Hello everyone,

For me it's a well known issue, regarding some bad reports on steam, but I can't find it on the forum.

This issue occurs when you come back to windows on a full screen mode, like when you work on dual screen and click accidentally on the others screen or when you come back on windows on purpose.

When you want to come back to the game, it don't work correctly, the game is in the dark and glitter a little. It seems to have difficulties to load something. By insisting, you can save and quit the game, but if you become impatient and quit the game, your savegame will be destroy (in fact, I'm not totally sure of this, I could test it if you want) BUT you will still unlock the characters you have unlocked during this game.

I guess this is a protection in order not to allow the player to cheat by killing the program and restart the game with the previous savegame.

Maybe, it's the order of the thread that can't be set properly or a main task in the game loop that can't restart normally.

My version of the game is 1.0.15.

I don't have any log to send to you, but if you want to, I can do it on purpose.

