, love the game. You're probably aware of the issue, but despite satisfying unlock conditions (win a game in the armory pod) the drill pod does not unlock; similarly opening all the doors in the winning game has failed in both the escape pod as well as the armory to unlock the drill pod. Winning a game in the escape pod also does not unlock the infirmary. A caveat: I've been playing on Very Easy, which may, of course, be unsatisfactory for these conditions. I have attempted to comply with the bug post rules-- as the bug is an unlock failure I don't have a save game file as part of the .zip.

Look forward to the final release. Best of luck.
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