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Own EL Founder's and DotE Founder's, But I'm missing EL founders DLC

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10 years ago
Oct 31, 2014, 8:19:38 PM

DESCRIPTION - I own Both DLC but i only have 17 Hero Slots (should have 18) I am also unable to see the Refreeze Pod. EL founder's DLC is missing even though I own the game. I have tried uninstalling and re-installing both games. I have also tried uninstalling and re-installing Steam. I've also tried looking through hidden files like appdata but I cannot seem to resolve this issue. I really would like the DLC I spent $45 on smiley: frown

VERSION - 1.0.15

GAME SAVE - see attachment although i think it is irrelevant.

OUTPUT LOG - see attachment

DIAGNOSTICS.HTML - see attachment

REGISTRY.XML - See attachment

SCREENSHOTS - 3 screenshots: one showing a new game screen with only 17 char slots, one with EL DLC and one with DotE DLC.

Thank you for any and all Responses
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10 years ago
Nov 2, 2014, 3:57:46 PM
Here are the screenshots if anyone else is having this issue:

Only 17 Characters

Endless Legend Founder's DLC

Dungeon of the Endless DLC

Thank you in advanced!
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10 years ago
Nov 5, 2014, 3:47:12 AM
I reported an issue on steam as well and they referred me to your tech support. Still no resolution...
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10 years ago
Nov 5, 2014, 1:25:55 PM
I have the similar issue (founder pack).

Steam says 3 dlc installed but ignore it doesn't load any dlc, only shows 4 characters and 1 ship...
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