I had a few problems with multiplayer.

1st thing, on a previous game, I was disconnected for too much lag while evrything was fine. It happenned at the end of floor 2 while clicking the green exit button.

On another game, I saw the exact same thing happen to someone else.

I don't have the logs for this one, sorry for that.

New problems tonight :

- In waiting room, I can't see more than 2 players. So when I'm 3 or 4, I can still click "ready" but I play random.

- In my last game launched like this, I couldn't see one of the players, int the waiting room and ingame.

- This player opened a door, but I couldn't see it happen so I was stuck. When I tried to go through the closed door, I couldn't go to any room. But I could still chat or give resources.

- After leaving the game to the menu, the music was still the one from 1st floor

By the way, I verified my files via Steam before launching the game.

Nouveau dossier.zip